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- 18:50 SariasObject: :)
- 18:50 Phoenix: Olol
- 18:51 Phoenix: Mon streamlabs s'est auto détruit
- 18:51 Kirox:
- 18:51 Phoenix: C'est grave si je suis pas ON sur mon stream ?
- 18:51 Menou: tu es live ?
- 18:51 Sun: quand gsk est ready on start
- 18:51 Phoenix: Bah, je peux, mais faut que je refasse toutes mes sources, tout s'est remis à zéro, j'sais pas pourquoi.
- 18:51 SariasObject: NotLikeLikeThis
- 18:51 Menou: c'est bien ton stream ?
- 18:52 ArthurOudini: Gskate*
- 18:52 Nephistoss#8449 quits the race.
- 18:52 Nephistoss: Je vous laisse trop tard pour moi gl hf
- 18:52 Phoenix: Oui
- 18:52 ArthurOudini: PepeHands
- 18:52 Menou: même si on part maintenant neph ?
- 18:52 Sun: dès que gsk est ready on part
- 18:52 Nephistoss: Ouaip ca commence a faire tard pour le boulot ^^
- 18:52 Menou: ok ok :(
- 18:52 Nephistoss: Mais np une prochaine :)
- 18:53 gsk8: jsuis ready soon
- 18:53 Kirox: FeelsBadMan
- 18:53 gsk8: twitch marche chez vous ?
- 18:53 Kaneki: me faudra le role rando pour oot sur le serv disc a marco
- 18:53 Sun: bon bah désolé Arthur :(
- 18:53 Skyward: oui
- 18:53 Menou#8446 sets the race to be invite only.
- 18:53 SariasObject: :o
- 18:53 TomPouce: whoah
- 18:53 Menou: on va éviter les nouveaux arrivants
- 18:54 TomPouce: cette option Pog
- 18:54 ArthurOudini: np sun
- 18:54 Kirox: le pouvoir de la petite épée
- 18:54 TomPouce: La Master Sword ! Pog
- 18:54 Drachma_: gsk8?
- 18:54 Sun: on peut limite start maintenant et gsk tu lances le stream de ton côté
- 18:54 Drachma_: t'es en galere?
- 18:54 Nephistoss: twitch en PLS si jamais
- 18:55 MetaLow#3027 quits the race.
- 18:55 Menou#8446 sets a stream override for gsk8#0424.
- 18:55 Sun: gogo?
- 18:55 gsk8: ouais j'arrive pas a changer de titre lol
- 18:55 Skyward: ah ouais twitch est full bugué
- 18:55 gsk8: alllo
- 18:55 gsk8: putain ca bug de ouf
- 18:55 Menou: j'ai overwrite ton stream gsk
- 18:55 gsk8: oki
- 18:55 gsk8: jsuis R
- 18:55 Drachma_: on attends parce que tu arrive pas a changer de titre xD
- 18:55 Menou: tu peux ready
- 18:55 Sun: GOGO!
- 18:55 Phoenix: Juste une demi seconde
- 18:55 Phoenix: une demi
- 18:55 Phoenix: pas plus
- 18:56 Kaneki: go ?
- 18:56 SeYsEy: go
- 18:56 gsk8#0424 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 10 seconds!
- 18:56 Sun: Feenie rdy?
- 18:56 Sun: GOGO GL HF
- 18:56 Kirox: GL HF
- 18:56 Phoenix: ca va aller
- 18:56 SeYsEy: gl
- 18:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:31 END#5906 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:12 Drachma_#2581 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:53 Marco#4636 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:57:08!
- 21:53 TomPouce: gg !
- 21:53 Skyward: gg
- 21:53 Menou: comme pur husurd
- 21:54 Marco: merci !
- 21:54 Menou: gg :)
- 21:54 Phoenix: gg !
- 21:54 Sun: gg
- 22:05 ArthurOudini: gg
- 22:15 Holysparkz#8553 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:15 gsk8#0424 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:19:15!
- 22:15 gsk8: ggs
- 22:16 Phoenix: gg
- 22:18 SeYsEy#2150 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:22:24!
- 22:20 PommeTousse#9049 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:23:51!
- 22:22 PommeTousse#9049 added a comment: "I may have fallen many times, but I didn't gave up my dreams !"
- 22:27 ArthurOudini#1948 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:27 ArthurOudini: désolé jdois aller me couché sinon jvai être claqué
- 22:28 ArthurOudini: coucher*
- 22:37 Menou#8446 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:41:37!
- 22:38 Menou#8446 added a comment: "Hundo the seed, again :)"
- 22:38 Phoenix: gg
- 22:43 DaddyDemamp#0025 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:47:20!
- 22:44 SariasObject: GGs
- 22:44 Skyward#4152 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:45 Skyward: je suis pas réveillé ce soir et j'ai clairement loupé qqch
- 22:51 Sun#3865 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:55:16!
- 22:51 Sun#3865 added a comment: "woké le MS"
- 22:54 Kirox#6033 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:58:37!
- 22:55 Kirox#6033 added a comment: "missed a check PepeHands"
- 23:10 Baringo#6516 has finished in 9th place with a time of 4:13:43!
- 23:52 Feenie#1491 has finished in 10th place with a time of 4:56:41!
- 23:52 Race finished in 4:56:41.4
- 11:09 Race result recorded by Dyn