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- 18:26 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot. Use !roll to roll your seed (if applicable) and get started! If you need help, please contact an SpeedGaming Live admin for assistance.
- 18:27 Giocci#8238 joins the race.
- 18:35 Yondolash#8440 joins the race.
- 18:36 SasProgGuy: Good afternoon both. No rush (it's still early), but you're welcome to get started whenever you're both ready and live, no need to wait until 2.
- 18:38 Yondolash: are there any commands I need to know about for finishing the race on here?
- 18:39 SasProgGuy: A button will appear above the chat where the ready up button is, or you can type .done in chat
- 18:40 Giocci: aight, i can be ready in about 5 mins i guess
- 18:40 Giocci: hbu yondo?
- 18:42 Yondolash: I'll probably be about 10 or 15min maybe and I'll be ready
- 18:42 Giocci: aight
- 18:42 Giocci: im playing some donkey kong till then!
- 18:51 Giocci: so
- 18:51 Giocci: dy
- 18:51 Giocci: im rdy
- 18:53 Yondolash: nice, that's a good game
- 18:53 Yondolash: ok, I'm ready
- 18:54 Giocci: nice nice
- 18:54 Giocci: so?
- 18:54 Yondolash#8440 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:55 Giocci#8238 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:55 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:55 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:55 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 19:34 Giocci#8238 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:39:34!
- 19:37 Yondolash#8440 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:42:13!
- 19:37 Race finished in 0:42:13.9
- 19:37 Giocci: gg :)
- 19:37 Giocci: wow yondo, did you let me win?:P
- 19:37 Yondolash: GG dude :)
- 19:37 Giocci: gg man rly ^^
- 19:38 Yondolash: no lol, choked hard early game, entered dillo door on revisits
- 19:38 Giocci: oh daaamn fuck =/
- 19:38 Giocci: i was on PB -20 pace until sig one and then i was +58 -_-"
- 19:39 Giocci: oh damn i see your splits
- 19:39 Yondolash: I was watching, good race
- 19:39 Giocci: i wasnt tbh, i was waaaay to nervous
- 19:39 Yondolash: oh, and I had to fight octo with buster lol
- 19:39 Giocci: thank you, yeah thats true :)
- 19:39 Giocci: oh damn X_X
- 19:39 Yondolash: bad stage select
- 19:39 Giocci: so how to proceed now?^^
- 19:40 Giocci: like do we have to report it? since no one watched it
- 19:40 Yondolash: I was kinda nervous too in the early game
- 19:40 Yondolash: um, they can probably open the results of this game room I assume
- 19:40 Giocci: Berlindude told me in chat you died once
- 19:41 Giocci: i will ask the admins ^^
- 19:41 Yondolash: I'm gonna do runs for like 10 hours now lol
- 19:41 Giocci: have no clue
- 19:41 Yondolash: me neither
- 19:41 Yondolash: I died a couple times really
- 19:41 Yondolash: but we both had an accidental pause in the intro XD
- 19:41 Giocci: haha yeah xD
- 19:42 Giocci: i mean i feel like i SHOULD have had a biiiig pb in this run
- 19:42 Yondolash: nice gold splits there
- 19:42 Giocci: 37 is only a matter of time but i kinda wanted it NOW
- 19:42 Giocci: have you heared of my first one against laseki?
- 19:43 Yondolash: I suppose I should actually learn the backup for missing carpet lol. what first one?
- 19:43 Giocci: first my PC kinda shut down and my gamepad wasnt working THEN, out of NOWHERE i had that rom that warped me back to the intro after 2 stages
- 19:43 Giocci: even tho i dont even have it on my PC anymore
- 19:43 Giocci: so i forfeited and threw my gamepad into the wall
- 19:43 Yondolash: oh damn, do you need a new rom? I can send you one on discord. I use a bsnes core, but I got it from Zam so it should be solid
- 19:44 Giocci: i got it actually
- 19:44 Giocci: i have all the correct data, i dont have that rom anymore on my pc for weeeeks
- 19:44 Giocci: but somehow it got loaded
- 19:44 Giocci: and i dont know how or why
- 19:45 Giocci: so i basically forfeited and was sooo pissed
- 19:46 Yondolash: I'm gonna take a break and get to some run grinds
- 19:46 Giocci: aight yondo, i will be in your stream ^^
- 19:46 Giocci: cu man and gg!
- 19:46 Yondolash: GL in your next match dude
- 19:55 Giocci: thank you :) same to you
- 20:43 Race result recorded by Synack#9689