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- 06:37 Dr_Tuen: So, this might not have worked the last time I tried
- 06:43 lifdoff#7525 joins the race.
- 06:43 Dr_Tuen#8554 joins the race.
- 06:44 Dr_Tuen: OK, hopefully it works!
- 06:55 Dedew: Yup it looks good!
- 06:57 Dr_Tuen: OK good
- 06:58 lifdoff#7525 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 06:58 lifdoff#7525 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 06:58 Dedew: we'll be starting a couple minutes later
- 06:59 lifdoff: wait will this automatically start if we both press ready?
- 06:59 Dedew: I wanted to have a bit more time with the tech issues
- 06:59 lifdoff: So should I wait?
- 06:59 Dedew: you can ready up
- 06:59 Dedew: auto start is off
- 06:59 lifdoff#7525 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 06:59 Dr_Tuen: I think my tech is OK, if you were referring to me, ha ha
- 06:59 Dedew: I will start the race manually
- 06:59 lifdoff: Alright
- 06:59 Dr_Tuen#8554 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 06:59 Dedew: was not referring to you Tuen :)
- 06:59 Dr_Tuen: Seed name is Go2 Hour Seed?
- 07:00 lifdoff: Dedew you monster
- 07:00 Dedew: lifdoff's stream had 0.5 fps a few minutes ago
- 07:00 Dedew: but we're good now!
- 07:00 Dr_Tuen: ah, gotchya. Well, I feel less alone then :-)
- 07:00 Dr_Tuen: OK, gonna focus up. Good luck lifdoff, I'll keep an eye on here for the start!
- 07:00 lifdoff: German internet, truly a meme :\
- 07:00 lifdoff: Good luck to you!
- 07:00 Dedew: oh no lifdoff
- 07:01 lifdoff: We back in 1fps land?
- 07:01 Dedew: you opened a seed with skills
- 07:01 Dedew: now tracker is botched
- 07:01 lifdoff: Oh shit, I wanted to just do some movement warm up
- 07:01 lifdoff: Sorry
- 07:01 lifdoff: Should I open an empty seed?
- 07:01 Dedew: can you load a new file?
- 07:01 Dedew: yeah
- 07:01 Dr_Tuen: oh while we're sorting this, are all door warps legal? I didn' t know if both horu main and L4 were OK to use
- 07:01 Shayfe: yes
- 07:01 Dr_Tuen: Sweet, thanks
- 07:02 lifdoff: Tracker good now?
- 07:02 Dedew: ok tracker reset
- 07:02 lifdoff: Nice
- 07:02 Dr_Tuen: rad. Good luck again!
- 07:02 lifdoff: Same to you!
- 07:02 Shayfe: pause floats are also legal fyi
- 07:02 lifdoff: Bad Shayfe
- 07:03 Dr_Tuen: lol, daaaaaaaamn
- 07:03 Shayfe: 8:)
- 07:03 lifdoff: (that was a joke)
- 07:03 Dr_Tuen: OH, OK. Be careful! I'm willing to do anything, lol
- 07:03 Shayfe: lol
- 07:03 Shayfe: i should've thought of that tbh
- 07:03 Dr_Tuen: :-p
- 07:03 Dr_Tuen: I'm unhinged like that
- 07:04 Dr_Tuen: OH, and rekindle drops? Like the one from cflame tree down are NOT legal, right?
- 07:04 Shayfe: not legal, correct
- 07:04 Dr_Tuen: OK
- 07:04 Dr_Tuen: I only know two good ones anyways (the other gets you to butter cell in 3HP)
- 07:05 Dr_Tuen: But it's way more OOB
- 07:05 Dedew: 1 min
- 07:05 Dr_Tuen: OK!
- 07:05 lifdoff: Alright
- 07:05 Dedew: glhf!
- 07:06 Dedew#3492 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 30 seconds!
- 07:06 lifdoff: Glhf!
- 07:06 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 07:54 lifdoff#7525 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:48:10!
- 07:55 Dedew: gg
- 08:01 Dr_Tuen#8554 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:55:11!
- 08:01 Race finished in 0:55:12.0
- 08:02 Appletree: gg
- 08:02 Dr_Tuen: gg!
- 08:02 Race result recorded by Shayfe#8843
- 08:02 lifdoff: GG!
- 08:02 Dedew: interview?
- 08:03 Dedew: if yes, go into on-deck channel