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Race results

  1. flying-dekutree-2612 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st favio94 #9972 he / him Finished 1
    2. 2nd PurpleRupees #9084 he / him Finished 3
  2. amused-flaredancer-4026 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Jimbo Finished 11
    2. favio94 #9972 he / him DNF 12
  3. fried-darklink-9574 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Hyper #8571 he / him Finished 12
    2. favio94 #9972 he / him DNF 10
  4. swag-cucco-1325 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st favio94 #9972 he / him Finished 2,659
    2. 2nd KLO1313 #4308 he / him more would have much preferred the seed with some actual warp songs Finished 2
  5. jolly-twinrova-1203 OoTR Standard Ruleset Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st favio94 #9972 he / him Finished 6
    2. WoodenBarrel #8485 he / him DNF 7
  6. crafty-kerbal-4606 MMR Standard/Tournament Finished recorded 23 entrants
    1. 1st idunno #8594 Finished 180
    2. 2nd ktbean626 #5708 she / her more deku princess to the moooooooon!! Finished 185
    3. 3rd Nasho3D #2787 Finished 157
    4. 4th Boo #5835 they / them Finished 55
    5. 5th Spec #8994 more metagamed for the lulz hehehe Finished 87
    6. 6th ThePainapple #1623 he / him Finished 89
    7. 7th Sonaholic #5009 he / him Finished 20
    8. 8th pojolonewolf #6547 more Should've chanced not being able to play tonight and skip qual 15. Sigh. Finished 10
    9. 9th TheOtherSection more anyone else did spider house stone for hookshot hint? No? Finished 26
    10. 10th favio94 #9972 he / him more well this game is definitely not for me. No sign of improvements whatsoever. I give up. Finished 128
    11. 11th admsc #8236 more dont feel bad for me i was aware that was gonna happen Finished 130
    12. 12th Fer #0856 he / him Finished 565
    13. 13th ChaoticYosher #5821 he / him more I think I've entered well every single qual, don't think it's ever worked out Finished 130
    14. 14th Luiferns #2777 he / him Finished 92
    15. 15th Gabrieljcampos #3904 he / him Finished 50
    16. 16th ShadowRavyn1 #3881 he / him Finished 81
    17. TrevPerson #0983 DNF 249
    18. Synii #6419 more Gambled on mirror being woth from hall. Didn't have mountain deed. Keg castle to do 1 check hype! At least ended with a father and daughter reunion DNF 134
    19. Aceslayer111 #9361 he / him DNF 113
    20. VidyaJames he / him DNF 169
    21. Neuro #9835 they / them more this is bs. stt foolish but song means stt could be cleared first right? so how come ice was behind springtime... DNF 20
    22. Codinome_Silent #9855 he / him more 1 hour of Lag, I'm unable to play in this conditions DNF 223
    23. lifejpj #7580 DQ 209
  7. messy-cactuar-7051 MMR Standard/Tournament Finished recorded 26 entrants
    1. 1st Skyward #4152 he / him Finished 337
    2. 2nd Sonaholic #5009 he / him more Should have did OSH after beavers then would have sub 2 Finished 86
    3. 3rd Xavi he / him Finished 230
    4. 4th CheckRaise #5639 he / him Finished 24
    5. 5th ThePainapple #1623 he / him Finished 124
    6. 6th TrevPerson #0983 Finished 5
    7. 7th idunno #8594 more just fucking kill me Finished 90
    8. 8th skyygoro #0465 he / him more Doing the wrong seed for 24 minutes and getting 8th. Maybe confirm the hash next time KEKW Finished 221
    9. 9th ktbean626 #5708 she / her more accidentally got oath hint lol Finished 65
    10. 10th namefaker89 #6667 he / him more la nearly last locate Finished 41
    11. 11th BruZZler #7185 he / him Finished 48
    12. 12th ggreencola #3293 he / him more Never found CH, and apparently it wasn't midnight meeting, so I third-to-LL'd lights Finished 12
    13. 13th Death King II #7040 he / him Finished 88
    14. 14th favio94 #9972 he / him more 1 hour looking for those damn lights, always the same. Never lucky :( Finished 44
    15. 15th Neuro #9835 they / them more ITS A TRAP Finished 71
    16. 16th Nasho3D #2787 more If it takes more than 3 hours for the next one, I will leave this game sadge Finished 83
    17. 17th SDGShawn #8194 he / him more at least I had infinite magic for over 2hrs.... Finished 18
    18. 18th ShadowRavyn1 #3881 he / him Finished 65
    19. 19th Utz #2633 he / him Finished 30
    20. 20th Retroflex #2504 any / all more defo my fault, but honestly wish that check wasn't added as a sometimes hint... oh yeah and i accidently triggered the oath thing, idk if that's a first or not Finished 48
    21. TonyBigBlind #1285 DNF 185
    22. TheRealReliable #6416 he / him DNF 135
    23. Luiferns #2777 he / him more Skipped Ice Arrow in WFT, i'm so dumb DNF 72
    24. ChaoticYosher #5821 he / him DNF 16
    25. Codinome_Silent #9855 he / him more Seed looked good, but I won't handle the lag today, lost about 1 hour to it DNF 138
    26. Fer #0856 he / him DNF 68
  8. superb-navi-2645 OoTR SGL 2024 Finished not recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st DubuDeccer #0242 he / him more thanks juwk Finished
    2. 2nd Jimbo more fuck you deccer Finished
    3. 3rd juwk #1061 more threw so hard you'd think im sandbagging xd Finished
    4. 4th Drooness he / they more rude ass seed Finished
    5. 5th Alexis #1759 he / him more Fair enough for a guy who full cleared Finished
    6. 6th favio94 #9972 he / him more wow lost time doing unnecessary checks. I really need to stop playing ultra safe. Finished
    7. 7th Fer #0856 he / him Finished
    8. 8th Engel #2700 he / him more 0 luck all quals continues Finished
    9. 9th Retropolis #3399 Finished
    10. 10th Schulzer #3184 he / him Finished
    11. 11th Zinedine #7130 Finished
    12. 12th aspic007 #4357 he / him more ahah understand the logic to skip Fire for Saria and finally need Saria for LA... Finished
    13. 13th phillywut #5661 he / him Finished
    14. 14th Zemoo #4988 Finished
    15. 15th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished
    16. emosoda they / them more unlucky, but w/e :) DNF
    17. Hellknight86 #4990 he / him DNF
    18. kitstopher #2841 he / him DNF
  9. lucky-mamamu-7427 OoTR SGL 2024 Finished not recorded 41 entrants
    1. 1st Aosuna #6959 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd Gavaroni #9139 he / him more That feel when you feel fall on ganondorf and accidentally drop jump slash storage before ganon lmao. Finished
    3. 3rd WTHH #3353 he / him Finished
    4. 4th Exodus #5327 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Jimbo more fun seed, meh exec Finished
    6. 6th Flee #0246 he / him Finished
    7. 7th alfalfa #3653 he / him Finished
    8. 8th Icola #8220 he / him Finished
    9. 9th SombreV #4743 Finished
    10. 10th Koari #3085 he / him more SNIPERS. Keep your head down Finished
    11. 11th juwk #1061 more skipped cuccos and 10 skulls when doing botw cuz LS couldn't be there then ended up last loccing them xdd Finished
    12. 12th Oakishi he / him more gg Finished
    13. 13th Fer #0856 he / him Finished
    14. 14th Schulzer #3184 he / him more On one hand I wanted the SoT logic to be important, on the other hand 2 logic checks left for str3 :( Finished
    15. 15th MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished
    16. 16th DareDevinX #1691 he / him Finished
    17. 17th Sponge #2155 Finished
    18. 18th favio94 #9972 he / him more missed the sub 2:30 cause IRL so I'm fine with this Finished
    19. 19th Zinedine #7130 Finished
    20. 20th mrmartin #9054 Finished
    21. 21st aspic007 #4357 he / him more AD and nice casino Iron & LS ... Finished
    22. 22nd VidyaJames he / him Finished
    23. 23rd Oximan #8883 he / him Finished
    24. 24th Majarkin #2474 he / him more mispeaked hover boots Finished
    25. 25th emosoda they / them more blind / didn't see hovers at crater / 2:10:00 pickup lmao Finished
    26. 26th Natheirean #0847 he / him more sometimes you just mispeek hovers as a deku shield somehow Finished
    27. 27th ksinjah #5722 she / her Finished
    28. 28th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished
    29. 29th ALPHAMARIOX #7392 he / him more You know, this isn't the first time today that map chest in Well had Longshot for my Go Mode. LUL Finished
    30. 30th LeviBelvedere #7717 he / him more Getting Scrubs S1 flashbacks with these full clears. Bad for your mental health these things. Finished
    31. 31st DLReap #4048 he / him Finished
    32. 32nd Resetbutton #4132 they / them more Morpha logic got me stumped. Finished
    33. 33rd Mantalis00 #4806 he / him more 100% seed again -.- Longshot last located Finished
    34. 34th Ishizaki #8360 he / him more Legend of Letters Finished
    35. barbu #5807 he / him DNF
    36. komatsu #6098 more Because it was 3 o'clock in the morning, the check was leaked and the hammer was forgotten ... DNF
    37. Redd #2380 he / him DNF
    38. SaigoGetsuga #0063 he / him DNF
    39. SirNyQuilOfSealand #0006 he / him more didnt feel like doing AD DNF
    40. zaid #8767 he / him DNF
    41. Zemoo #4988 more VC crash DNF
  10. travelling-kokiri-5881 OoTR SGL 2024 Finished not recorded 37 entrants
    1. 1st rockchalk #3494 he / him more worst dorf fight of my life lmao Finished
    2. 2nd z3ph1r #5399 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd Exodus #5327 he / him Finished
    4. 4th Majarkin #2474 he / him Finished
    5. 5th Volc #1558 he / him more bad exe :( Finished
    6. 6th Chuckles501 #5294 he / him Finished
    7. 7th WTHH #3353 he / him Finished
    8. 8th Gavaroni #9139 he / him Finished
    9. 9th Inc7 #2927 he / him more coulda dodged a lot but made one mistake F Finished
    10. 10th kr3z #4245 he / him Finished
    11. 11th RyuuKane #3246 he / him Finished
    12. 12th DareDevinX #1691 he / him Finished
    13. 13th Luiferns #2777 he / him Finished
    14. 14th alfalfa #3653 he / him Finished
    15. 15th phillywut #5661 he / him more totally forgot that HF can be hinted Path for the OOT song in these settings Finished
    16. 16th Zinedine #7130 Finished
    17. 17th MasterAleks #1550 he / him more Any str2 last locationers? Finished
    18. 18th Jimbo more lol Finished
    19. 19th MisterKarp #9404 he / him Finished
    20. 20th aspic007 #4357 he / him more Rush IC never pay for me, died at knuckle before Twinrova... and 2 cycles Twin Rova phase 2... Finished
    21. 21st ksinjah #5722 she / her Finished
    22. 22nd Link___Hylian #4993 he / him Finished
    23. 23rd Drooness he / they more how many checks are in hf again? Finished
    24. 24th Christopho #4256 he / him Finished
    25. 25th AlexanderHD #8749 he / him more Should have done well with the strength I had before going DC. Lost so much time double dipping and choking on reverse wasteland. Finished
    26. 26th Rahylia #4212 she / her Finished
    27. 27th zaid #8767 he / him Finished
    28. 28th Gabrieljcampos #3904 he / him more never tests a skin in a race Finished
    29. 29th Jarekx123 #7685 he / him Finished
    30. Ceddy #9014 he / him DNF
    31. favio94 #9972 he / him more controller issues during the race, I can't catch a break DNF
    32. Fer #0856 he / him DNF
    33. Lefty #7499 he / him DNF
    34. Mantalis00 #4806 he / him more i dont understand the path in this seeds, maybe iron its the go for the seed DNF
    35. Naestriel #2198 DNF
    36. Xavi he / him DNF
    37. Zemoo #4988 DNF