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- 19:30 Scooby2120#9930 invites Sponge#4205 to join the race.
- 19:30 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a release seed with !seed <preset> or a latest dev seed with !seeddev <preset>
- 19:30 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !race to generate a release seed with a spoiler log.
- 19:30 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets for release and !presetsdev for dev
- 19:30 Scooby2120#9930 invites Machie#1863 to join the race.
- 19:30 Scooby2120#9930 invites Zinedine#7130 to join the race.
- 19:34 Machie#1863 accepts an invitation to join.
- 19:34 Machie: o/
- 19:34 Scooby2120: O.o
- 19:35 Zinedine#7130 accepts an invitation to join.
- 19:36 Scooby2120#9930 promoted Zinedine#7130 to race monitor.
- 19:36 Sponge#4205 accepts an invitation to join.
- 19:36 Scooby2120#9930 removes Zinedine#7130 from the race.
- 19:36 Scooby2120: hello you luvly racers and restreamer
- 19:36 Zinedine: o/
- 19:36 Zinedine: yo Scooby and racers. hope you're well today
- 19:38 Scooby2120: remember there is a 20 minute stream delay and what is your prefered platforms to play on
- 19:38 Machie: RA
- 19:39 Zinedine: does anyone have clean audio?
- 19:39 Scooby2120: alrighty remember to show settings and have fps on screen
- 19:39 Machie: i have clean audio
- 19:39 Zinedine: thanks Machie
- 19:39 Machie: yep no worry for settings
- 19:39 Scooby2120: aye :)
- 19:42 Scooby2120: ya'll know the drill I'm sure rolling seed at 45 after than start at the top of the hour
- 19:46 Scooby2120: !seed s6
- 19:46 RandoBot: Scooby2120, here is your seed:
- 19:46 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 19:46 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 19:46 Scooby2120: I wish you both good luck on this seed that hash scares me though kekw
- 19:47 Scooby2120: !fpa on
- 19:47 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell đŸ”” icon below chat.
- 19:59 Scooby2120: start up when ready and we'll start the race at the top of the hour
- 19:59 Machie#1863 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:00 Machie: GL & HF
- 20:00 Sponge: glhf eep
- 20:00 Sponge: peep*
- 20:00 Sponge: lets rock
- 20:00 Sponge#4205 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:00 Scooby2120#9930 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:00 Scooby2120: GLHF
- 20:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:05 Sponge: !fpa
- 22:05 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is not active. Race monitors may enable FPA for this race with !fpa on
- 22:05 Sponge: fpa
- 22:05 Sponge: hallo
- 22:06 Sponge: fuck me
- 22:06 Machie: it worked
- 22:07 Sponge: are you [paused?
- 22:07 Machie: do i need to ?
- 22:07 Machie: of it is recalclated ?
- 22:07 Sponge: nah you can go
- 22:07 Sponge: ok
- 22:07 Sponge: well juust let them figure it out
- 22:20 Scooby2120: Yeah
- 22:21 Scooby2120: What happened
- 22:24 Scooby2120: Yall get it figured out I'm guessing sorry had to step away for a minute
- 23:16 Sponge#4205 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:15:05!
- 23:16 Machie: gg
- 23:16 Sponge: gg
- 23:16 Scooby2120: gg sponge
- 23:16 Scooby2120: what was the fpa call for earlier I had to step away
- 23:17 Sponge: my controller broke lol
- 23:17 Scooby2120: lol well that is covered sorry I missed the call
- 23:17 Scooby2120: would either of you like to join for the interview
- 23:17 Sponge: as long as everything is ok in the end
- 23:18 Sponge: ill interview yea
- 23:18 Machie: i finish and i can come too
- 23:18 Scooby2120: ok sponge if you want to head to the waiting room on the main discord and Machie when you finish also join their as well
- 23:18 Machie: yep
- 23:19 Machie: should be soon anoway
- 23:19 Scooby2120: Again Good Job from you both Sponge Good luck in your next race Machie did you did fantastic and good luck next time
- 23:25 Machie#1863 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:24:14!
- 23:25 Race finished in 3:24:14.7
- 23:26 Scooby2120: GG machie
- 23:26 Machie: thanks
- 23:26 Machie: what a seed damn
- 23:27 Scooby2120: the last couple races I had to roll the seed have been Trez level awful at times
- 23:28 Machie: i miss readed the hint KEKW
- 23:28 Zinedine: ggs
- 23:28 Scooby2120: just talked about that on restream
- 23:29 Zinedine: restream is about 9 min behind
- 23:29 Machie: well i should lost aniway
- 23:29 Machie: fap + last loc f2
- 23:29 Machie: fpa*
- 03:54 Race result recorded by Jimbo