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- 22:29 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! It's dangerous to go alone. Take this?
- 22:29 RandoBot: If this is a draft race, use !s7 tournament for official matches, otherwise use !s7 practice <draft|auto>.
- 22:30 picks#2164 invites Rojomage.TTV#1156 to join the race.
- 22:30 picks#2164 invites Inc7#2927 to join the race.
- 22:30 Rojomage.TTV#1156 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:31 picks#2164 invites Froppy#8840 to join the race.
- 22:31 picks#2164 promoted Froppy#8840 to race monitor.
- 22:31 picks#2164 removes Froppy#8840 from the race.
- 22:31 Rojomage.TTV: heyooo
- 22:32 picks: yo whats up rojo
- 22:33 picks: do you have clean audio?
- 22:33 picks: !fpa on
- 22:33 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 22:34 Inc7#2927 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:34 Inc: hi
- 22:37 picks: Hello inc. do you have clean audio?
- 22:40 Inc: yes
- 22:46 Froppy: Your seed gentlemen:
- 22:46 picks: ty froppy
- 22:46 Froppy: HashFrog
- 22:46 picks: autostart is off so ready up at your convenience
- 22:46 picks: and we will try to coordinate a start right at exactly 7pm ET
- 22:47 Rojomage.TTV: gotcha
- 22:47 Rojomage.TTV: how do i go about getting the custom music for this seed? if not i'll just use the nilla musica
- 22:48 Inc: need dev build
- 22:48 Rojomage.TTV: ye i got that, just wasnt sure if theres a patch file like mmr or something different
- 22:48 picks: you have to patch offline for custom music
- 22:48 Inc: then you should be fine, as long as your music files are in the right place
- 22:49 picks: download the .zpf from the website instead of the rom
- 22:49 Froppy: rojo you have your name visible on the screen, i cant crop it out
- 22:49 Rojomage.TTV: gotcha
- 22:49 Froppy: HashFrog okay its good now
- 22:51 Rojomage.TTV: got it all set
- 22:51 Rojomage.TTV#1156 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:52 Inc: let me know if mine is all good
- 22:53 Rojomage.TTV: best of luck to all those runnin tonight, may our woths be cleared and our dampes hold moon access
- 22:53 Rojomage.TTV: i mean shadow
- 22:54 Froppy: i'm all set, we will start on the hour provided both sides are ready
- 22:54 Froppy: autostart is off, you may ready up whenever
- 22:55 Froppy: alright the other room has readied up HashFrog
- 22:56 Rojomage.TTV: bet, give em my well wishes!
- 22:56 Inc: gl
- 22:56 Inc7#2927 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:57 Rojomage.TTV: glhf inc!
- 22:58 Froppy: glhf, we will be starting right on the hour
- 22:58 picks: glhf gamers were gonna force start right on the hour
- 22:58 picks: KEKW froppy too fast
- 23:00 picks#2164 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:19 Inc: !fpa
- 23:19 RandoBot: @everyone FPA has been invoked by @Inc7.
- 23:20 Inc: p64 crash :)
- 23:20 Froppy: okay you can keep playing, just let us know when you're caught up
- 23:20 Inc: caught up now
- 23:20 Froppy: same for rojo please keep playing
- 01:52 Inc7#2927 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:52:01!
- 01:52 Inc7#2927 added a comment.
- 01:53 Rojomage.TTV: ggs
- 01:53 Inc: ggs
- 01:53 Froppy: gg inc, want to join for an interview?
- 01:53 Inc: sure
- 01:53 Froppy: okay come into the waiting room in discord and i'll pull you in
- 01:59 Rojomage.TTV#1156 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:58:50!
- 01:59 Race finished in 2:58:50.9
- 01:59 Froppy: gg rojo, care to join us for an interview?
- 01:59 Rojomage.TTV: ye
- 14:19 Race result recorded by Jimbo