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- 23:33 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 23:34 Mido invites Theumman#0440 to join the race.
- 23:34 Mido invites Stuck_man#6906 to join the race.
- 23:34 Mido invites ACreativeUsername#3795 to join the race.
- 23:34 Mido invites VidyaJames to join the race.
- 23:34 Mido invites idunno#0429 to join the race.
- 23:34 Mido invites CheckRaise#5639 to join the race.
- 23:34 Mido: Welcome to this Swiss Round 1 race! Learn more about the tournament at
- 23:34 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 23:34 Mido: You can roll a seed using “!seed base”, “!seed random”, or “!seed draft”. You can also choose settings directly (e.g. !seed trials 2 wincon scrubs). For more info about these options, use “!presets”
- 23:34 VidyaJames accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:34 Stuck_man: we good? :p
- 23:34 ACreativeUsername#3795 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:34 Stuck_man#6906 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:34 Fenhl: looks good
- 23:34 VidyaJames joins The Highest Gorons.
- 23:34 idunno#0429 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:34 ACreativeUsername#3795 joins ACreativeTeamName.
- 23:34 Theumman#0440 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:34 Theumman#0440 joins ACreativeTeamName.
- 23:34 Stuck_man#6906 joins ACreativeTeamName.
- 23:34 ACreativeUsername: Sorry for the trigger happiness.
- 23:35 idunno#0429 joins The Highest Gorons.
- 23:35 Fenhl: no worries, congrats on finding a bug :P
- 23:35 ACreativeUsername: I try to make my dollar in QA
- 23:36 ACreativeUsername: !presets
- 23:36 Mido: !seed base: The settings used for the qualifier and tiebreaker asyncs.
- 23:36 Mido: !seed random: Simulate a settings draft with both teams picking randomly. The settings are posted along with the seed.
- 23:36 Mido: !seed draft: Pick the settings here in the chat. I don't enforce that the two teams have to be represented by different people, so you can also use this to decide on settings ahead of time.
- 23:36 Mido: !seed (<setting> <value>)... (e.g. !seed trials 2 wincon scrubs): Pick a set of draftable settings without doing a full draft. Use “!settings” for a list of available settings.
- 23:36 ACreativeUsername: !settings
- 23:36 Mido: wincon: meds (default: 6 Medallion Bridge + Keysy BK), scrubs (3 Stone Bridge + LACS BK), or th (Triforce Hunt 25/30)
- 23:36 Mido: dungeons: tournament (default: keys shuffled in own dungeon), skulls (vanilla keys, dungeon tokens), or keyrings (small keyrings anywhere, vanilla boss keys)
- 23:36 Mido: er: off (default) or dungeon
- 23:36 Mido: trials: 0 (default) or 2
- 23:36 Mido: shops: 4 (default) or off
- 23:36 Mido: scrubs: affordable (default) or off
- 23:36 Mido: fountain: closed (default) or open
- 23:36 Mido: spawn: tot (default: adult start, vanilla spawns) or random (random spawns and starting age)
- 23:40 CheckRaise#5639 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:40 CheckRaise#5639 joins The Highest Gorons.
- 23:42 ACreativeUsername: Who wants to roll the seed in 3?
- 23:43 VidyaJames: doesn't matter to me
- 23:44 Stuck_man: please don't let us roll
- 23:44 VidyaJames: okay I'll do it
- 23:45 VidyaJames: !seed wincon scrubs
- 23:45 Mido: Rolling a seed with Scrubs wincons…
- 23:45 Theumman: How long do y'all want to play, I could roll if you want to go for like 6 hours
- 23:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 23:45 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 23:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 23:49 Theumman#0440 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 23:49 ACreativeUsername#3795 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 23:50 Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 23:53 VidyaJames is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:54 VidyaJames is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 23:55 VidyaJames is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:56 VidyaJames: 1 sec here, just getting streams set up
- 23:57 ACreativeUsername: Take your time! We are just chilling!
- 23:58 idunno#0429 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:58 VidyaJames: glhf
- 23:58 idunno: gl hf
- 23:58 CheckRaise: about to ready up
- 23:58 CheckRaise: gl hf
- 23:58 Stuck_man: glhf!
- 23:58 ACreativeUsername: GLHF!
- 23:58 Theumman: GLHF
- 23:58 CheckRaise#5639 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:58 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:58 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:20 CheckRaise#5639 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:21:37!
- 02:26 Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:27:21!
- 02:32 idunno#0429 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:33:09!
- 02:41 Theumman#0440 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:42:21!
- 03:28 VidyaJames has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:29:09!
- 03:28 ACreativeUsername: GG
- 03:28 Stuck_man: gg
- 03:28 CheckRaise: gg
- 03:28 VidyaJames: gg
- 03:28 ACreativeUsername: Just waiting for those lights from P1
- 03:29 VidyaJames: where was P3 dins lmao
- 03:29 Stuck_man: Kak potion shop?
- 03:29 Stuck_man: for P2
- 03:30 VidyaJames: LMFAO
- 03:30 Stuck_man: I actually think it was my first item gotten at 2 minutes
- 03:31 Stuck_man: lol
- 03:32 ACreativeUsername#3795 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:33:40!
- 03:32 Race finished in 3:33:40.9
- 03:32 ACreativeUsername: Dang, a different Shadow layout would have made the world.
- 03:34 Stuck_man: did you find the longshot in P2 Fire the first time through?
- 03:35 VidyaJames: nope, matt had to go back
- 03:35 Stuck_man: name does not check out :p
- 03:36 Stuck_man: I was trying to see if it was related to the sling or anything, I didn't have any other, so I kinda hoped for GC or something