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- 20:30 LionAlmenar#9147 joins the race.
- 20:37 Lusther: yop
- 20:41 LionAlmenar: o/
- 20:41 LionAlmenar: this one is just for practice
- 20:44 Ciarenni#7505 joins the race.
- 20:48 Lusther: are you opting out lion ?
- 20:49 LionAlmenar: yeah
- 20:49 Lusther: noted
- 20:50 Lusther#8848 joins the race.
- 20:50 Lusther: opting out as well
- 20:51 Lusther: Ciarenni are you okay, I saw you cut your stream ?
- 20:51 Ciarenni: my OBS crashed
- 20:51 Lusther: oh
- 20:52 Ciarenni: happened the other day too, just installed the update it had waiting so hopefully it doesnt happen during the match
- 20:52 Lusther: lets hope so :)
- 20:52 Ciarenni: :)
- 20:52 Ciarenni: should i locally record just in case or would that even matter for quals?
- 20:53 Lusther: if you local record it will be enough to make the qualifier count in case of a crash if i remember correclty
- 20:53 Ciarenni: okay, ill get that going then
- 20:54 Lusther: if no more people are joining we will be strating right on time 9PM UTC
- 20:55 Lusther: you should probably go live whenever you can lion
- 20:55 LionAlmenar: yeah just did
- 20:56 LionAlmenar: sorry I was doing some practice
- 20:56 Lusther: okay good :D
- 20:56 Squidguardian10#7058 joins the race.
- 20:56 Lusther: no problem
- 20:56 Ciarenni: this is my first time using racetime, anything in particular i need to know?
- 20:56 Lusther: yooo squid
- 20:56 Squidguardian10: yoooooo
- 20:57 LionAlmenar#9147 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 20:57 Squidguardian10#7058 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:57 Lusther: seems like your timer is running squid
- 20:57 Ciarenni#7505 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:58 Cleanfel: If you opened racetime via livesplit it should automatically finish in here once your splits end
- 20:58 Cleanfel: @Ciarenni
- 20:58 Lusther#8848 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:58 Ciarenni: i dont believe i did that, though i think they're linked? i see it as a race whatsadoodle in the settings for it
- 20:59 Lusther: alright starting in one minute
- 20:59 Cleanfel: you're on the site?
- 20:59 Ciarenni: yeah
- 20:59 Cleanfel: if so you can simply press done with the button above the timer once you finish
- 20:59 LionAlmenar: If you're on the site just press the done button to finish
- 20:59 Ciarenni: mmk
- 20:59 Cleanfel: and then you can ".comennt" you're livesplit time
- 20:59 LionAlmenar: and then comment your time from livesplit
- 20:59 Cleanfel: your*
- 20:59 Ciarenni: sounds good
- 20:59 JEANBERNARDGAMING: yea u should comment in any case
- 20:59 Lusther: are you all ready ??
- 20:59 Ciarenni: ready as ill ever be
- 20:59 Lusther: lets go then
- 20:59 Lusther#8848 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 30 seconds!
- 21:00 LionAlmenar: glhf
- 21:00 JEANBERNARDGAMING: timer autostarts whenr ace starts but bc of human error u wont actually start when the race starts
- 21:00 Ciarenni: glhf
- 21:00 Lusther: good luck everyone
- 21:00 JEANBERNARDGAMING: so make sure to comment even if ure thru LS
- 21:00 JEANBERNARDGAMING: aight gl everyone
- 21:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:32 Squidguardian10#7058 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:32:23!
- 21:33 Lusther#8848 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:33:09!
- 21:33 Lusther: what a shitty run
- 21:33 Lusther: gg
- 21:33 Squidguardian10: gg
- 21:33 LionAlmenar: gg
- 21:34 Squidguardian10#7058 added a comment.
- 21:35 Lusther: lost 3:30mn before double jump
- 21:36 Squidguardian10: golded horu enter
- 21:36 Lusther: same
- 21:36 Squidguardian10: sick
- 21:39 LionAlmenar#9147 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:38:56!
- 21:39 Squidguardian10: gg
- 21:39 Lusther: squid can you put the millisecond when you comment your time o/
- 21:39 LionAlmenar: 5:43 grenade and 2:30 EH
- 21:40 LionAlmenar: and the rest of the run was pretty bad too
- 21:40 Lusther: i feel ya
- 21:40 LionAlmenar#9147 added a comment.
- 21:44 Lusther#8848 added a comment.
- 21:44 Ciarenni#7505 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:44:30!
- 21:44 Race finished in 0:44:30.9
- 21:45 Lusther: gg everyone
- 21:45 LionAlmenar: gg
- 21:45 Ciarenni: gg!
- 21:45 Ciarenni#7505 added a comment.
- 21:53 Race result recorded by Lusther#8848