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- 02:03 CovertMuffin: glhf
- 02:03 TurtleRun2412: fhlg
- 02:03 JEANBERNARDGAMING: i tried it for 15 minutes for the intro video footage and i just couldnt get it
- 02:03 Ciarenni: glhf everyone!
- 02:03 JEANBERNARDGAMING: aight, glhf everyone!
- 02:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:28 og1764: WHAT MORE CAN GO WRONG
- 02:29 JEANBERNARDGAMING: oriTake og
- 02:29 JEANBERNARDGAMING: controller stompless is fuckin hard
- 02:33 Primorix#1098 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:29:10!
- 02:33 JEANBERNARDGAMING: gg primster
- 02:33 Primorix: thx
- 02:33 Primorix: u want me in on deck yet? or are we not doing that
- 02:34 JEANBERNARDGAMING: when both players finish yea
- 02:34 Primorix: k
- 02:34 JEANBERNARDGAMING: if u want an interview, that is
- 02:34 Primorix: yeah i'm good with it
- 02:34 Primorix#1098 added a comment.
- 02:34 CovertMuffin#0646 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:30:24!
- 02:34 JEANBERNARDGAMING: is that pb
- 02:34 CovertMuffin: lost another sub 30 lmfao
- 02:34 JEANBERNARDGAMING: whjat happened
- 02:34 CovertMuffin: uhhhhh
- 02:34 SuperFluffyKoala: ggs
- 02:35 CovertMuffin: I died ont he way down to LG tree because I was sloppy
- 02:35 Primorix: oh no
- 02:35 CovertMuffin: but I hit every grenade jump so whatever
- 02:35 Primorix: gg still muffin
- 02:35 CovertMuffin: yeah totally fine
- 02:35 CovertMuffin: I am very happy with this for a qual
- 02:35 CheeseLover#2454 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:31:20!
- 02:35 JEANBERNARDGAMING: low 30 is solid for sure
- 02:35 CovertMuffin: yeah exactly
- 02:35 CheeseLover#2454 added a comment.
- 02:36 Cleanfel#2854 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:32:45!
- 02:36 CovertMuffin: and yeah it's another PB LMFAO
- 02:36 CovertMuffin: by 4 seconds
- 02:37 Cleanfel#2854 added a comment.
- 02:38 SuperFluffyKoala: lol gg
- 02:38 Cleanfel: Lmao gg Muffin, amazing stuff
- 02:38 Cleanfel: terra's power
- 02:39 Cleanfel: 4th try sorrow bash, death after SS, 2nd try door warp, but only 30s behind, so Im feelin good
- 02:39 Cleanfel: Finally did a qual lets go
- 02:39 JEANBERNARDGAMING: lmao nice
- 02:40 JEANBERNARDGAMING: cant wait for the race pb in next time
- 02:40 CovertMuffin#0646 added a comment.
- 02:40 CovertMuffin: yo awesome clean gg
- 02:40 Cleanfel: Im tryin' to hahaha
- 02:40 Cleanfel: oh yeah I did meatball strats for like the first time unprompted LMAO
- 02:40 TurtleRun2412#5646 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:36:43!
- 02:40 CovertMuffin: LOL nice
- 02:41 Cleanfel: just said "is this how you do it" "OH IT IS"
- 02:41 og1764#0051 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:37:01!
- 02:41 Cleanfel: oriHug gg OG
- 02:41 WhitePaaws: oriHug
- 02:42 TurtleRun2412#5646 added a comment.
- 02:43 TurtleRun2412: wait yooo we got a PB this race? WOOOOOOO GG MUFFIN
- 02:44 SuperFluffyKoala: ggs everyone
- 02:44 SuperFluffyKoala: gl cereberon and ciarenni
- 02:44 CovertMuffin: haha thanks
- 02:44 CovertMuffin: 2nd PB today
- 02:44 CovertMuffin: ggs
- 02:47 Cereberon#4112 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:43:22!
- 02:47 Cereberon: oop i did the dumb split thing again.
- 02:47 Cereberon: gg
- 02:48 JEANBERNARDGAMING: gg cere
- 02:48 Cereberon#4112 added a comment.
- 02:49 Cereberon: nice pb muffin
- 02:49 Ciarenni#7505 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:45:04!
- 02:49 Race finished in 0:45:04.9
- 02:49 Ciarenni: final escape did me dirty
- 02:49 Ciarenni: .commetn 45:02.22
- 02:49 Ciarenni#7505 added a comment.
- 02:49 JEANBERNARDGAMING: as it usually does
- 02:51 Cereberon: yeah i got played too
- 02:51 Ciarenni: i had the wrong position for the final gjump, softlocked the game and quit out when i saw it arcing badly
- 02:51 Cereberon: my jumps were getting eaten alot today. wierd timeless beyond just trick bleh
- 02:51 Ciarenni: went into the final room and warmth had already been returned and i couldnt get in the escape path
- 02:52 Ciarenni: i dont know what i did to fix it, but somehow it reset to before then and i had to do the whole thing again
- 02:52 Cereberon: monka...i just died 3x.
- 02:52 CheeseLover: ggs
- 02:52 Ciarenni: ggs everyone!
- 02:52 Cereberon: gg all OriHug
- 02:52 Ciarenni: i had some bad play elsewhere too, ginso destroyed me nearly as hard as final escape
- 02:52 Ciarenni: everything else wasnt too bad!
- 02:57 Race result recorded by SuperFluffyKoala#2583