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- 15:39 KlebeZettel5#5058 joins the race.
- 15:39 MyBobiesAreSoft#5900 joins the race.
- 15:39 KlebeZettel5: first
- 15:40 Joenome#7612 joins the race.
- 15:40 KlebeZettel5#5058 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 15:40 LyxM#3847 joins the race.
- 15:41 MyBobiesAreSoft: kekw klebe
- 15:41 KlebeZettel5: hihi haha
- 15:42 MyBobiesAreSoft: LMAO
- 15:42 MyBobiesAreSoft: you mean
- 15:42 MyBobiesAreSoft: heehee hawhaw
- 15:43 Joenome: we are on vc btw if you want to join bobies
- 15:43 Dragami#5892 joins the race.
- 15:43 Joenome: :)
- 15:43 Dragami#5892 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 15:43 Dragami: which vc?
- 15:43 MyBobiesAreSoft: no i'm hungover so i'd rather just relax but ty oriHug
- 15:43 MyBobiesAreSoft#5900 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 15:44 Joenome: we are in silent woods
- 15:44 Joenome: vc
- 15:44 MyBobiesAreSoft: you gusy know if deutsch is joining?
- 15:44 LyxM: he is
- 15:44 KlebeZettel5: he is
- 15:44 LyxM: couple minutes
- 15:44 MyBobiesAreSoft: great
- 15:44 LyxM: sorry
- 15:44 Dragami#5892 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 15:44 MyBobiesAreSoft: no problem
- 15:44 MyBobiesAreSoft: so hopefully we'll only have willow left
- 15:47 LyxM#3847 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 15:48 BigDeutsch#0446 joins the race.
- 15:49 Joenome#7612 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 15:49 BigDeutsch#0446 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:49 Dragami#5892 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:49 LyxM: gl hf
- 15:49 MyBobiesAreSoft: alright glhf
- 15:49 MyBobiesAreSoft#5900 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:49 KlebeZettel5: gl
- 15:50 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:05 KlebeZettel5#5058 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:15:16!
- 16:05 KlebeZettel5#5058 added a comment.
- 16:05 LyxM#3847 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:15:48!
- 16:06 Joenome#7612 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:16:10!
- 16:06 LyxM#3847 added a comment.
- 16:07 Joenome#7612 added a comment.
- 16:07 MyBobiesAreSoft#5900 has forfeited from the race.
- 16:08 MyBobiesAreSoft: yeah no point today lmao
- 16:08 KlebeZettel5: nooooooo
- 16:08 MyBobiesAreSoft: ill do the rest tmw
- 16:08 MyBobiesAreSoft: its more me fighting against the lag than me running at this point
- 16:08 KlebeZettel5: f lag
- 16:08 Joenome: Sadge
- 16:08 MyBobiesAreSoft: if its the same tmw ill rpob just drop out
- 16:08 KlebeZettel5: man
- 16:09 KlebeZettel5: is it just slight fps drops?
- 16:09 KlebeZettel5: or what?
- 16:09 MyBobiesAreSoft: ill get you a clip 2 sec
- 16:10 Dragami#5892 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:20:09!
- 16:10 Dragami#5892 added a comment.
- 16:10 Dragami: rip softlock on hollow
- 16:11 Dragami: spent like a minute figuring out what to do
- 16:11 MyBobiesAreSoft:
- 16:11 MyBobiesAreSoft: basically just that every 10s throughout the run
- 16:12 KlebeZettel5: every 10 sec wtf
- 16:12 KlebeZettel5: since when does this happen to u
- 16:12 KlebeZettel5: man this game is so random
- 16:12 KlebeZettel5: everyone had their fair share of fps problems
- 16:12 MyBobiesAreSoft: its just sumemr ehat
- 16:12 KlebeZettel5: its so sad
- 16:12 KlebeZettel5: so dumb
- 16:12 MyBobiesAreSoft: my laptop cant handle wotw + hot outside
- 16:14 BigDeutsch#0446 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:23:55!
- 16:14 Race finished in 0:23:55.5
- 16:14 MyBobiesAreSoft: Lyx do you mind ahndeling the alst one?
- 16:14 MyBobiesAreSoft: jesus typos sry
- 16:14 LyxM: ye Ill do it
- 16:14 MyBobiesAreSoft: great tysm
- 16:14 Joenome: nah dont trust him he always rigs it to get 13s Kappa
- 16:14 MyBobiesAreSoft: KEKW
- 16:14 LyxM: I'm qualified btw
- 16:14 LyxM: and wont run
- 16:15 MyBobiesAreSoft: you can still run for fun
- 16:15 LyxM:
- 16:15 LyxM: nah Id rather not
- 18:32 Race set to not recorded by Foopyo#9489