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- 18:04 Eiko: lol
- 18:04 Guard: Happens :D
- 18:04 nfnite: lol
- 18:05 Guard: I actually started the seed on normal in first place
- 18:05 Eiko: i was wondering if that would happen to someone just by habit
- 18:05 Dr_Tuen: 31/37
- 18:05 Guard: Oh and I know what delayed my time, I had crash in that seed and needed to backtrack to the fishing moki
- 18:06 Nintendoblivion: oh no
- 18:06 Eiko: oh no
- 18:06 Eiko: nintendo he got like 1:53 even with that
- 18:06 Nintendoblivion: Oh yeah i saw
- 18:06 Dr_Tuen: two hour seed, that's exciting
- 18:06 Dr_Tuen: I look forward to playing that
- 18:06 Eiko: i mean it was all quests
- 18:06 Dr_Tuen: I know :-). Super cool stuff
- 18:06 Guard: Idk what caused the crash tho
- 18:06 Eiko: plausibly it could be completed in like 1:30 by someone who had played enough all quests to have internalized the routing
- 18:06 Eiko: but nobody does that because
- 18:06 Eiko: ...why
- 18:07 Eiko: LOL
- 18:07 Dr_Tuen: OK game's loading
- 18:07 Guard: It was my 3rd seed maybe? :D I played one all seeds and one all flags long time ago
- 18:07 Eiko: 'twas my first completed all quests tbh
- 18:07 Nintendoblivion: All quests makes all wisps redundant
- 18:07 Dr_Tuen#8554 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:08 Guard#6225 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:08 Eiko: okay
- 18:08 Eiko: glhf
- 18:08 Eiko#2133 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:08 Guard: GL HF everyone!
- 18:08 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:08 Dr_Tuen: Good luck!
- 18:08 nfnite: glhf
- 18:08 Nintendoblivion: gl all
- 18:08 Dr_Tuen: I'll finish later if I gotta bail :-)
- 18:08 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:10 Eiko: uh
- 18:10 Eiko: i misclicked 2 options but it was only stuff i tiebroke so we should keep going unless people feel strongly
- 18:10 Eiko: about a remake
- 18:11 nfnite: I don't mind
- 18:11 Nintendoblivion: not even sure what is misclicked
- 18:11 Eiko: doors exist
- 18:11 Eiko: and rain exists
- 18:11 Eiko: both should ahve been swapped lol
- 18:12 Guard: No worries
- 18:33 Dr_Tuen: 3 work calls, handling them during tree scenes, lol
- 18:36 Guard: lol
- 19:13 Guard#6225 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:05:25!
- 19:14 Eiko: gg!
- 19:14 Dr_Tuen: GG!
- 19:14 nfnite: gg
- 19:14 Guard: Oh man, died 3 times on Shriek, I was scared
- 19:14 Guard: Thanks!
- 19:18 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 19:19 Nintendoblivion#9725 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:10:41!
- 19:19 Eiko: gg
- 19:19 nfnite: gg
- 19:19 Guard: GG
- 19:19 Dr_Tuen: GG!
- 19:23 Eiko#2133 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:14:45!
- 19:23 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 19:23 Guard: GG!
- 19:23 nfnite: gg
- 19:23 Dr_Tuen: GG!
- 19:23 Eiko: thanks!
- 19:25 nfnite#9988 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:17:26!
- 19:25 Guard: GG
- 19:25 Eiko: gg!
- 19:26 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 19:26 nfnite: thanks
- 19:28 Dr_Tuen#8554 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:20:00!
- 19:28 Race finished in 1:20:01.1
- 19:28 Eiko: gg!
- 19:28 Guard: Nice time! GG
- 19:28 Dr_Tuen: LoL. WotW on-call% is a stupid category, ha ha ha
- 19:28 Eiko: dang we was all within uh
- 19:28 nfnite: GG
- 19:28 Eiko: 15 minutes
- 19:29 Eiko: think that's our closest spread by far
- 19:29 Dr_Tuen: I call that a good run, given the number of calls I got. Hella fast seed tho
- 19:29 Nintendoblivion: Not having tps kind of streamlines the seed
- 19:29 Dr_Tuen: And I'm just glad to race. Figured this weekend would be a wash
- 19:29 Dr_Tuen: I kinda really like no TPs
- 19:29 Eiko: no TPs does make logic more straighforward
- 19:29 Eiko: i think it'll be better in gorlek
- 19:29 Dr_Tuen: At least, it's a good shake-up
- 19:29 Dr_Tuen: I also kinda wish I streamed that
- 19:29 Nintendoblivion: Random start no tps will be fun with Gorlek
- 19:30 Dr_Tuen: that was HILARIOUSLY bad shriek RNG
- 19:30 Dr_Tuen: Shoulda been higlighted to subject you all to it, ha ha ha
- 19:30 Dr_Tuen: agreed, Nintendo
- 19:30 Dr_Tuen: The logic is going to be so good :-D
- 19:31 Dr_Tuen: GGs everyone, I'll be back for my comfy--- oh sirius is back next week, uh, my nice 2nd/3rd place next week
- 15:25 Race result recorded by Dyn