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- 00:30 Mido: Welcome to this Brackets Round 2 race! Learn more about the event at
- 00:30 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 00:30 Mido invites kr3z#4245 to join the race.
- 00:30 Mido invites jaxstronomy#7766 to join the race.
- 00:30 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors (if any) should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 00:30 Mido: kr3z, you have the higher seed. Choose whether you want to go !first or !second
- 00:31 kr3z#4245 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:43 jaxstronomy#7766 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:43 jaxstronomy: We in here
- 00:43 kr3z: !first
- 00:43 Mido: kr3z, lock a setting to its default using “!ban <setting>”, or use “!skip” if you don't want to ban anything. Use “!settings” for a list of available settings.
- 00:43 kr3z: !ban cuccos
- 00:43 Mido: jaxstronomy, lock a setting to its default using “!ban <setting>”, or use “!skip” if you don't want to ban anything.
- 00:44 jaxstronomy: !ban keys
- 00:44 Mido: kr3z, pick a major setting using “!draft <setting> <value>”
- 00:44 kr3z: !draft dungeons on
- 00:44 Mido: jaxstronomy, pick a major setting.
- 00:44 jaxstronomy: !draft open forest
- 00:44 Mido: Sorry jaxstronomy, I don't recognize that setting. Use one of the following: bridge or deku or interiors or grottos or shops or ow_tokens or dungeon_tokens or scrubs or required_only or fountain or cows or gerudo_card or trials or door_of_time
- 00:44 jaxstronomy: !draft deku
- 00:44 Mido: Sorry jaxstronomy, the value is required.
- 00:44 jaxstronomy: !draft open deku
- 00:44 Mido: Sorry jaxstronomy, I don't recognize that setting. Use one of the following: bridge or deku or interiors or grottos or shops or ow_tokens or dungeon_tokens or scrubs or required_only or fountain or cows or gerudo_card or trials or door_of_time
- 00:44 jaxstronomy: first challenge: draft
- 00:44 jaxstronomy: !draft deku on
- 00:44 Mido: Sorry jaxstronomy, that's not a possible value for this setting. Use one of the following: open
- 00:45 jaxstronomy: !draft deku open
- 00:45 Mido: jaxstronomy, pick a minor setting.
- 00:45 jaxstronomy: finally
- 00:45 jaxstronomy: !draft scarecrow
- 00:45 Mido: Sorry jaxstronomy, the value is required.
- 00:45 jaxstronomy: !draft scarecrow free
- 00:45 Mido: Sorry jaxstronomy, I don't recognize that setting. Use one of the following: starting_age or random_spawns or consumables or rupees or free_scarecrow or camc or mask_quest or blue_fire_arrows or owl_warps or song_warps or shuffle_beans or expensive_merchants or beans_planted or bombchus_in_logic
- 00:45 jaxstronomy: !draft free_scarecrow
- 00:45 Mido: Sorry jaxstronomy, the value is required.
- 00:45 jaxstronomy: !draft free_scarecrow on
- 00:45 Mido: kr3z, pick a minor setting.
- 00:45 kr3z: !draft song_warps random
- 00:45 Mido: Rolling a seed with Open Forest, Dungeon ER On (no Ganon's Castle), Free Scarecrow On, and Random Warp Song Destinations On…
- 00:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 00:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 00:51 jaxstronomy: glhf
- 00:52 jaxstronomy#7766 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:52 kr3z: glhf
- 00:52 kr3z#4245 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:52 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:53 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:35 jaxstronomy#7766 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:42:04!
- 04:35 kr3z#4245 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:35 Race finished in 3:42:15.4
- 04:35 kr3z: gg
- 04:35 jaxstronomy: gg
- 04:35 jaxstronomy: what kicked your ass
- 04:35 jaxstronomy: other than everything
- 04:35 kr3z: where was longshot? Because it sure wasn't in shadow
- 04:35 jaxstronomy: well
- 04:36 kr3z: nope got that one
- 04:36 jaxstronomy: oh
- 04:36 jaxstronomy: lol
- 04:36 jaxstronomy: uh
- 04:36 jaxstronomy: chickens
- 04:36 kr3z: no, I banned them
- 04:36 jaxstronomy: I mean I wish that was how it worked too
- 04:36 kr3z: That's how its been working in every race so far. I can't believe mido betrayed me
- 04:37 jaxstronomy: yeah I had that child 1 and just did everything
- 04:38 jaxstronomy: just committed Forest and Shadow before recrossing for Bolero
- 04:38 kr3z: I didn't get a hookshot until 2 hours in. And then for some reason I decided to collect 50 skulls after that
- 04:38 jaxstronomy: I was done with everything but longshot around then and just...
- 04:38 jaxstronomy: -doing everything wrong- you mean like this?