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- 18:04 Dr_Tuen: lemme just get stream up real quick
- 18:04 Eiko: sure sure
- 18:04 Dr_Tuen#8554 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:04 Dr_Tuen: good to go!
- 18:04 Nintendoblivion: gl everyone
- 18:04 Eiko: glhf friends
- 18:04 Guard: GLHF
- 18:04 Dr_Tuen: GLHF!
- 18:04 Eiko#2133 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 10 seconds!
- 18:04 Tekoppar: glhf
- 18:04 SiriusAshling: good luck
- 18:04 Bastixx: GLHF!
- 18:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:05 Eiko: HAHAHA
- 18:05 Dr_Tuen: we did get standard spawn right, I'm not insane?
- 18:06 Bastixx: We did
- 18:07 Tekoppar: first random location run and normal spawn. :(
- 18:13 Eiko: DW it still changes things
- 18:13 Eiko: mostly just tps are less common logically
- 18:24 Tekoppar: Well live split didn't turn off debug for me apparently.
- 18:24 Eiko: ctrl+shift+d to disable it
- 18:25 Eiko: load latest backup
- 18:25 Eiko: sorry D:
- 18:25 Tekoppar: It's not your fault, livesplit should turn off debug.
- 18:27 Eiko: i think it might be a rando / livesplit disagreement is all
- 18:27 Eiko: rando has a separate setting to do that
- 19:15 SiriusAshling#0115 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:09:56!
- 19:15 Tekoppar: GG and that's quick. :o
- 19:16 Guard: GG
- 19:17 Dr_Tuen: GG!
- 19:17 SiriusAshling: thanks
- 19:27 SiriusAshling: Huh, it looks like no one did remotely similar to my routing
- 19:27 SiriusAshling: usually we're playing pretty similar
- 19:28 Nintendoblivion: I messed up big time
- 19:28 Nintendoblivion: I should be finishing right about now
- 19:28 Nintendoblivion: But I'm not
- 19:28 Nintendoblivion: cause i'm dumb
- 19:30 Tekoppar: Isn't it good that people are doing different routes? Doesn't that mean it's a good seed.
- 19:30 Nintendoblivion: Not necessarily
- 19:31 SiriusAshling: I would agree personally, more opportunities for routing are more dimensions to think in
- 19:31 Nintendoblivion: But if it's the whole map is open, but everyone needs 1 single item that isn't necessarily good
- 19:32 SiriusAshling: true
- 19:32 SiriusAshling: Didn't feel like that though
- 19:32 SiriusAshling: Launch on Seir doing work
- 19:39 Nintendoblivion#9725 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:34:50!
- 19:39 Dr_Tuen#8554 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:34:52!
- 19:40 Dr_Tuen: oh
- 19:40 SiriusAshling: lmao
- 19:40 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 19:40 Tekoppar: gg
- 19:40 Dr_Tuen: that might be a late split issue
- 19:40 Dr_Tuen: IDK
- 19:40 SiriusAshling: gg
- 19:40 Dr_Tuen: but lol
- 19:40 Nintendoblivion: that's on you for late splitting then :p
- 19:40 Dr_Tuen: hahaha I changed my split bind to keep from hitting it during La-Mulana
- 19:40 Dr_Tuen: oops
- 19:40 Dr_Tuen: I also died once on shriek, so I oculda made it more clear cut :-p
- 19:40 Dr_Tuen: GGs though!
- 19:41 Nintendoblivion: I had a bad shriek, but didn't die
- 19:41 Eiko: ggs both of ya
- 19:41 Dr_Tuen: I frequently ignore the swoops on phase 4, cause you usually have tons of health
- 19:41 Dr_Tuen: totally ate it letting her attack me, lol
- 19:41 Eiko: tuen get in voip after i'll teach you liveslpit auto
- 19:41 Eiko#2133 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:36:42!
- 19:41 Nintendoblivion: auto split 2gud
- 19:41 SiriusAshling: gg
- 19:41 Dr_Tuen: You can't auto without it removing load times
- 19:41 Eiko: you can
- 19:41 Eiko: that's what i'm doing
- 19:41 Dr_Tuen: wat
- 19:42 Eiko: just select the RTA tab
- 19:42 Nintendoblivion: You can
- 19:42 Eiko: and set up 2 splits
- 19:42 Dr_Tuen: I know how to setup the splits
- 19:42 Eiko: one for game start, 1 for shreik defeated
- 19:42 Tekoppar: gg
- 19:42 Dr_Tuen: idk how to do RTA
- 19:42 Dr_Tuen: found it
- 19:42 Dr_Tuen: OK, I'll set it up for next time
- 19:42 Dr_Tuen: So that I can lose by 2 seconds *legitimately* next time :-)
- 19:43 Dr_Tuen: For real, gg all
- 19:43 Dr_Tuen: gg to Eiko too, man, the race for being the first not Sirius was close, ha ha ha
- 19:43 Eiko: that's usually how it goes
- 19:43 Dr_Tuen: I WILL CATCH UP
- 19:43 Dr_Tuen: Eventually. Maybe
- 19:44 Dr_Tuen: Maybe I can't catch up until I learn that final shuriken trick. I must absorb his power first
- 19:45 Dr_Tuen: KK, see you guys on discord!
- 19:51 Guard#6225 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:55 Bastixx#3104 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:59 Tekoppar#5461 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:59 Race finished in 1:54:48.7
- 21:58 Race result recorded by Eiko#2133