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- 20:36 Squidguardian10#7058 joins the race.
- 20:38 Lusther#8848 joins the race.
- 20:38 SpeedRon#6471 joins the race.
- 20:38 Squidguardian10: hey lusther, hey ron
- 20:38 SpeedRon: hi
- 20:38 Lusther: hey
- 20:39 Absogami#0641 joins the race.
- 20:39 Absogami: o/
- 20:39 Squidguardian10: o/
- 20:40 Absogami: This'll be my last race that matters
- 20:40 Lusther: :o
- 20:41 Lusther: Make it count then
- 20:41 Absogami: yeah better get a 31
- 20:41 Lusther: nah get a 29
- 20:41 Absogami: that's not impossible but very unlikely
- 20:41 Squidguardian10: get a 25
- 20:41 Absogami: already got one squid
- 20:44 Lusther: I opt out
- 20:45 Absogami: don't forget you can opt in once in your life coward
- 20:45 Lusther: gotta get that 0 qualifier
- 20:54 Lusther: since we are all here, we'll start right on time
- 20:54 Lusther: so in a bit more than 5mn
- 20:54 Lusther#8848 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 20:54 Lusther#8848 is not ready. (4 remaining)
- 20:54 SpeedRon#6471 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 20:56 Lusther#8848 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:56 Squidguardian10#7058 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:58 Lusther: abso can you go ready ?
- 20:58 Lusther: also i don't see any time on your stream ?
- 20:59 Lusther: seems we will be a bit late apparently, im messaging abso
- 20:59 SpeedRon: gdi abso
- 21:00 Absogami#0641 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:00 SpeedRon: glhf
- 21:00 Lusther: timer on your stream abso ?
- 21:00 Squidguardian10: gl
- 21:00 Lusther: okay fixed nice
- 21:01 Lusther: alright
- 21:01 Lusther: good luck everyone
- 21:01 Lusther#8848 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 30 seconds!
- 21:01 Absogami: glgl
- 21:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:03 enri: glhf oriLurk
- 21:30 SpeedRon#6471 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:28:20!
- 21:30 Absogami#0641 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:31 SpeedRon#6471 added a comment.
- 21:31 Lusther#8848 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:29:23!
- 21:31 Absogami#0641 added a comment.
- 21:31 Lusther: 5sec from my pb
- 21:31 Lusther: xD
- 21:31 SpeedRon: GG
- 21:31 Absogami: gg
- 21:32 Lusther: so close from pbing again xD
- 21:32 Lusther: it was pb pace until light grenade
- 21:32 Absogami: J'ai pas le droit au bonheur
- 21:33 Lusther#8848 added a comment.
- 21:34 Absogami: lost one minute dying to a random bramble after FW, 2 minutes dying twice in early misty, 3 minutes dying in late misty, couldn't beat my previous worst time anymore
- 21:35 Squidguardian10#7058 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:33:06!
- 21:35 Race finished in 0:33:06.8
- 21:35 SpeedRon: oritake abso
- 21:35 SpeedRon: you got it next time
- 21:35 Squidguardian10: that suuuucked man
- 21:35 Absogami: I'm just gonna drop out of the tournament
- 21:35 Absogami: I'll lose my first match anyway
- 21:35 Squidguardian10: what happened abso?
- 21:35 Absogami: Dying thousands of time to the splits I practice the most
- 21:36 Absogami: Why can I pull good cjuggles but not a stomp cancel in misty ? wtf is wrong with me ?
- 21:36 Lusther: that's so typical
- 21:36 Lusther: quid don't forget to comment your time
- 21:36 SpeedRon: had major time losses on all 3 quals, so for this run I played super extra safe like stupidly safe
- 21:37 Lusther: squid*
- 21:37 Squidguardian10#7058 added a comment.
- 21:37 Lusther: with millisecond :p
- 21:37 Lusther: if possible
- 21:37 Squidguardian10: I still havent gotten a sub 33 in these
- 21:38 Race result recorded by Lusther#8848