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- 11:47 Lucidus: KEKW
- 11:47 JEANBERNARDGAMING: i think ure paying too much attention to details
- 11:48 Absogami: The real question is what could go well ?
- 11:48 Lucidus: TRUE
- 11:48 JEANBERNARDGAMING: nothing
- 11:48 Lucidus: maybe a couple of jumps on WJ split
- 11:48 rin#2061 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 11:48 Lucidus#8340 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 11:48 Absogami#0641 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 11:48 MyBobiesAreSoft#5900 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 11:48 Grifs99: alright
- 11:48 Grifs99: glhf <3
- 11:48 JEANBERNARDGAMING: aight glhf lads
- 11:48 JEANBERNARDGAMING: (and lass)
- 11:48 Lucidus: glgl
- 11:48 Grifs99#9836 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 11:48 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 11:48 MyBobiesAreSoft: glhf
- 11:48 Absogami: glglglglglglglglglglglglglgl
- 11:49 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 11:49 JEANBERNARDGAMING: practice dll
- 11:49 Lucidus: KEKW
- 11:49 Grifs99: lol
- 11:49 Grifs99: reset?
- 11:49 Grifs99: well, I guess can cancel
- 11:49 JEANBERNARDGAMING: its fine ill just be 40 seconds behind
- 11:50 Absogami: fair disadvantage
- 11:50 Lucidus: it's fine, he'll just PB and not be able to submit it
- 11:50 JEANBERNARDGAMING: i restarted game luci
- 11:50 JEANBERNARDGAMING: not taking that risk
- 11:52 Absogami#0641 has forfeited from the race.
- 11:55 MyBobiesAreSoft: omg
- 11:55 MyBobiesAreSoft: 6min WJ
- 11:55 MyBobiesAreSoft: this is fine
- 11:55 Lucidus: oh no
- 11:56 JEANBERNARDGAMING: died in brb
- 11:57 MyBobiesAreSoft: okay yeah no
- 11:57 MyBobiesAreSoft#5900 has forfeited from the race.
- 11:57 MyBobiesAreSoft: just died b4 brb
- 11:57 Dedew: you can place a safety save where ghost door is
- 11:58 Dedew: costs nothing
- 11:58 Absogami: dude this game is impossible
- 11:59 JEANBERNARDGAMING: atrocious early game
- 12:00 Grifs99: 11:45 dj
- 12:00 Grifs99: :))))
- 12:05 JEANBERNARDGAMING: fronkey walk?
- 12:06 Grifs99: a lot of deaths to lasers in brb
- 12:06 Lucidus: oof
- 12:07 Lucidus: feather cutscene
- 12:09 JEANBERNARDGAMING: 20f stompless
- 12:09 JEANBERNARDGAMING: a god gamer
- 12:09 Lucidus: stay away rin
- 12:09 Lucidus: EKW
- 12:09 Lucidus: KEKW
- 12:11 JEANBERNARDGAMING: ure safe i died in sorrow
- 12:12 Grifs99: 23:17 stom,p
- 12:12 Grifs99: hell yea
- 12:12 Lucidus: rip
- 12:17 Lucidus#8340 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:27:56!
- 12:17 Lucidus: 6th try DW KEKW
- 12:17 MyBobiesAreSoft: gg
- 12:17 Lucidus: gg
- 12:17 rin#2061 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:28:36!
- 12:18 Grifs99: yooo ggs
- 12:18 Grifs99#9836 has forfeited from the race.
- 12:18 Race finished in 0:29:01.6
- 12:18 Lucidus: strong time for a BRB death and sorrow death
- 12:18 Lucidus: gg's
- 12:18 Grifs99: not worth finishing this run lol
- 12:18 JEANBERNARDGAMING: .doned early to account for the 35s lost to restarting the game + slow load
- 12:18 Lucidus#8340 added a comment.
- 12:18 MyBobiesAreSoft: ggs
- 12:18 Grifs99: only two splits that worked out ok feather and cjump
- 12:18 Grifs99: lol
- 12:19 JEANBERNARDGAMING: 1225 enter ginso
- 12:19 Grifs99: everything else just went wrong in some many ways lol
- 12:19 Grifs99: not bad
- 12:19 Absogami: dude I continued after the ff, got 1frames at god cycle
- 12:19 JEANBERNARDGAMING: everything after that was ok, mid 27 gameplay
- 12:19 Lucidus: same honestly besides 6th try DW
- 12:19 Grifs99: anyways, I wanna get something eat, probably down todo more a bit later
- 12:20 rin#2061 added a comment.
- 12:20 JEANBERNARDGAMING: dw moment
- 12:20 JEANBERNARDGAMING: aight grifs cya
- 12:20 JEANBERNARDGAMING: think ill go do some attempts now
- 12:20 JEANBERNARDGAMING: thx for the race
- 12:20 Grifs99: <3
- 12:20 Lucidus: same, gg's dudes
- 12:20 Race result recorded by rin#2061