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- 18:05 Tekoppar: Hello, time to loose hard.
- 18:06 ToadetteXMushina#9109 quits the race.
- 18:06 Latere: Nah that would be me lol
- 18:06 Guard: No, me
- 18:06 Guard: Haha
- 18:06 ToadetteXMushina#9109 joins the race.
- 18:06 Nintendoblivion#9725 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 18:07 Latere#5566 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 18:07 omfq#2334 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:07 Tekoppar: its normal right?
- 18:07 Eiko: yeah normal difficulty
- 18:07 Tekoppar#5461 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:07 Guard: Oh damn
- 18:07 Eiko: i need to setup my stream and grab my ergo supplies
- 18:07 Guard: Seed is there
- 18:07 Guard: I didnt see
- 18:09 ToadetteXMushina#9109 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:09 Guard#6225 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:10 Tekoppar#5461 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 18:10 Tekoppar: brb gotta restart livesplit
- 18:10 Guard#6225 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 18:10 Eiko: no worries
- 18:10 Guard#6225 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:11 Tekoppar#5461 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:11 Guard: GL&HF!
- 18:11 kew: glhf <3
- 18:11 ToadetteXMushina: glhf
- 18:11 Tekoppar: Forgot I was using a test dll :p
- 18:11 Tekoppar: glf hf!
- 18:11 Nintendoblivion: gl
- 18:11 Eiko: alright
- 18:11 Eiko: glhf!!!
- 18:12 Eiko#2133 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:12 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:12 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:19 ToadetteXMushina: you know Eiko, I'm starting to not believe you when you say there's good seeds
- 18:20 Eiko: :upside_clown:
- 18:24 Tekoppar: does lupo sell items or hints?
- 18:25 Eiko: should be hints this seed
- 18:25 Guard: hints
- 18:38 Tekoppar: this seed and unlimited tps <.<
- 18:38 Eiko: it's sure something lol
- 19:09 Tekoppar: Yay for debug not getting disabled.
- 19:10 Eiko: ctrl+shift+d should toggle it
- 19:38 ToadetteXMushina: what's the inputs for a sentry jump again?
- 19:38 Eiko: up+sword+sentry all at once on the ground
- 19:39 Eiko: (up+sword a bit before sentry in the air)
- 19:39 ToadetteXMushina: ty
- 19:39 Eiko: np
- 19:56 Nintendoblivion#9725 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:44:19!
- 19:56 Guard: gg
- 19:56 Eiko: gg!
- 19:57 kew: gg
- 20:04 Nintendoblivion: ty
- 20:05 omfq#2334 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:52:36!
- 20:05 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 20:05 Guard#6225 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:52:43!
- 20:05 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 20:05 kew: omg
- 20:05 kew: gg
- 20:05 Nintendoblivion: That was fun to watch happen live
- 20:05 kew: !!
- 20:05 Eiko: O:
- 20:05 Eiko: gg!
- 20:05 Eiko: close
- 20:05 Guard: I think we were like 1s maybe apart
- 20:05 Guard: It didnt auto split
- 20:05 Guard: For me
- 20:05 kew: I click done manually
- 20:05 kew: haha
- 20:05 Guard: Well then its the same
- 20:05 Guard: GG!
- 20:05 kew: GG
- 20:06 Guard: I did a lot of mistakes lol
- 20:06 Eiko: that's the mood
- 20:06 Eiko: i think
- 20:07 Nintendoblivion: I still have no clue what the seed actually wanted me to do
- 20:07 kew: I tend to forget alot
- 20:07 Guard: I know
- 20:07 kew: especially in all quests
- 20:14 Eiko#2133 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:02:14!
- 20:14 Guard: GG!
- 20:14 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 20:14 kew: gg!
- 20:24 Latere: this is rough ngl
- 20:24 Tekoppar: dont worry I started coding so I'm like an hour behind. :D
- 20:25 Eiko: this was areally rough seed tbh
- 20:26 Tekoppar: Eiko, how do you submit a small github pull without forking the project again?
- 20:45 Latere#5566 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:32:39!
- 20:47 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 20:58 ToadetteXMushina#9109 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:31 Tekoppar#5461 has finished in 6th place with a time of 5:19:30!
- 23:31 Race finished in 5:19:30.1
- 10:15 Race result recorded by Dyn