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- 18:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:50 Synii: !fpa
- 20:50 RandoBot: @everyone FPA has been invoked by @Synii.
- 20:50 Riley: paused
- 20:51 Synii: caught up
- 20:51 Synii: uh, do we count down?
- 20:52 Riley: uh idk how it works lol
- 20:52 Synii: guess we can keep playing now?
- 20:52 Synii: you still paused?
- 20:52 Riley: we should have an outside source count us down probably
- 20:52 Riley: yes
- 20:52 Synii: yeah
- 20:52 Synii: was thinking that
- 20:52 Delilah: sec lemme grab scoob
- 20:55 Scooby2120: Sorry got the notification late
- 20:55 Synii: ok
- 20:55 Riley: np
- 20:55 Scooby2120: We get it worked out
- 20:55 Riley: yeah we are good to go again just need a countdown to restart
- 20:56 Synii: im good to restart
- 20:56 Scooby2120: Alright 3
- 20:56 Scooby2120: 2
- 20:56 Scooby2120: 1
- 20:56 Scooby2120: Go
- 21:11 Synii#6419 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:11:14!
- 21:11 Riley#6863 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:11 Race finished in 3:11:21.3
- 21:11 Riley: gg
- 21:12 Synii: omg my heart
- 21:12 Synii: gg
- 21:12 Scooby2120: Gg you 2
- 21:12 Riley: have like 2 checks left in my seed very fun
- 21:12 Synii: what were you missing?
- 21:12 Riley: dark link and child spirit
- 21:12 Riley: mirror
- 21:12 Scooby2120: That race had me worried at the end
- 21:12 Synii: mirror was str 3 pillar
- 21:12 Riley: str 3?
- 21:12 Synii: yeah
- 21:12 Delilah: GGs
- 21:12 Scooby2120: Ogc fairy
- 21:13 Riley: no where was str 3
- 21:13 Delilah: we're uh, sitting on the FPA on live right now
- 21:13 Synii: I thought I threw the race away due to my scarecrow blunder
- 21:13 Scooby2120: Top of fortress
- 21:13 Riley: ...........
- 21:13 Riley: I forgot
- 21:13 Synii: yeah, top of fort
- 21:13 Synii: oh no
- 21:13 Delilah: Yeah...
- 21:13 Riley: FUCK
- 21:13 Riley: MY ASS
- 21:13 Synii: :(
- 21:13 Delilah: :(
- 21:13 Scooby2120: :(
- 21:13 Riley: I literally couldve gotten that after gtg
- 21:13 Riley: I peeked at it
- 21:13 Synii: but I'm glad that pierre didn't cost me the race
- 21:13 Riley: I had scarecrow too
- 21:14 Synii: tthat was so fucking stupid
- 21:14 Riley: I'm a fucking idiot
- 21:14 Synii: when did you find the hammer?
- 21:14 Riley: afte well
- 21:14 Riley: did that + darunia
- 21:14 Riley: well 2 sorry
- 21:14 Synii: ah, i guess we had the same idea for that route
- 21:14 Synii: I also did well to darunia to target
- 21:15 Riley: then after that fire
- 21:15 Riley: into reverse to get the fucking gv big chest
- 21:15 Synii: ah yeah, what was in it?
- 21:15 Riley: so I walked past fortress fucking twice
- 21:15 Riley: wallet
- 21:15 Synii: oh
- 21:15 Scooby2120: Do either of you want to do the interview
- 21:15 Synii: hammer was my go, so no reason to grab it
- 21:15 Synii: yeah, I'll interview
- 21:15 Riley: then did water dip Fw forest fire again got LS in deep fire now was in water
- 21:15 Riley: no
- 21:16 Riley: gnight I'm gonna go do something more fun
- 21:16 Synii: I didn't touch forest
- 21:16 Synii: I decided to metagame against it
- 21:16 Delilah: You can hop into waiting room on ZSR but we won't pull you in until you finish on screen Synii
- 21:16 Synii: it hammer was there, gg
- 21:16 Scooby2120: Gnight Riley gg again
- 21:16 Synii: gg again RIley
- 21:16 Delilah: g'nite Riley
- 21:16 Synii: gl in the rest of your matches
- 21:16 Synii: you can do it!
- 21:18 Synii: just for future reference, your allowed to fpa the deadhand spawn glitch right?
- 21:34 Scooby2120: I do believe so I'll have to check
- 21:37 Delilah: Synii you're in the room
- 21:37 Delilah: Please start talking for interview
- 21:38 Delilah: thx
- 21:38 Scooby2120: Synii I didn't see anything about that being covered but you might want to confirm with mods about it
- 06:11 Race result recorded by Jimbo