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- 20:10 AgentKorralin#6742 updated the race information.
- 20:10 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a release seed with !seed <preset> or a latest dev seed with !seeddev <preset>
- 20:10 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !race to generate a release seed with a spoiler log.
- 20:10 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets for release and !presetsdev for dev
- 20:11 AgentKorralin#6742 joins the race.
- 20:12 soulblade128#8773 requests to join the race.
- 20:12 AgentKorralin#6742 accepts a request to join from soulblade128#8773.
- 20:12 AgentKorralin: hello!
- 20:13 soulblade128: I have lost my sound I think, also hi
- 20:14 AgentKorralin: Oh no
- 20:15 soulblade128: oh I found it
- 20:15 AgentKorralin: Nice
- 20:18 AgentKorralin: Did you want to roll the seed today or shall I? I don't recall who rolled it last time haha
- 20:18 soulblade128: I don't remember either :P
- 20:19 AgentKorralin: Just checked, I rolled last time haha
- 20:19 soulblade128: right, so you want me to then?
- 20:19 AgentKorralin: Up to you, I don't mind either way
- 20:19 AgentKorralin: You good with a 5min break at 2 hours again?
- 20:20 soulblade128: yeah I suppose I can, but no complaining later =)
- 20:20 AgentKorralin: Hahaha
- 20:20 soulblade128: sure
- 20:20 AgentKorralin: Sounds good!
- 20:21 soulblade128: !seeddev league
- 20:21 RandoBot: soulblade128, here is your seed:
- 20:21 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 20:21 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 20:28 soulblade128: well GL HF +)
- 20:29 soulblade128#8773 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:29 AgentKorralin: gl hf!
- 20:29 AgentKorralin#6742 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:29 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:29 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:04 AgentKorralin#6742 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:34:43!
- 00:04 AgentKorralin: GGs!
- 00:04 soulblade128: ohh nooo
- 00:05 soulblade128: gg
- 00:05 AgentKorralin: Oh no I just saw, that is the worst
- 00:05 AgentKorralin: ggs indeed
- 00:06 AgentKorralin: this was a close one
- 00:07 soulblade128: I blame LA cutescene and forgetting it exists
- 00:07 soulblade128#8773 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:37:57!
- 00:07 Race finished in 3:37:57.9
- 00:08 soulblade128: that was a convoluted path to gohma
- 00:08 AgentKorralin: I screwed up so badly on something seeing your items and rewatching the vod. I lucked out so much with Water BK
- 00:09 AgentKorralin: I misremembered the keys in BoTW and thought Dead Hand was a key so I skipped it and left Irons
- 00:09 AgentKorralin: If Water BK was in central pillar or dragon chest I lose this easy omg.
- 00:09 soulblade128: well good thing you didnt need it
- 00:10 AgentKorralin: Yea, luckily, but that is a bad bad misplay. And for the game to still be so close too. That Gohma hint had me terrified it was now a Din's hunt for KS in Shadow
- 00:10 soulblade128: I feel dumb that I forget LACS every time
- 00:11 soulblade128: I thought it was in shadow too
- 00:11 soulblade128: lol
- 00:11 AgentKorralin: Only reason I got LACS was I hadn't done big Poes yet and was going to do that check for Dins after Water
- 00:11 soulblade128: I was going to clear out IGC when I got it
- 00:12 soulblade128: shadow templke dodge
- 00:13 AgentKorralin: Yea no doubt. I was gonna avoid IGC cause of missing Irons I wanted to do all of the checks before 5 medals first
- 00:14 soulblade128: it was bothering me so I went back blue fire bottle on validation
- 00:14 AgentKorralin: Also shoutout to that sphere 0 hammer, sphere 1 bomb bag, so Volvagia path was just the simple Hovers
- 00:15 soulblade128: heck yeah
- 00:15 soulblade128: I didnt go till late because I had no hearts or tunic but it was nice having hammer
- 00:15 AgentKorralin: Yeaaa I get ya. I was so paranoid I had missed something and screwed myself trying to find Dins. Figured it'd be either Big Poes, Spinning Pot or somewhere in Fire
- 00:16 AgentKorralin: I thought for the longest time the path hint was potentially for Requiem cause of the Wallet on the arch to just buy a Goron Tunic, but then right before I was going to set that up I got the tunic on 20 lmao
- 00:17 soulblade128: yeah I didnt turn in 20 till I was hunting for dins
- 00:17 soulblade128: which already had bought the tunic by then
- 00:18 AgentKorralin: I double dipped Well, did it super early without ZL since I had bombs and storms so early figured it'd be worth it. Turned in 10 and 20 on the way back after getting ZL
- 00:18 soulblade128: nice
- 00:19 AgentKorralin: This seed was both convoluted, but also super straight forward at the same time
- 00:19 soulblade128: yeah that sounds about on par with my seeds, at least it wasnt a bad one this time
- 00:19 AgentKorralin: The only trip up was the Gohma path being less obvious, but it made perfect sense at the end
- 00:20 AgentKorralin: Haha, gotta get you to roll my seeds more often then! This was a fun one for sure
- 00:20 soulblade128: I still dont understand it
- 00:20 AgentKorralin: SFM gets you Ruto Letter
- 00:21 AgentKorralin: Ruto's gets you into Ice so you can get Blue Fire to get the Mirror Shield off of King Z
- 00:21 AgentKorralin: With Mirror Shield you can get the Shadow Medallion
- 00:21 AgentKorralin: Shadow Medallion and Spirit Medallion then activate LACS for the Kokiri Sword
- 00:22 soulblade128: AH
- 00:22 AgentKorralin: I popped off when I got the KS haha. I was so excited for a hint to work like that since its such a neat hint that isn't obvious until you see it, but once you do its this fun little chain of logic to follow
- 00:23 AgentKorralin: Better than SFM for Ruto's for Nocturne for Shadow lmao
- 00:24 soulblade128: I was ready for shadow, but was pleasently surprised when I went to ToT
- 00:25 AgentKorralin: I was expecting the KS on Rova so when it wasn't I was just sad cause that meant Shadow. But since I didn't have Irons I luckily just did Water first in hopes of getting it done, and voila LACS after was my saving grace
- 00:25 AgentKorralin: Did you do DC any more of GTG after getting Hook?
- 00:25 soulblade128: I gotta put a sticky note on my monitor that just says LACS
- 00:26 soulblade128: I did do DC checking for dins
- 00:26 soulblade128: and cleared out GTG which wasnt to long
- 00:27 AgentKorralin: Hahahaha, I did DC right after Fire hoping to get Mirror or something. Was not happy when it was totally dead
- 00:27 soulblade128: yep lol
- 00:27 AgentKorralin: Anyways I gotta go eat something. GG, was a really good race! Good luck in the rest of the season!
- 00:27 soulblade128: thanks, you too
- 08:42 Race result recorded by Jimbo