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- 18:20 Lefty: hm
- 18:20 tenacious_toad: I'll roll you guys a seed
- 18:20 Lefty: bless you
- 18:20 tenacious_toad: scrubs or BDI?
- 18:21 Lefty: also I'm gonna go use the bathroom and grab a drink be back in a few
- 18:21 Worink: oh, weren't we all doing that? lol
- 18:22 Stuck_man: I'm ok with both settings
- 18:22 Worink: it depends on if someone really needs Lens in Shadow
- 18:22 Worink: which I don't
- 18:22 MaverikJB: I prefer bdi but yeah if someone wants the lens Im cool with either
- 18:22 tenacious_toad: when I roll there won't be a spoiler log FYI
- 18:24 tenacious_toad: I rolled you guys a scrubs setting seed
- 18:24 tenacious_toad: here it is
- 18:25 tenacious_toad:
- 18:26 Stuck_man: let's hope we don't get bait by woth lens :p
- 18:26 tenacious_toad: oh you know you will be
- 18:27 Stuck_man: nah, we'll find it in mido's house, guaranteed
- 18:27 Sage#3585 quits the race.
- 18:28 Stuck_man: Tbh I know how to do Shadow lensless but I still put it on a a few places if I have it, especially that moving platform
- 18:29 Worink: true
- 18:29 Stuck_man: that and the truth spinner
- 18:29 Stuck_man: but that's just objective time gain
- 18:29 Worink: nice to have, but I only "need" it for wasteland and chest game
- 18:29 tenacious_toad: yeah when I first started zootr I didn't know how to pass the truth spinner without lens for the longest time
- 18:29 Stuck_man: I -think- I only need it for the chest game obviously
- 18:29 Stuck_man: I had no idea you actually could
- 18:30 Stuck_man: and then I saw and was "oooooh... Of course."
- 18:30 MaverikJB: just guess on chest minigame until you get it kappa
- 18:30 tenacious_toad: you guys have fun, may lens be woth for wasteland, chest minigame & shadow :P
- 18:30 Stuck_man: pls no lol
- 18:30 MaverikJB: cool cool thanks for rolling
- 18:30 Stuck_man: yep, thanks :D
- 18:31 Worink: if I did it, there'd be rage for days LUL
- 18:31 Stuck_man: I remember saying to someone scrubs had lens required for everything EXCEPT chest minigame and wasteland
- 18:31 Stuck_man: Of couse it was me confusing myself, but it's pretty funny to think about such a horrendous logic
- 18:32 Lefty: oh dear
- 18:32 Worink: seems Arthur decided to set up a DDR race, so idk if anyone else will be coming
- 18:32 Worink: and yeah, OOF on the start
- 18:33 Stuck_man: well it'll be between us I guess :)
- 18:33 Worink: looks like it
- 18:33 MaverikJB: I swear to god every seed I play starts with goron ruby
- 18:33 MaverikJB: wtf
- 18:33 Worink: LUL
- 18:33 Worink: better then the Sapphire, lol
- 18:33 Stuck_man: it's actually been a while I haven't had a stone as starting reward
- 18:33 Stuck_man: nothing can be worse than the weeklies lately anyway
- 18:34 Stuck_man: even if it starts with a medallion, it's been horrible those last 2 weeks
- 18:35 Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:35 Worink#3355 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:35 Stuck_man: Hope I'm not quadruple dipping water like sunday
- 18:35 Worink: maybe I shouldn't async that latest Weekly then, lol
- 18:35 Stuck_man: changed the water level 9 times
- 18:35 Worink: eww...
- 18:36 Stuck_man: sorry didn't think you would async it, well it doesn't say much apart from I'm terrible at routing/gambles/backtracking :)
- 18:36 Worink: been debating
- 18:36 MaverikJB#9350 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:36 Stuck_man: It was my longest time in a month :D
- 18:36 Worink: yeah... the last 2 scrubs seeds I've done, I've PBed
- 18:37 Stuck_man: There's something with weeklies, definitely
- 18:37 Worink: still haven't cracked the 3 hour barrier though
- 18:37 Stuck_man: apparently my best under those settings is 2:51
- 18:37 Stuck_man: but I compare against average because I probably got a lucky seed
- 18:37 Worink: ready when you guys are, GL, HF
- 18:37 Stuck_man: anyway, I'm ready to go whenever :D
- 18:38 Lefty: same
- 18:38 Lefty: I always comapre against average
- 18:38 Stuck_man: glhf everybody :)
- 18:38 MaverikJB: alrighty glhf everyone
- 18:38 Lefty: rando too rando for PB lol
- 18:38 Lefty#7499 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:38 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:38 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:18 Lefty#7499 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:40:11!
- 22:18 Lefty: gg
- 22:19 Worink: gg
- 22:19 MaverikJB: gg
- 22:21 Stuck_man: gg!
- 22:23 Lefty#7499 added a comment: "what a logical mess"
- 22:24 Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:45:32!
- 22:50 Worink#3355 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 4:12:18!
- 22:51 Worink#3355 added a comment: "Trolly seed is Trolly"
- 22:52 MaverikJB#9350 has finished in 4th place with a time of 4:14:12!
- 22:52 Race finished in 4:14:13.0
- 22:52 MaverikJB: ggs everyone
- 22:52 Worink: GG
- 22:53 MaverikJB: I knew you were gonna snipe me lol
- 22:53 Worink: LUL
- 22:53 Lefty: it was hella close.
- 22:53 Worink: it was
- 22:53 Stuck_man: woo gg
- 22:53 Lefty: worink had tower clear looking for magic. you both syncd back up at his tower but you had to climb while he went to dorf
- 22:54 Worink: ooh...
- 22:54 Worink: I'm in General Race 2 if you guys wanna talk about this one
- 23:10 Race result recorded by Cubsrule21#2508