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- 18:38 LionAlmenar#9147 joins the race.
- 18:39 nfnite#9988 joins the race.
- 18:40 jmal116#3298 joins the race.
- 18:40 wespr#6810 joins the race.
- 18:44 TurtleRun2412#5646 joins the race.
- 18:46 Dedew: The seed will be default settings
- 18:46 Dedew: I will send it to you in a few minutes
- 18:48 LionAlmenar: turtle can you start your stream please
- 18:49 LionAlmenar: and jmal it says you're live but your stream doesn't load
- 18:49 jmal116: huh, lemme restart
- 18:50 jmal116: seems to be back now at least
- 18:50 jmal116: not sure why it did that at all
- 18:50 LionAlmenar: yeah its good now
- 18:51 jmal116: Seed ends with 170?
- 18:52 nfnite: yep
- 18:52 TurtleRun2412#5646 quits the race.
- 18:53 TurtleRun2412#5646 joins the race.
- 18:53 jmal116: why does racetime say I'm not live
- 18:53 LionAlmenar: your stream shows up so it should be fine
- 18:54 jmal116: I can't ready up
- 18:54 jmal116: oh now it's better
- 18:54 jmal116: technology is wonderful
- 18:54 TurtleRun2412: just racetime things
- 18:54 jmal116#3298 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:54 wespr#6810 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:54 nfnite#9988 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:55 wespr: gl hf!
- 18:55 TurtleRun2412#5646 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:55 CovertMuffin: glhf everyone!!
- 18:55 jmal116: glhf all
- 18:55 TurtleRun2412: glhf!
- 18:55 TurtleRun2412: or else...
- 18:55 nfnite: glhf
- 18:56 nfnite: if you need to cantact me during the race, pls ping/DM me on discord
- 18:57 TurtleRun2412: ^
- 18:58 Dedew: @jmal @wespr you're not using the right livesplit layout
- 18:58 Dedew: you can download it here
- 18:58 Dedew:
- 18:59 jmal116: This is the same layout we've used the whole time?
- 18:59 jmal116: Do you just want us to get rid of the extra stuff?
- 18:59 Dedew: you've been using a layout from a previous tournament I think
- 18:59 jmal116: I definitely used the new one
- 18:59 Dedew: that's weird
- 18:59 jmal116: is it a quick fix we can do manually?
- 18:59 wespr: I should be using the same as him
- 18:59 LionAlmenar: livesplit layout not obs layout
- 19:00 Dedew: oh yeah livesplit
- 19:00 jmal116: oh I thought I imported the new one for that too
- 19:00 jmal116: but that one's easiler to change
- 19:00 LionAlmenar: it just has a different font
- 19:00 Dedew: the time formatting is different
- 19:00 Dedew: It should be 00:00:00
- 19:00 wespr: Is it fixed for me?
- 19:01 Dedew: both look good
- 19:01 Dedew: thanks!
- 19:01 jmal116: ok thought I did that already but guess not lol
- 19:01 LionAlmenar: yeah all good
- 19:01 LionAlmenar: Ill start countdown in about 2 mins or so
- 19:02 LionAlmenar: starting countdown in 30s
- 19:03 LionAlmenar: glhf
- 19:03 LionAlmenar#9147 quits the race.
- 19:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 60 seconds!
- 19:03 TurtleRun2412: gee ell haych eff again!
- 19:03 CovertMuffin: glhf
- 19:03 nfnite: glhf
- 19:03 wespr: glhf
- 19:03 Dedew: glhf
- 19:03 jmal116: gfhl
- 19:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:53 wespr#6810 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:49:27!
- 19:56 jmal116#3298 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:52:14!
- 19:56 jmal116: gg
- 20:02 nfnite: gg
- 20:02 wespr: gg
- 20:02 jmal116: gg
- 20:03 nfnite#9988 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:58:52!
- 20:03 Foopyo: gg!
- 20:03 TurtleRun2412#5646 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:59:11!
- 20:03 Race finished in 0:59:11.3
- 20:03 TurtleRun2412: gg
- 20:03 TurtleRun2412#5646 added a comment.
- 20:04 nfnite#9988 added a comment.
- 20:04 jmal116#3298 added a comment.
- 20:17 Race result recorded by Dedew#3492