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- 21:38 Cola: wouldnt drafting run into the same issue tho
- 21:39 KamekoSkye: Bot wasn't working for DAD vs Loopdyloop
- 21:39 HollowLogic: I'd be safe and just try redoing the draft
- 21:39 HollowLogic: If you're down Cola we can do it real quick
- 21:40 Cola: ye sure i guess
- 21:40 HollowLogic: !seed draft
- 21:40 Cola: welp nvm
- 21:40 HollowLogic: ... Or it's full dead, awesome?
- 21:40 HollowLogic: lmao
- 21:40 HollowLogic: Ping admin and have one of them roll the seed for us I guess
- 21:40 Fenhl: oh no, did it happen again?
- 21:40 Fenhl: one sec
- 21:40 HollowLogic: It seems to have
- 21:41 Fenhl: dang, I was pretty sure I'd found the bug
- 21:41 MrMario7788#4876 joins the race.
- 21:41 MrMario7788#4876 joins Snack Pack.
- 21:44 Zinedine#7130 joins Stone Shadow Patrol.
- 21:44 Fenhl: okay it was a different bug
- 21:45 Fenhl: if you're okay with waiting 10 minutes I can get the fix deployed and you can roll via bot
- 21:45 HollowLogic: Sure, I don't mind if everyone else is good
- 21:45 Fenhl: or I can roll now but then you won't get the log unlocked at the end
- 21:45 Cola: ya im fine with that, still waiting for martin anyways
- 21:45 Fenhl: k
- 21:53 Mido: Welcome! This is a practice room for the 3rd Multiworld Tournament.
- 21:53 Mido: You can roll a seed using “!seed base”, “!seed random”, or “!seed draft”. You can also choose settings directly (e.g. !seed trials 2 wincon scrubs). For more info about these options, use “!presets”
- 21:53 Mido: Learn more about the tournament at
- 21:53 Fenhl: !settings
- 21:53 Mido: wincon: meds (default: 6 Medallion Bridge + Keysy BK), scrubs (3 Stone Bridge + LACS BK), or th (Triforce Hunt 25/30)
- 21:53 Mido: dungeons: tournament (default: keys shuffled in own dungeon), skulls (vanilla keys, dungeon tokens), or keyrings (small keyrings anywhere, vanilla boss keys)
- 21:53 Mido: er: off (default) or dungeon
- 21:53 Mido: trials: 0 (default) or 2
- 21:53 Mido: shops: 4 (default) or off
- 21:53 Mido: scrubs: affordable (default) or off
- 21:53 Mido: fountain: closed (default) or open
- 21:53 Mido: spawn: tot (default: adult start, vanilla spawns) or random (random spawns and starting age)
- 21:53 Fenhl: alright, should be good now
- 21:56 HollowLogic: ! seed fountain open scrubs off without the space should be good I think
- 21:56 Mido: Sorry HollowLogic, I don't recognize that command.
- 21:57 Fenhl: you need to remove the space between ! and seed
- 21:57 Cola: yea probably, still waiting for a livesign from martin tho
- 21:57 Fenhl: oh lol I didn't even see the rest of your message
- 21:57 HollowLogic: Was making sure I got it right lol
- 21:58 Fenhl: yeah that's the right format
- 21:58 DLReap: do we have comfirmation is in deed alive? Kappa
- 22:00 MrMario7788: he is showing he's on his phone for discord
- 22:00 MrMario7788: so i believe he's alive
- 22:00 mrmartin#9054 joins the race.
- 22:00 MrMario7788: pog
- 22:01 MrMario7788: !seed fountain open scrubs off
- 22:01 Mido: Rolling a seed with no scrubs and open fountain…
- 22:01 MrMario7788: :)
- 22:01 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 22:01 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 22:01 Mido updated the race information.
- 22:04 mrmartin#9054 joins Snack Pack.
- 22:05 HollowLogic#2254 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 22:07 DLReap#4048 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 22:07 Zinedine#7130 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:09 MrMario7788: we are *almost* ready
- 22:09 MrMario7788: thanks for your patience
- 22:09 HollowLogic: You're good!
- 22:09 Zinedine: no problem at all
- 22:11 HollowLogic#2254 is not ready. (4 remaining)
- 22:12 MrMario7788#4876 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:12 mrmartin#9054 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:12 Cola#5395 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:13 HollowLogic: GLHF
- 22:13 Zinedine: glhf
- 22:13 mrmartin: glhf!
- 22:13 Cola: glhf :)
- 22:13 MrMario7788: glhf!
- 22:13 HollowLogic#2254 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:13 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:13 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:32 mrmartin#9054 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:18:43!
- 00:52 Cola#5395 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:39:12!
- 00:53 Zinedine: ggs
- 01:22 MrMario7788#4876 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:09:07!
- 01:22 MrMario7788: ggs
- 01:22 DLReap: gg
- 01:22 Cola: gg
- 01:22 Zinedine: ggs!
- 01:22 mrmartin: ggs
- 01:22 HollowLogic: GGs
- 01:25 DLReap#4048 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:12:11!
- 01:52 Zinedine#7130 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:39:19!
- 01:55 HollowLogic#2254 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:42:14!
- 01:55 Race finished in 3:42:15.0