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- 23:11 CovertMuffin: you dont need livesplit to connect with racetime
- 23:11 J Halcyon#5258 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 23:11 CovertMuffin: can just use the web client
- 23:12 Cereberon: ok
- 23:12 CovertMuffin: we use your stream to figure out end time, so if you click .done late no worries
- 23:13 Cereberon#4112 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:13 XepiccatX: fingers crossed my pc doesn't explode trying to stream this
- 23:13 XepiccatX#1372 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:14 Cereberon: itll be fine.
- 23:14 Cleanfel: you got this
- 23:14 Cereberon: brb
- 23:14 CovertMuffin: I can see everyone's stream and game except for bob
- 23:15 XepiccatX: sorry didn't launch game
- 23:15 CovertMuffin: np
- 23:15 CovertMuffin: sending out seeds
- 23:15 Cereberon: i return.
- 23:16 Cleanfel: confirming 207 ending
- 23:16 XepiccatX: confirm
- 23:16 J Halcyon: 7207 ending here
- 23:16 CovertMuffin: kk I sent out the seeds; the seed number should be 100267207
- 23:16 XepiccatX: no 1 in front?
- 23:17 XepiccatX: or is it just cut off
- 23:17 Cleanfel: ye I just have 00
- 23:17 J Halcyon: same
- 23:17 CovertMuffin: should be fine then
- 23:17 CovertMuffin: idk why the 1 is cut off
- 23:17 CovertMuffin: I have the spoiler so I'll just make sure the first few pickups are correct
- 23:17 J Halcyon: secret digit for secrecy?
- 23:19 XepiccatX: muffin cere's running out of screen space. imma keep ractime open and not discord if you need to type anything to either of us
- 23:19 CovertMuffin: k
- 23:20 XepiccatX: can we start game just to get slow load out of the way?
- 23:20 XepiccatX: then delete
- 23:20 CovertMuffin: yes
- 23:20 CovertMuffin: I have streams up too so I can make sure you dont cheat xD
- 23:20 XepiccatX: :eyes:
- 23:22 CovertMuffin: beron your timer is going
- 23:22 Cereberon: cause i did that startup. fixed.
- 23:23 XepiccatX: literally cheating
- 23:23 XepiccatX: making our time higher
- 23:23 XepiccatX: smh
- 23:23 CovertMuffin: does anyone care if I do an unofficial restream of the multitwitch?
- 23:23 Cleanfel: go for it
- 23:23 CovertMuffin: going to be sitting here anyway
- 23:23 XepiccatX: only if you include all the memes
- 23:23 Cleanfel: finishes the seed in 59 seconds so the timer says -00:01
- 23:24 CovertMuffin: we are just about 5 mins out from start
- 23:24 Cleanfel: thank you again for refereeing!
- 23:25 Cleanfel: so are you gonna have the multi live on your own stream muffin?
- 23:26 Cleanfel: I might just link your twitch in my description lol
- 23:26 Cleanfel: instead of the multi
- 23:26 CovertMuffin: yeah I have it live clean
- 23:26 CovertMuffin: on my channel
- 23:26 Cleanfel: cool I put your twitch in the title then if people want to watch
- 23:27 CovertMuffin: word
- 23:27 CovertMuffin: kk we are about 2 mins out from start
- 23:27 XepiccatX: oh yeah well I tattooed your twitch on my face if people want to watch
- 23:27 CovertMuffin: is anyone not ready?
- 23:27 Cereberon: all good.
- 23:27 Cleanfel: lmao
- 23:27 CovertMuffin: clean hal + bob?
- 23:27 XepiccatX: oui
- 23:27 Cleanfel: I am good
- 23:28 XepiccatX: tres baguette ('_>')b
- 23:28 J Halcyon: gucci
- 23:28 Cleanfel: good luck beron bobbbb!! have fun on your rando
- 23:28 CovertMuffin: cool cool starting countdown in about a min
- 23:28 XepiccatX: NO U
- 23:28 Cleanfel: :O
- 23:28 XepiccatX: cere says you too
- 23:28 CovertMuffin: glhf friends!
- 23:29 CovertMuffin: starting the race
- 23:29 CovertMuffin#0646 quits the race.
- 23:29 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 60 seconds!
- 23:30 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:18 Cleanfel#2854 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:48:06!
- 00:18 J Halcyon#5258 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:48:17!
- 00:18 Cleanfel: ggs
- 00:18 CovertMuffin: gg!
- 00:18 J Halcyon: ggs
- 00:19 Cleanfel#2854 added a comment.
- 00:20 CovertMuffin: if you guys want to join for an interview you can LOL
- 00:20 Cleanfel: LOL im not opposed, give a minute
- 00:24 Cereberon#4112 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:54:21!
- 00:24 Cereberon: ggs
- 00:24 CovertMuffin: gg beron
- 00:25 CovertMuffin: beron + bob if you want to join for the interview feel free
- 00:26 Cereberon: sure ill let bob finish first.
- 00:27 XepiccatX#1372 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:56:57!
- 00:27 Race finished in 0:56:57.4
- 00:27 Cereberon: in when ready
- 00:27 CovertMuffin: gg bob!
- 00:27 XepiccatX: G
- 00:28 Cleanfel: ggs
- 01:44 Race result recorded by Cleanfel#2854