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16:49 Mido : Welcome to the OoTR Random Settings League! Learn more at Roll RSL seed Roll multiworld seed… More presets…
17:12 emosoda : I think it's just the name right? 17:13 ksinjah : are you sure it's correct? :raised_eyebrows: 17:13 ksinjah : zsrGrin 17:13 emosoda : checked the dev channel and it's correct 17:13 emosoda : the bot button just wasn't rewritten 17:14 emosoda : but has same function as ! seed lite 17:14 Tjongejonge_ : i am never sure if anything i do is correct 17:14 Tjongejonge_ : is part of the fun 17:17 GreenPepperCH#3489 joins the race. 17:17 GreenPepperCH#3489 quits the race. 17:18 tenacious_toad : I loaded up this seed and all I got was this stupid shirt? KEKW 17:18 Tjongejonge_ : yep all you got is a lousy tshirt 17:19 Tjongejonge_#3520 is ready! (6 remaining) 17:20 Oximan#8883 is ready! (5 remaining) 17:21 ksinjah#5722 is ready! (4 remaining) 17:22 tenacious_toad#5453 is ready! (3 remaining) 17:22 favio94#9972 joins the race. 17:22 emosoda : smoked 2 bowls for this 17:23 Oximan : of flour? 17:23 TeaGrenadier : that doesn' 17:23 TeaGrenadier : t sound healthy 17:23 Tjongejonge_ : you dont sound healthy 17:23 Tjongejonge_ : BOEM 17:23 ksinjah : I was about to say sth similar KEKW 17:23 Tjongejonge_ : we gottem good ksinjah 17:24 TeaGrenadier : I'm playing this aren't I 17:24 Tjongejonge_ : /dab 17:24 TeaGrenadier : so clearly I'm not okay 17:24 ksinjah : good point 17:24 Tjongejonge_ : yea but we already knew that 17:24 ksinjah : happy you are here tho <3 17:24 WTHH : favio Pog 17:24 Tjongejonge_ : you hang out with us 17:24 Tjongejonge_ : clearly there must be smt wrong 17:24 emosoda : oh shit tj has a dab rig? 17:24 favio94 : o/ 17:24 emosoda : sup favio 17:24 Tjongejonge_ : \o 17:25 emosoda : 8 ppl Pog 17:25 TeaGrenadier#7927 is ready! (3 remaining) 17:25 emosoda is ready! (2 remaining) 17:25 tenacious_toad : yeah because this is a time I am awake to race :P 17:25 WTHH#3353 is ready! (1 remaining) 17:25 emosoda : I clicked ready and all I got was this lousy shirt 17:25 Oximan : Imagine being awake during races 17:25 ksinjah : glhf ! 17:26 Tjongejonge_ : gl gl besides tea 17:26 emosoda : yeah, I race better right after waking 17:26 emosoda : glhf except VCheaters Madge 17:26 tenacious_toad : LMAO 17:26 TeaGrenadier : gl and hope you find more bugs TJ 17:26 Tjongejonge_ : they aint bugs 17:26 Tjongejonge_ : they are features 17:26 ksinjah : lol 17:26 emosoda : I have alerted fehnl of the name discrepancy so all good : > 17:27 tenacious_toad : they're spiders, not bugs 17:27 TeaGrenadier : that sounds likeprogrammer copium 17:27 Tjongejonge_ : makes the randomness feel more random 17:27 Tjongejonge_ : its all part of the plan 17:27 Oximan : theyre happy little accidents 17:27 favio94 : gonna ready up 17:27 favio94 : glhf 17:27 Oximan : glhf 17:27 tenacious_toad : glhf! 17:27 Tjongejonge_ : oh yea we have to race 17:27 ksinjah : zsrHype 17:27 Tjongejonge_ : gl gl 17:27 emosoda : HashFrog 17:27 favio94#9972 is ready! (0 remaining) 17:27 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds! 17:27 WTHH : gl hf! 17:27 ksinjah : chatting was nice lol 17:27 Oximan : Im sniping emo's stream 17:27 Tjongejonge_ : gonna miss the chats :( 17:27 Oximan : Ill chat there 17:28 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. 19:13 Oximan#8883 has forfeited from the race. 19:13 Oximan : Doggy needs to go potty 20:50 Tjongejonge_#3520 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:22:06! 20:50 Tjongejonge_ : gg 20:53 favio94#9972 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:25:03! 21:08 tenacious_toad#5453 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:40:35! 21:08 TeaGrenadier#7927 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:40:39! 21:08 Tjongejonge_ : GET SNIPED 21:08 TeaGrenadier : fuuuuck 21:08 TeaGrenadier : ggs 21:08 tenacious_toad : GGs 21:19 WTHH#3353 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:51:50! 21:28 emosoda has finished in 6th place with a time of 4:00:13! 21:30 emosoda added a comment. 21:36 ksinjah#5722 has finished in 7th place with a time of 4:08:22! 21:36 Race finished in 4:08:22.5 21:36 ksinjah : GG ! 04:43 Race result recorded by Oakishi#1215