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- 20:12 BrotinderDose: @restreamteam message me then I add you as race monitor
- 20:12 BrotinderDose sets the race to be invite only.
- 20:26 BrotinderDose: 1200 sek delay?
- 20:28 Xavi: jop
- 20:33 TobiasG_91: @Brotinderdose @Xavi Heyo, restreamer here
- 20:33 TobiasG_91: I speak English because I have another restreamer looking over my shoulder, trying to learn the ropes :)
- 20:35 BrotinderDose invites TobiasG_91#4630 to join the race.
- 20:36 BrotinderDose promoted TobiasG_91#4630 to race monitor.
- 20:36 BrotinderDose removes TobiasG_91#4630 from the race.
- 20:36 TobiasG_91: heyooo
- 20:36 Xavi: Hey Tobias HashFrog
- 20:36 BrotinderDose invites Death King II#7040 to join the race.
- 20:36 BrotinderDose promoted Death King II#7040 to race monitor.
- 20:36 BrotinderDose removes Death King II#7040 from the race.
- 20:36 TobiasG_91: why'd you promote DK to race monitor?
- 20:37 Xavi: i dont think Deathking needs to be race mod
- 20:37 Xavi: *monitor
- 20:37 BrotinderDose invites Death King II#7040 to join the race.
- 20:37 BrotinderDose demoted Death King II#7040 from race monitor.
- 20:37 BrotinderDose removes Death King II#7040 from the race.
- 20:39 BrotinderDose: HashFrog my bad
- 20:39 BrotinderDose: i mean we need the Pepega in racetime
- 20:40 TobiasG_91: LUL
- 20:41 BrotinderDose: my delay is running 850 sec left
- 20:41 Xavi: 430 for me
- 20:42 TobiasG_91: In terms of FPA: We do not have a race monitor for this race, so please use the monitor-less FPA rules. If one of you calls FPA, the other runner keeps going!
- 20:42 TobiasG_91: !fpa on
- 20:42 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 20:42 Xavi: alright
- 20:45 TobiasG_91: here's your seed gentlemen!
- 20:45 TobiasG_91: !seed s6
- 20:45 RandoBot: TobiasG_91, here is your seed:
- 20:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 20:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 20:46 Xavi: MonkaS
- 20:48 BrotinderDose: autostart is off
- 20:50 TobiasG_91: yep, I will start you off as close to xx:00 as I can
- 20:51 Xavi is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:55 BrotinderDose: reminder
- 20:55 BrotinderDose: show your emu settings HashFrog
- 20:56 BrotinderDose is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:56 Xavi: done 10mins ago HashFrog
- 20:56 BrotinderDose: ok Pog
- 20:56 BrotinderDose: viel erfolg! eine ehre so ins tunier starten zu dürfen Pog
- 20:57 Xavi: wünsche ich dir auch. hauptsache nicht komplett vorm restream versagen Kappa
- 20:57 TobiasG_91: wird schon werden
- 20:58 TobiasG_91: stell dir einfach 250 Zuschauer in Unterhosen vor KEKW
- 20:58 Xavi: das hilft haha
- 20:59 TobiasG_91: oh ich wusste nicht dass wir nen deutschen Restream haben
- 20:59 Xavi: ja dk hat das übernommen
- 20:59 TobiasG_91: dann muss der Herr DK natürlich doch monitor sein
- 20:59 TobiasG_91#4630 invites Death King II#7040 to join the race.
- 20:59 TobiasG_91#4630 promoted Death King II#7040 to race monitor.
- 20:59 TobiasG_91#4630 removes Death King II#7040 from the race.
- 20:59 Xavi: HashFrog
- 20:59 TobiasG_91: you guys ready?
- 20:59 Xavi: y
- 20:59 BrotinderDose: lets gooo
- 20:59 TobiasG_91: LET'SFKNGOOO glhf
- 21:00 TobiasG_91#4630 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:16 BrotinderDose has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:16:22!
- 23:16 Xavi has forfeited from the race.
- 23:16 Race finished in 2:16:27.5
- 23:16 Xavi: gg
- 23:16 Xavi: war komplett lost
- 23:17 Xavi: wo war der rang?
- 23:18 BrotinderDose: GG
- 23:18 BrotinderDose: shadow hinten drin
- 23:18 Xavi: oof
- 23:18 Xavi: rate mal wer gierig die letzten checks geskippt hat
- 23:18 Xavi: HashFrog
- 23:18 BrotinderDose: HashFrog
- 23:18 BrotinderDose: hatte keine lights gedacht neeee so nicht Pepega
- 23:18 Xavi: aber wärst trotzdem früher done gewesen
- 23:19 Xavi: dieses kokiri sword
- 23:19 BrotinderDose: mies oder KEKW
- 23:19 Xavi: hat mich komplett aufgehalten
- 23:19 Xavi: dachte eig das die bombs zum schwert führen
- 23:19 BrotinderDose: mich aber auch
- 23:19 BrotinderDose: diese hints+
- 23:20 BrotinderDose: wofür die ganzen str woth ?
- 23:21 Xavi: jap, deswegen hab ich back of shadow geskippt
- 23:21 Xavi: dachte halt safe auf ogc fairy der rang
- 23:21 Xavi: dann fliegen die bomben rein
- 23:22 BrotinderDose: hattest du LS ?
- 23:25 Xavi: nope
- 23:25 TobiasG_91: gg männers, kommt ihr gleich zum Interview?
- 23:25 Xavi: yeah sure HashFrog
- 23:26 TobiasG_91: ca. 10 minuten
- 23:28 BrotinderDose: sure HashFrog
- 23:31 TobiasG_91: HashFrog
- 23:35 TobiasG_91: Brot, du bist bei Ganon Phase 2
- 06:05 Race result recorded by Jimbo