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- 21:34 Gu1tar3x: ggs
- 21:34 Dedew: gg
- 21:34 Lusther: forgot done on racetime xD
- 21:34 Lusther: that's 29:44
- 21:35 JEANBERNARDGAMING: sub 30 nice
- 21:35 Lusther#8848 added a comment.
- 21:35 rin#2061 added a comment.
- 21:36 nfnite#9988 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:32:40!
- 21:36 Foopyo#9489 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:32:41!
- 21:36 Dedew#3492 added a comment.
- 21:36 nfnite: ggs
- 21:36 Squidguardian10#7058 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:32:54!
- 21:36 Foopyo: ggs
- 21:36 Dedew: ggs
- 21:36 Squidguardian10: gg
- 21:36 Squidguardian10: 32:50
- 21:36 SuperFluffyKoala#2583 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:33:13!
- 21:37 SuperFluffyKoala: died 5 times at grenade tree
- 21:37 JEANBERNARDGAMING: grats on pb foopster
- 21:37 Squidguardian10: died big in swamp, rough grenade
- 21:37 Squidguardian10: tc
- 21:37 Squidguardian10: etc*
- 21:37 JEANBERNARDGAMING: i died like 4 times to warmth skip
- 21:37 SuperFluffyKoala#2583 added a comment.
- 21:37 MyBobiesAreSoft#5900 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:34:05!
- 21:37 JEANBERNARDGAMING: glad i did the safety strat
- 21:38 Foopyo: That's a pb btw
- 21:38 Squidguardian10: Nice!
- 21:39 Grifs99: lmao spawned kuro and despawned it
- 21:39 Grifs99: what mess of a run
- 21:39 Grifs99: also got fake ending tooo
- 21:39 Grifs99: raysA
- 21:39 Dedew: as always with kuro despawn
- 21:39 JEANBERNARDGAMING: did u turn ui on during the cs
- 21:39 JEANBERNARDGAMING: oh kuro despawn does that
- 21:39 Grifs99: yea had UI on
- 21:39 Cleanfel#2854 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:36:10!
- 21:39 Grifs99: also rip 8th place dream
- 21:39 Grifs99: sadge
- 21:40 SuperFluffyKoala: ggs
- 21:40 Cleanfel: well call me a customer at olive garden cuz I ordered the spaghetti and meatballs
- 21:40 Grifs99#9836 has finished in 10th place with a time of 0:36:33!
- 21:40 JEANBERNARDGAMING: lmfao clean
- 21:40 Grifs99#9836 added a comment.
- 21:40 Grifs99: ggs
- 21:40 Cleanfel: Lmao, ggs
- 21:40 Cleanfel: death gauntlet death and softlock but we chillin
- 21:40 Grifs99: also was on a PB pace til midway of glide split
- 21:41 Grifs99: fun
- 21:41 nfnite: I don't think despawning kuro causes fake ending, might be just right is wrong
- 21:41 JEANBERNARDGAMING: last time i got it was bc i turned on ui during the nade jump cs
- 21:41 Grifs99: I will check recording
- 21:41 J Halcyon#5258 has finished in 11th place with a time of 0:37:56!
- 21:41 J Halcyon: Wow what *didn't* go wrong there
- 21:43 Grifs99: it looks like I'm holding left before touching while but idk, probably right is wrong thing
- 21:43 Grifs99: ol
- 21:43 Grifs99: ggs
- 21:43 SuperFluffyKoala: you can do it lionalmenar and drhouse!
- 21:43 SuperFluffyKoala: oriHug
- 21:43 JEANBERNARDGAMING: long gone are the days where i could churn out sub 9 djumps
- 21:43 SuperFluffyKoala: kick that bird's butt
- 21:44 JEANBERNARDGAMING: i got a dead pixel on a bouncepad for the brb laser cycle
- 21:44 SuperFluffyKoala: fun
- 21:44 JEANBERNARDGAMING: good game
- 21:44 J Halcyon: No scroll wheel for fronkey fight, took a bath and died leaving sein, watched Ori pull gumo out of the rock, died in ginso room 1, failed to bash the fronkey after bash tree, Dunked ringo So. Many. Times. Died getting up to stomp, died leaving stomp, died to bird boss....and capped it off with a softlock.
- 21:44 JEANBERNARDGAMING: oh my god
- 21:45 LionAlmenar#9147 has finished in 12th place with a time of 0:41:15!
- 21:45 SuperFluffyKoala: oriTake
- 21:45 SuperFluffyKoala: gg
- 21:45 Grifs99: gg
- 21:45 LionAlmenar: gg
- 21:45 Dedew: gg
- 21:45 Lusther: DrHouse is on a sick pb pace if you wanna watch
- 21:45 J Halcyon: I got the all-you-ca-eat spaghetti
- 21:45 Gu1tar3x: gg
- 21:46 Romulus08: ggs
- 21:46 Cleanfel: *hal and I arrive at olive garden* "hello yes table for 2 please"
- 21:46 Grifs99: I watched kruo cs before enter horu by falling down from the top lmao
- 21:46 Cleanfel: the spaghetti and meatballs special
- 21:48 JEANBERNARDGAMING: hes getting fucked by dw
- 21:48 Cleanfel: Looking at his pb he still has a ton of time save on it
- 21:49 Cleanfel: splits*
- 21:49 SuperFluffyKoala:
- 21:51 DrHouse#1607 has finished in 13th place with a time of 0:47:27!
- 21:51 Race finished in 0:47:27.1
- 21:51 Grifs99: GG!
- 21:51 JEANBERNARDGAMING: also wysi
- 21:51 Cleanfel: GGs again, sending announcement soon
- 21:52 SuperFluffyKoala: ggs all
- 21:52 Lusther: gg again everyone
- 21:52 Race result recorded by Lusther#8848
- 21:54 SuperFluffyKoala: follow up race for anyone interested