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Race results

  1. jolly-jabu-1512 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Cola #5395 he / him Finished 7
    2. 2nd favio94 #9972 he / him Finished 18
    3. 3rd kr3z #4245 he / him more Bottle go mode is a new one Finished 26
    4. 4th Mihalo #1129 he / him Finished 92
    5. 5th EarlWeird #4345 he / him Finished 186
    6. 6th KLO1313 #4308 he / him more didn't know lens was free until I finished trials lol. not that going spirit earlier would have helped me with the loach to LL instead... Finished 10
    7. 7th UofCWildcat #3071 he / him Finished 63
    8. 8th RoskaTyrant #7869 he / him Finished 40
    9. 9th Zemoo #4988 Finished 1
    10. Satchellfise #1896 he / him more computer can't handle oot apparently DNF 57
  2. magnificent-ironknuckle-8532 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st tenacious_toad #5453 he / him Finished 79
    2. 2nd Cola #5395 he / him Finished 13
    3. 3rd z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 16
    4. 4th BearKofca #7366 she / they Finished 928
    5. 5th DecoyTroy #5137 he / him more Not terrible for being sick and semi-delirious Finished 23
    6. 6th kr3z #4245 he / him Finished 20
    7. 7th Zemoo #4988 Finished 39
    8. 8th Mihalo #1129 he / him Finished 34
    9. GreenRiver #4571 more couldnt find strength! DNF 45
  3. lurking-likelike-3037 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished not recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st Synii #6419 Finished n/a
    2. 2nd NarvilBase #4895 he / him Finished n/a
    3. 3rd kr3z #4245 he / him Finished n/a
    4. 4th TurtleBeard #5335 she / her Finished n/a
    5. Codinome_Silent #9855 he / him DNF n/a
  4. cunning-lizalfos-6651 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him Finished 15
    2. 2nd kr3z #4245 he / him Finished 25
  5. proud-barinade-7526 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished not recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st kr3z #4245 he / him Finished n/a
    2. 2nd NarvilBase #4895 he / him Finished n/a
    3. 3rd TurtleBeard #5335 she / her Finished n/a
    4. 4th kirbyfan9000 #6437 he / him more had to do dishes in the middle of the run so real time is 2:09:18. Totally forgot about using strength to get that bomb bag. Also reversing to buy chus would've helped lol Finished n/a
  6. trusty-dekutree-5258 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st BrotinderDose he / him Finished 14
    2. 2nd kr3z #4245 he / him Finished 12
  7. obedient-barinade-0276 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished not recorded 16 entrants
    1. 1st AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more 5 checks, back of lake hints helped out Finished n/a
    2. 2nd ozoo_2023 #5514 more 5 checks. That was fun. Finished n/a
    3. 3rd Flash #4722 he / him Finished n/a
    4. 4th kr3z #4245 he / him more 9 checks, including triforce pieces Finished n/a
    5. 5th Oximan #8883 he / him more 6/5 checked valley hammer for "WaterFall" Finished n/a
    6. 6th Incacola #4621 he / him more 5 checks only, child start and volv were big mistakes Finished n/a
    7. 7th Synii #6419 more 9 checks. Checked other waterfalls before domain. More me being dumb and not thinking about domain waterfall Finished n/a
    8. 8th Christopho #4256 he / him more 6 checks, accidentally opened stupid Stalfos chest in Forest Finished n/a
    9. 9th Timmozoma #1213 he / him more 5 checks wooo Finished n/a
    10. 10th Skyreas #6722 he / him Finished n/a
    11. 11th Decemberween #9938 he / him more oh the misery Finished n/a
    12. 12th TurtleBeard #5335 she / her Finished n/a
    13. 13th Trilobytes #0054 she / her more I didn't collect the reward from Diving game :) Finished n/a
    14. 14th skyygoro #0465 he / him more The Power of the Crab! Finished n/a
    15. 15th bi0angel #0923 she / her Finished n/a
    16. Jarek #8410 he / him DNF n/a
  8. helpful-fado-5627 OoTR Season 3 Throwback Race, starts at XX:00 - https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1822659 Finished not recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st alfalfa #3653 he / him more god bless kirox and his speedups Finished
    2. 2nd incoherent #6156 he / him more went early adult, got 2 medallions, had to think about how to hatch the cucco Finished
    3. 3rd Luiferns #2777 he / him Finished
    4. 4th T-RIS #3918 he / him more nothing will make you more grateful for free ZL than an S3 seed Finished
    5. 5th kr3z #4245 he / him Finished
    6. PurpleRupees #9084 he / him more Misclicked med dungeons, too far out DNF
  9. pogtastic-sheik-0371 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 54 entrants
    1. 1st Marco #4636 Finished 36
    2. 2nd Alexis #1759 he / him Finished 63
    3. 3rd Cola #5395 he / him Finished 32
    4. 4th Hyper #8571 he / him more bongo path confirmed AD and led me away from checking ice :( Finished 35
    5. 5th Icola #8220 he / him Finished 35
    6. 6th Kydams #2321 Finished 31
    7. 7th Sponge #2155 Finished 68
    8. 8th tanjo3 he / him Finished 52
    9. 9th Keipi3 #8934 he / him Finished 87
    10. 10th Aranaut #5360 he / him Finished 54
    11. 11th RoskaTyrant #7869 he / him Finished 277
    12. 12th Ceddy #9014 he / him Finished 112
    13. 13th atz #3953 he / him Finished 68
    14. 14th Jaybone25 #6542 he / him Finished 8
    15. 15th LePlopeur #3629 he / him Finished 98
    16. 16th MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished 130
    17. 17th Tetsoya #1009 he / him Finished 52
    18. 18th DecoyTroy #5137 he / him Finished 86
    19. 19th Flopine #7487 they / them Finished 82
    20. 20th Duraax01 #6353 he / him more The one time OGC fairy has something I forget about her existance... Finished 125
    21. 21st kitstopher #2841 he / him Finished 150
    22. 22nd Christopho #4256 he / him Finished 6
    23. 23rd NarvilBase #4895 he / him Finished 17
    24. 24th incoherent #6156 he / him more on my way to go 0-3 in CC hell yeah Finished 5
    25. 25th papy_grant #8513 he / him Finished 6
    26. 26th zhor2000 #2132 he / him Finished 38
    27. 27th T-RIS #3918 he / him more 100% last location ks and ms 🙃 Finished 16
    28. 28th LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him more less than 5 checks left in the game. Sad times. RIP Challenge Cup Finished 6
    29. 29th kr3z #4245 he / him Finished 44
    30. 30th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 113
    31. 31st Aranha #4263 he / him Finished 86
    32. 32nd komatsu #6098 Finished 4
    33. 33rd LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 19
    34. 34th dtKim #4066 Finished 92
    35. Flouche #5543 he / him DNF 141
    36. Aosuna #6959 he / him more Go mode, flemme de finir, compte pas de toute façon. DNF 137
    37. JustSam #5727 he / him DNF 166
    38. Fer #0856 he / him DNF 40
    39. SeYsEy #2150 he / him DNF 131
    40. Alpha #0589 DNF 19
    41. Schulzer #3184 he / him DNF 129
    42. Engel #2700 he / him DNF 33
    43. Jarek #8410 he / him DNF 4
    44. Link___Hylian #4993 he / him DNF 5
    45. Retropolis #3399 more When you forget to do OGC and it costs you 3rd place DNF 89
    46. interloper #0934 he / him more c'était écrit. DNF 7
    47. Skyreas #6722 he / him DNF 18
    48. PoireofLavement #3179 DNF 50
    49. Cranx #9127 he / him DNF 27
    50. Jujulo39 #1062 he / they DNF 139
    51. Kickemman #5295 he / him DNF 80
    52. mrmartin #9054 DNF 49
    53. Nopons #4783 DQ 25
    54. Azmi #2259 DQ 31
  10. banzai-mido-9252 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 55 entrants
    1. 1st Hyper #8571 he / him more doing anju and dampe race +2 hours new meta Finished 54
    2. 2nd Marco #4636 Finished 29
    3. 3rd Naestriel #2198 more Hooray for misreading logic & being rewarded.... Finished 289
    4. 4th Retropolis #3399 more Cracked-ass logic with that child spawn Finished 244
    5. 5th MrMario7788 #4876 he / him more 10 skulls and adult shooting before LS Finished 60
    6. 6th Exodus #5327 he / him Finished 24
    7. 7th favio94 #9972 he / him more metagame actually worked for once Finished 145
    8. 8th Aosuna #6959 he / him more bon ... et si on faisait sa dernière qualif' à 2h du mat' ca va aller ... sa grande daronnne ouais Finished 47
    9. 9th atz #3953 he / him Finished 147
    10. 10th juwk #1061 more played really well until i decided to jump a second too early from shadow boat xdd also dont know how u dont last loc hammer in this seed???? Finished 25
    11. 11th JustSam #5727 he / him Finished 3
    12. 12th Alexis #1759 he / him more Forget GTG in logic with this spawn X) Finished 1
    13. 13th DocHeaps #0671 he / him more when you call epona-less hovers, then spend the next hour looking for longshot. Finished 222
    14. 14th Alpha #0589 Finished 19
    15. 15th Synii #6419 Finished 21
    16. 16th LDK7 #6672 he / him Finished 123
    17. 17th Oneshot013 #7931 he / him more A poetic end to the season Finished 60
    18. 18th z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished 36
    19. 19th Kickemman #5295 he / him Finished 54
    20. 20th SombreV #4743 more j'ai god route Finished 40
    21. 21st RoskaTyrant #7869 he / him Finished 220
    22. 22nd Cfalcon #0137 he / him Finished 35
    23. 23rd mrmartin #9054 Finished 36
    24. 24th LePlopeur #3629 he / him Finished 6
    25. 25th baelnog #5605 he / him more save scummed epona happy hiking Finished 10
    26. 26th kr3z #4245 he / him Finished 17
    27. 27th T-RIS #3918 he / him more WHY IS IT ALWAYS FIRE TEMPLE BANG 💥 BANG 💥 BANG 💥 BANG 💥 BANG 💥 BANG 💥 BANG 💥 BANG 💥 BANG 💥 BANG 💥 Finished 14
    28. 28th DecoyTroy #5137 he / him Finished 16
    29. 29th Zemoo #4988 Finished 69
    30. 30th zhor2000 #2132 he / him Finished 1,809
    31. 31st Allyoucaneat #5549 he / him Finished 4
    32. 32nd ClasseDeManu #7521 Finished 24
    33. 33rd jaxstronomy #7766 they / them more gonna put in an application for last location LLC Finished 11
    34. 34th LiamSixx #5477 he / him Finished 20
    35. 35th rblopes #1420 he / him more ...so long and good ridance!! Finished 7
    36. 36th tifa1234 #1016 she / her more long shot in fire and having to do mido skip omg Finished 7
    37. 37th Timmozoma #1213 he / him more At a certain point I needed to do the biggoron check but I simply did not wanna Finished 17
    38. 38th jkoper #0895 he / him Finished 64
    39. Cola #5395 he / him DNF 108
    40. Machie #1863 he / him more ok j'ai compris la logique, mais juste flemme de faire bigoron alors que les 2 premiers ont finis DNF 48
    41. Fer #0856 he / him DNF 54
    42. Nopons #4783 DNF 54
    43. Pyra #2564 he / him DNF 44
    44. Engel #2700 he / him DNF 50
    45. Jarek #8410 he / him DNF 13
    46. tenacious_toad #5453 he / him DNF 36
    47. Natheirean #0847 he / him DNF 120
    48. Hellknight86 #4990 he / him DNF 4
    49. WoodenBarrel #8485 he / him DNF 82
    50. PoireofLavement #3179 DNF 32
    51. Zinedine #7130 DNF 62
    52. dotzo #7400 DNF 6
    53. Mr Triple #6281 he / him DNF 11
    54. Aranha #4263 he / him DQ 152
    55. dtKim #4066 DQ 124