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- 02:39 PurpleRupees#9084 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 02:39 z3ph1r: oh yea CSMC is on as well
- 02:39 PurpleRupees: ^
- 02:39 PinkKittyRose: Is this uh... Gold Scale Water allowed or no?
- 02:39 Synii: oh right, forgot about csmc
- 02:39 z3ph1r: yes to gold scale water
- 02:39 PurpleRupees: Yes gold scale, no FAE
- 02:39 z3ph1r: no to FAE
- 02:40 mrmartin#9054 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 02:40 PinkKittyRose: Okay! Thank you for getting me up to speed, guys.
- 02:40 PinkKittyRose: Have not played in 2 weeks, but I just wanted to play, hee.
- 02:40 Synii#6419 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 02:40 PinkKittyRose#1421 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:40 mrmartin: ok, saving 2 min against z3ph with kak spawn
- 02:41 z3ph1r: wut
- 02:41 Sponge: oh fuck
- 02:41 Sponge: do you guys mind if I play?
- 02:41 z3ph1r#5399 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 02:41 z3ph1r: go for it
- 02:41 Sponge#9355 joins the race.
- 02:41 Sponge: setup speedrun rq
- 02:41 mrmartin: weren't you talking about doing chickens 10 min in?
- 02:41 PinkKittyRose: Man, this group's making me feel nostalgic, haha.
- 02:41 mrmartin: man, just get in sponge
- 02:42 z3ph1r: yea but with a kak spawn i aint doing it
- 02:42 emosoda: why wouldnt we let you play sponge? :{
- 02:42 mrmartin: ohh, I see
- 02:42 Sponge: cause there were 2 people left lol
- 02:42 emosoda: oic
- 02:42 z3ph1r: and cuz he probly uses solis tracker KEKW
- 02:42 Synii: lots of good players here, then theres me
- 02:42 emosoda: im sittin back smokin bowls man i'm cool to wait
- 02:42 z3ph1r: jkjk
- 02:43 emosoda: this is my exhibition practice after focusing on rsl all weekend :P
- 02:46 z3ph1r#5399 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 02:50 favio94#9972 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:50 PurpleRupees: good luck have funsies
- 02:50 rockchalk: glhf
- 02:50 Synii: glhf
- 02:50 favio94: glhf!
- 02:50 emosoda: glhf
- 02:51 Sponge: sorry guys one sec
- 02:51 mrmartin: glhf!
- 02:51 emosoda: 👁💋👁 z3ph
- 02:51 z3ph1r: glhf :)
- 02:53 SariasObject#3370 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:55 Sponge: ok glhf!
- 02:56 Sponge: sorry about that I had to reinstall the wad
- 02:56 z3ph1r: always an excuse with you
- 02:56 rockchalk: no worries
- 02:56 PinkKittyRose: Them VC woes.
- 02:56 Synii: ah yes, vc
- 02:56 z3ph1r: ill send you a link to bizhawk and all your problems will go away
- 02:56 Riley: gl gamers
- 02:56 Synii: i wish
- 02:56 mrmartin: pls no bizhawk
- 02:56 z3ph1r: wtf riley
- 02:56 z3ph1r: bizhawk best hawk
- 02:57 Sponge#9355 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:57 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:57 emosoda: fans gonna stan z3ph
- 02:57 Riley: wdym wtf
- 02:57 z3ph1r: i dunno
- 02:57 Riley: D:
- 02:57 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:59 PurpleRupees#9084 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:44 Sponge#9355 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:47:16!
- 05:44 z3ph1r: ggs
- 05:45 mrmartin: ggs
- 05:45 rockchalk: gg
- 05:45 Sponge: ggs!~
- 05:50 favio94#9972 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:53:12!
- 05:50 favio94: gg!
- 05:53 rockchalk#3494 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:55:58!
- 05:54 rockchalk#3494 added a comment.
- 05:55 SariasObject#3370 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:57:43!
- 05:56 z3ph1r#5399 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:58:43!
- 05:57 emosoda has forfeited from the race.
- 06:02 PinkKittyRose#1421 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:04:48!
- 06:02 PinkKittyRose: gg
- 06:02 z3ph1r: gg
- 06:03 PinkKittyRose#1421 added a comment.
- 06:07 mrmartin#9054 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:10:12!
- 06:28 Synii#6419 has forfeited from the race.
- 06:28 Race finished in 3:31:25.7
- 06:29 rockchalk#3494 changed their comment.
- 06:44 Synii#6419 added a comment.
- 20:17 Race result recorded by ArthurOudini#1948