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- 01:34 PommeTousse#9049 added a comment: "Do you wanna see me turning into a BunnyTomPouce ?"
- 01:35 TomPouce: ty !
- 01:35 BeeLuigi#8736 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:30:30!
- 01:35 mracsys: gg
- 01:35 felixoide4: gg
- 01:35 BeeLuigi#8736 added a comment: "why does the last one always take the longest lol"
- 01:35 TomPouce: gg !
- 01:35 BeeLuigi: thanks!
- 01:37 MrMario7788#4876 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:32:34!
- 01:37 mracsys: g
- 01:37 mracsys: g
- 01:37 MrMario7788#4876 added a comment: "3 "snipes" lmao"
- 01:37 BeeLuigi: gg
- 01:37 MrMario7788: gg
- 01:37 MrMario7788: 2*
- 01:37 MrMario7788: not 3
- 01:38 MrMario7788: cola a literal god
- 01:39 TomPouce: he is a god
- 01:40 Drachma_#2581 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:41 fGeorjje: @Ch0c0 if you see this, your stream has gone down, please reconnect when able
- 01:41 Ch0c0: yes :/
- 01:42 fGeorjje: oh, what a timing
- 01:44 felixoide4#5724 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:39:47!
- 01:44 mracsys: gg
- 01:44 felixoide4: ty
- 01:45 Hellknight86: gg felix :)
- 01:48 felixoide4#5724 added a comment: "Just rush your path of bunnies Kappa"
- 01:48 gsk8#0424 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:44:23!
- 01:49 felixoide4: GG
- 01:49 gsk8: ggs
- 01:49 gsk8: that was lot of fun :)
- 01:50 gsk8#0424 added a comment: "too much chocolate is bad for you..."
- 01:51 Ch0c0#3389 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:46:36!
- 01:51 Ch0c0: .... lost 7 min because crash net --'
- 01:52 mracsys#1993 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:47:50!
- 01:52 Riley2w69t#5156 has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:48:22!
- 01:53 mracsys#1993 added a comment: "ily droo"
- 01:53 mracsys: gg everyone!
- 01:53 Riley2w69t#5156 added a comment: "made a 30 minute mistake whoops"
- 01:53 felixoide4: gg mracsys and riley
- 01:54 LePlopeur#3629 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:49:56!
- 01:54 fGeorjje: @ch0c0 join a public OoTR VC if you want to interview, i'll move you i
- 01:54 fGeorjje: in*
- 01:54 gsk8: my game just crashed during the credits lol
- 01:55 mracsys: on valley?
- 01:55 gsk8: yeah
- 01:55 TomPouce: same
- 01:55 gsk8: is that a normal thing ? xD
- 01:55 Riley: yeah game crashes often in credits
- 01:55 mracsys: yeah, that's a known bug
- 01:55 gsk8: alright haha weird
- 01:56 devteam#7788 has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:51:44!
- 01:56 Holysparkz#8553 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:51:45!
- 01:56 devteam: :O
- 01:56 Holysparkz: :D
- 01:56 mracsys: the snipes!
- 01:56 devteam: ggs
- 01:56 Holysparkz: gg
- 01:56 Hellknight86#4990 has finished in 13th place with a time of 2:52:16!
- 01:57 blupeecounter#0505 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:57 Holysparkz: i bonked getting my last one
- 01:57 blupeecounter: im not feeling it
- 01:57 blupeecounter: till had 10 to go an GG
- 01:57 blupeecounter: and*
- 01:57 mracsys: gg
- 01:57 devteam: i wasnt ready to hit done lol
- 01:57 devteam#7788 added a comment: "bah humbug...wait"
- 01:58 Hellknight86: seems like you can not replace your comment?
- 01:58 felixoide4: gg HK
- 01:58 Hellknight86: Thanks Felix
- 01:59 Hellknight86: gg everyone
- 01:59 Vodzilla#9485 has finished in 14th place with a time of 2:54:35!
- 02:00 Neptune#1013 has finished in 15th place with a time of 2:55:49!
- 02:00 Ch0c0: Sorry restream for my crash :/
- 02:00 Ch0c0: 4g for have net --'
- 02:06 Blaze1438#8651 has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:02:04!
- 02:06 emosoda#9290 has finished in 17th place with a time of 3:02:12!
- 02:07 mracsys: gg!
- 02:07 Blaze1438#8651 added a comment: "OH LUL... that was fun :)"
- 02:07 felixoide4: GG!
- 02:08 emosoda: ggs
- 02:08 Blaze1438: GG
- 02:08 fGeorjje: @emosoda wanna interview?
- 02:08 emosoda: sure
- 02:12 JLoYoshi#2752 has finished in 18th place with a time of 3:08:06!
- 02:13 JLoYoshi#2752 added a comment: "Routed in Bunny hood. But was it worth?"
- 02:14 mracsys: gg, you're the real first place
- 02:16 JLoYoshi: lol gg
- 02:21 BlueSoxSWJ#6781 has finished in 19th place with a time of 3:17:15!
- 02:23 mracsys: gg
- 02:26 cheamo#8696 has finished in 20th place with a time of 3:21:34!
- 02:29 Anosep#7775 has finished in 21st place with a time of 3:25:07!
- 02:29 Anosep: gg
- 02:30 cheamo: ggs
- 02:30 Anosep#7775 added a comment: "Rusty af, but "triforce" hunt is always fun"
- 02:39 Aksannyi#6291 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 3:34:57!
- 02:54 Aksannyi#6291 added a comment: "wow rekt"
- 02:57 spodersteve#5401 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 3:52:50!
- 03:01 BladefangFT#7357 has finished in 24th place with a time of 3:56:47!
- 03:01 Race finished in 3:56:47.9