
Ocarina of Time Randomizer OoTR Standard Ruleset S8 Race: xx:15 Start HashHammer HashBottledMilk HashSkullToken HashBeans HashSoldOut | Password: NoteCdown NoteCup NoteCup NoteCleft NoteCdown NoteCup https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1791400
Opened by
Alpha #2256
Race monitors
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Ended at
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  1. 1st Inc #7604 he / him more that flouche dude might be onto something, blind skull mask new s8 meta LUL Finished 50
  2. 2nd Oakishi more died in shadow ripppppppp Finished 1,140
  3. 3rd tenacious_toad #5453 he / him more that kokiri forest monkaOMEGA Finished 130
  4. Hyper #8571 he / him more exhausted all checks besides skull mask & 20 DNF DNF 73
  5. PurpleRupees #9084 he / him DNF DNF 34
  6. Alpha #2256 more Did not have a singular check left before doing unhinted skull mask. Where the hell were the gossip stones for it lmao DNF DNF 9
  7. T-RIS #3918 he / him more dampe :( DNF DNF 16
  8. Jarek #8410 he / him more lmao skull mask DNF DNF 15
  9. emosoda they / them more forgot about open river grotto lmao DNF DNF 103
9 entrants (6 inactive)