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- 17:01 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a release seed with !seed <preset> or a latest dev seed with !seeddev <preset>
- 17:01 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !race to generate a release seed with a spoiler log.
- 17:01 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets for release and !presetsdev for dev
- 17:01 ketchuptheduck#4785 joins the race.
- 17:07 jenniebeez#5443 joins the race.
- 17:07 ketchuptheduck: let's go x
- 17:36 jenniebeez: ok i am here
- 17:36 ketchuptheduck: yo
- 17:36 jenniebeez: yo yo
- 17:36 ketchuptheduck: Shall I roll the seed?
- 17:36 jenniebeez: sure!
- 17:37 ketchuptheduck: okay we gotta wait a minute for the cooldown
- 17:37 ketchuptheduck: first one I accidentally included spoiler log whoops
- 17:37 jenniebeez: lol
- 17:38 jenniebeez: cheating already?
- 17:38 ketchuptheduck:
- 17:38 ketchuptheduck: heart container, silver gaunts, lens of truth, heart container, compass
- 17:40 jenniebeez: got it
- 17:40 jenniebeez: i need to re-read the settings
- 17:40 kr3z#4245 joins the race.
- 17:41 jenniebeez: o/
- 17:41 ketchuptheduck: woah krez!
- 17:42 ketchuptheduck: hello!
- 17:42 kr3z: Yo, was hoping my league match would finish in time to join this
- 17:42 kr3z: As I recall, the key to this is to rush valley for your ocarina
- 17:42 ketchuptheduck: nice, did you win?
- 17:43 kr3z: nope, lost by 3 mins
- 17:43 jenniebeez: aww
- 17:43 ketchuptheduck: oh nooooo
- 17:44 jenniebeez: so what is the goal in these settings lol do we still need to beat ganon
- 17:45 ketchuptheduck: GOAL IS beat all three child dungeons for Ganon's Boss Key and Rainbow bridge, then go kill Ganon
- 17:45 jenniebeez: okay noice
- 17:45 kr3z: And find an ocarina
- 17:45 ketchuptheduck: Yeah, you'll need OoT and SoT to go adult
- 17:45 ketchuptheduck: And tools to kill the pig
- 17:50 ketchuptheduck#4785 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:50 kr3z: The settings say no skip child zelda, so why are we starting with saria's and zelda's letter?
- 17:51 ketchuptheduck: I think Impa can still teach a song, right? Because Song of Storms is the only non-warp song exclusive to Adult?
- 17:52 ketchuptheduck: No, that can't be right, Requium
- 17:52 jenniebeez: if its weird egg shuffled wouldnt we not have letter
- 17:52 ketchuptheduck: That's true, I used the settings string from the Winter Wonderland spreadsheet
- 17:53 kr3z: settings strings change with different version
- 17:53 ketchuptheduck: Ohhhhh
- 17:53 ketchuptheduck: Right, I'mma reroll, one sec
- 17:55 ketchuptheduck: let's try this one
- 17:55 ketchuptheduck#4785 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 17:56 ketchuptheduck: Nope
- 17:56 ketchuptheduck: What version were we on in December?
- 17:56 kr3z: What's the link to the winter wonderland spreadsheet? Maybe we can figure it out from that
- 17:57 ketchuptheduck:
- 17:58 ketchuptheduck: I think I've got it
- 17:58 ketchuptheduck: Hang on
- 17:59 ketchuptheduck: OKAY GOT IT
- 17:59 ketchuptheduck:
- 17:59 jenniebeez: spoiler?
- 18:00 ketchuptheduck: Fuck
- 18:00 jenniebeez: HashFrog
- 18:00 ketchuptheduck: this is it, I promise
- 18:01 jenniebeez: boomerang, frog, silvers, lens, sold out
- 18:01 ketchuptheduck: See the trick is, don't just copy the settings string into the text box. Actually click the import button next to the text string.
- 18:01 ketchuptheduck: Confirmed: boomerang, frog, silvers, lens, sold out
- 18:02 ketchuptheduck: Oh last thing, 40/50 skulls are dead
- 18:03 ketchuptheduck#4785 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:04 jenniebeez: just restarting my stream
- 18:06 kr3z#4245 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:07 ketchuptheduck: gl;hf!
- 18:08 jenniebeez: glhf!!
- 18:08 jenniebeez#5443 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:08 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:08 kr3z: glhf
- 18:08 kr3z: glhf
- 18:08 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:59 kr3z#4245 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:50:45!
- 19:59 ketchuptheduck: ggs
- 19:59 kr3z: gg
- 20:00 jenniebeez: gg
- 20:03 ketchuptheduck#4785 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:55:09!
- 20:13 jenniebeez#5443 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:13 Race finished in 2:04:53.3
- 03:05 Race result recorded by Jimbo