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- 00:59 WhitePaaws#7041 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 00:59 CheeseLover: gl indeed
- 00:59 CovertMuffin: glhf
- 00:59 CheeseLover#2454 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 00:59 CovertMuffin#0646 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 00:59 Cleanfel: potentially yes
- 00:59 Cleanfel: CleanCheese HMM
- 00:59 CovertMuffin: clean lover?
- 00:59 CheeseLover: i prefer dirty cheese
- 01:00 Lusther#8848 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:00 CovertMuffin: cheesefel?
- 01:00 Squidguardian10#7058 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:00 CheeseLover: the cheese fell on the floor and now its dirty cheese
- 01:00 WhitePaaws#7041 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 01:00 Lusther: as long as it doesn't stay 5sec
- 01:00 WhitePaaws: give me a sec lol
- 01:01 Cleanfel#2854 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:01 WhitePaaws#7041 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:01 TurtleRun2412: glhffffffff
- 01:01 Cleanfel: the lover of cheese fel into the abyss as they were overcome with cheese, they needed a clean slate
- 01:01 CheeseLover: hmmmm
- 01:02 SuperFluffyKoala: 1min
- 01:03 CheeseLover: hype
- 01:03 Lusther: Good luck guys
- 01:03 CovertMuffin: kk
- 01:03 CovertMuffin: glhf
- 01:03 CheeseLover: glhf
- 01:03 WhitePaaws: glhf
- 01:03 Squidguardian10: glhf guys <3
- 01:03 SuperFluffyKoala: commentators try to rap it up soon
- 01:04 Xemsys: koala you can go we're stalling here :D
- 01:05 SuperFluffyKoala: waiting on cleanfels stream
- 01:05 Cleanfel: back?
- 01:05 Cleanfel: sorry about that
- 01:06 CovertMuffin: gives me more time to watch sad forlorn cutscene
- 01:06 Lusther: ahah
- 01:07 CheeseLover: haha
- 01:07 Lusther: poor birdies
- 01:07 TurtleRun2412: birds are jerks
- 01:07 TurtleRun2412: they deserve it for messing up my sorrow bashes
- 01:07 CovertMuffin: D:
- 01:07 Lusther: oooh revenge
- 01:07 CovertMuffin: for me it's all about sadness empowering my button presses
- 01:08 Lusther: the power comes from not being able to see forlorn in the run
- 01:08 SuperFluffyKoala: starting in 30secs
- 01:08 CovertMuffin: kk
- 01:08 CovertMuffin: glhf
- 01:08 Cleanfel: GLHF!
- 01:08 CheeseLover: gl
- 01:08 TurtleRun2412: gee ell haych eff
- 01:08 Squidguardian10: gl :)
- 01:08 SuperFluffyKoala#2583 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:09 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:12 CheeseLover: scrol lwheel broke
- 01:26 CovertMuffin#0646 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:26 CovertMuffin: I'm out
- 01:26 CovertMuffin: lost 3 minutes already
- 01:26 CovertMuffin: glgl
- 01:32 JEANBERNARDGAMING: oriTake muffin
- 01:39 Lusther#8848 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:29:56!
- 01:39 Lusther: choked so hard awwww
- 01:39 Lusther: i was 28 pace :'(
- 01:39 JEANBERNARDGAMING: ull get em next time
- 01:39 WhitePaaws: dang
- 01:39 WhitePaaws: but ggs
- 01:40 WhitePaaws#7041 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:30:58!
- 01:40 CheeseLover#2454 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:31:30!
- 01:40 Lusther: died in the poison water in the escape and that loses it :'(
- 01:40 CheeseLover: gg
- 01:40 CheeseLover: rip
- 01:42 Squidguardian10#7058 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:33:09!
- 01:42 Squidguardian10#7058 added a comment.
- 01:42 Squidguardian10: pb pace until grenade
- 01:43 Lusther: I feel you man
- 01:44 Cleanfel#2854 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:35:19!
- 01:44 Cleanfel: GGs!
- 01:44 JEANBERNARDGAMING: unfortunate terra break
- 01:46 Squidguardian10: ggs
- 01:46 SuperFluffyKoala: ggs
- 01:46 TurtleRun2412#5646 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:37:35!
- 01:46 Race finished in 0:37:35.3
- 01:46 TurtleRun2412: gg!
- 01:46 Lusther: gg everyone
- 01:47 TurtleRun2412: honestly if i didn't lose over a minute to fast sompless that would've been a 10+ second PB
- 01:48 TurtleRun2412: more gold = PB soon tho
- 01:48 Lusther: D:
- 01:48 Lusther: not gonna lie, loosing that run just detroyed me
- 01:48 Race result recorded by SuperFluffyKoala#2583