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- 17:14 Nintendoblivion#9725 joins the race.
- 17:14 omfq#2334 joins the race.
- 17:15 Guard#6225 joins the race.
- 17:15 Guard: Ola
- 17:15 kew: omg hii
- 17:16 Guard: Excited?
- 17:16 kew: very
- 17:16 kew: never used racetime before, do I have to connect it to my livesplit or something?
- 17:16 Guard: No, timer will start on its own once the countdown is done
- 17:17 kew: aight cool
- 17:17 Guard: Then it should end on last hit on Shriek, if you dont have that set up, you should do it, or you can manually end the timer by pressing done button
- 17:18 kew: oh, how can I set that up?
- 17:19 kew: or well, I can just finish manually
- 17:19 Guard:
- 17:19 Guard: Guide
- 17:20 kew: I mean, my livesplit has it set up
- 17:20 kew: I thought we were talking about racetime timer
- 17:20 Guard: Then it should do it automatically
- 17:20 kew: ok cool
- 17:21 Guard: Hope you will enjoy
- 17:21 kew: thanks! you too :D#
- 17:22 Guard: Yea :D not warmed up, but whatever :D
- 17:22 kew: I did a test seed this morning and it went okay
- 17:22 Guard: I mean, I did like 7 all quests seeds, but didnt play today, so movement will suck
- 17:24 kew: I've done alot of all trees and I think it's my favourite so far
- 17:25 Guard: Yea, thats understandable
- 17:26 SiriusAshling#0115 joins the race.
- 17:27 SiriusAshling: yawn
- 17:27 kew: o/
- 17:27 Guard: Greetings traveller
- 17:27 SiriusAshling: o/
- 17:30 Dr_Tuen: just finishing up setup, and I'll be ready
- 17:31 Dr_Tuen#8554 joins the race.
- 17:31 Nintendoblivion: I'm annoyed cause my controller I normally use decided today was a good day to not work
- 17:31 SiriusAshling: I see we all have our handycaps
- 17:31 Nintendoblivion: And I just spent like the last half an hour trying to get it to work
- 17:32 SiriusAshling: Perfect mood for some Quests
- 17:32 Nintendoblivion: Only to realize it wasn't plugged into a working usb port
- 17:32 SiriusAshling: oriTake
- 17:32 Guard: Okay so actually nintendo is not handicaped
- 17:32 Guard: :D
- 17:32 SiriusAshling: I'm waking up too, don't worry
- 17:33 Guard: Sure, all quests is anyones game
- 17:33 Nintendoblivion#9725 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 17:33 omfq#2334 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 17:34 Nintendoblivion: Trying to do all of this with one monitor is going to suck, but excuses are lame, so glhf all
- 17:34 Guard: GLHF!
- 17:34 kew: gl hf o7
- 17:35 SiriusAshling: good luck
- 17:35 SiriusAshling#0115 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:36 Guard: Oh, my mouse went crazy for a moment lol
- 17:36 Dr_Tuen: adjusting volume, some stuff's weird
- 17:37 Dr_Tuen#8554 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:37 Guard: Okay, gl hf
- 17:37 Dr_Tuen: OK, ready, thank's for the patience
- 17:37 Guard#6225 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:37 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:37 Dr_Tuen: GLHF!
- 17:37 Guard: Normal
- 17:37 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:37 Dr_Tuen: Game glitched
- 18:37 Dr_Tuen: and my last save is hella far back
- 18:37 Dr_Tuen: I overlapped the two kwolok talking quests and was not credited with the Voice of the Forest
- 18:46 Guard#6225 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:47 Guard: GG, not feeling good
- 19:27 SiriusAshling#0115 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:50:02!
- 19:27 Guard: GG!
- 19:28 Dr_Tuen: gg!
- 19:28 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 19:29 SiriusAshling: thanks
- 19:34 Nintendoblivion#9725 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:57:08!
- 19:34 SiriusAshling: GG
- 20:05 Dr_Tuen#8554 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:27:41!
- 20:05 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 20:20 omfq#2334 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:42:24!
- 20:20 Race finished in 2:42:24.9
- 20:20 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 20:20 Dr_Tuen: gg!
- 20:20 kew: gg
- 17:46 Race result recorded by Eiko#2133