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- 14:30 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot. Use !roll to roll your seed (if applicable) and get started! If you need help, please contact a SpeedGaming Live admin for assistance.
- 14:32 Mageius#9552 joins the race.
- 14:45 Mageius#9552 quits the race.
- 14:46 Mageius#9552 joins the race.
- 14:46 Lamianyu: Alola :)
- 14:47 Mageius: just making sure I'm in the right race room
- 14:47 Lamianyu: it looks like u are. just wonder why sahasrah doesnt invite in the racers :O
- 14:48 Lemmilemzwerg#3284 invites Yondolash#8440 to join the race.
- 14:48 Mageius: no it's because the original link I used was when they posted it when the room was created on the Discord
- 14:48 Mageius: then I used the one that was messaged to me via the bot
- 14:49 Lamianyu: i see
- 14:49 Mageius: it's you know the you might have clicked the wrong one so just in case type thing made sure I wasn't in any races then double checked
- 14:50 Lamianyu: okay :)
- 14:50 Mageius: anyway I'm live just got to load the game up from my SD2SNES cart
- 14:50 Lamianyu: :thumbup:
- 14:53 Lemmilemzwerg#3284 sets the race to be invite only.
- 14:53 Mageius: I'm also using mobile for the race room so you know how it is hopefully
- 14:55 Warning: this race will be automatically cancelled in 5 minutes unless at least two entrants join.
- 14:55 Lemmilemzwerg#3284 joins the race.
- 14:55 Lamianyu: No cancel :D
- 14:56 Mageius: lol
- 14:57 Mageius: I know the restraints being cropped right now so not sure on that one
- 14:57 Mageius: I just wanted to double-check to make sure that was up
- 14:57 Lamianyu: u already cropped ^^ only sound was needed ;)
- 14:58 Mageius: k
- 14:58 Mageius: any word on my opponent?
- 14:58 Mageius: I don't want to win by default
- 14:58 Lamianyu: nope. no answer yet
- 14:58 Mageius: as I can only hope they're getting everything ready
- 14:58 Lamianyu: sound is good to
- 14:58 Mageius: I mean originally the race was supposed to be an hour later but you know
- 14:59 Mageius: I'm almost positive I'm not winning but at least it'll be fun
- 14:59 proa007: do you have a PB Mageius?
- 15:00 Mageius: Sadly I didn't make the FF1R play in race so I'll be watching that tonight at the very least
- 15:00 Mageius: whatever my race time was from the last race
- 15:00 Mageius: I just don't ever get a chance to practice and I usually play other games which is why I usually just consider myself a casual speedrunner
- 15:01 proa007: ah I see.
- 15:01 Lamianyu: How long u wanna wait, Mageius?
- 15:02 Mageius: you know the, you don't have to be the best to speedrun you just have to enjoy playing a game.
- 15:02 Mageius: I'm willing to wait as long as speed gaming is considering I don't have to work today and my next race isn't until 2:00
- 15:02 Lamianyu: Okay. i get reply. Yondolash needed to restart his computer he will join soon
- 15:02 Mageius: I'll DM them has anybody else done that
- 15:03 Yondolash#8440 accepts an invitation to join.
- 15:03 Lemmilemzwerg#3284 quits the race.
- 15:03 proa007: it's something I need to do a better job of remembering myself. I am a driven kind of person in that respect.
- 15:03 proa007: but that's neither here or there. gl to both of you.
- 15:04 Lamianyu: okay. do u will have cam on? yondolash
- 15:05 Mageius: I just DMed them
- 15:05 Mageius: according to the response they apparently had to restart their computer because of Discord acting up
- 15:05 Mageius: so I can only assume they didn't have access to the race link cuz apparently Discord wasn't opening
- 15:05 Yondolash#8440 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:05 Mageius: So they should be here very soon
- 15:05 feasel: good luck you two!
- 15:05 feasel: mageius look to the left
- 15:06 Mageius: sorry for the hold up as I know it's going to be busy today
- 15:06 Yondolash: ready to start
- 15:06 Lamianyu: get ready then :)
- 15:06 Mageius: 2s
- 15:07 Mageius#9552 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:07 Mageius: ready whenever
- 15:07 Lamianyu: GL HF
- 15:07 Lemmilemzwerg#3284 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:07 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 15:07 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 15:46 Yondolash#8440 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:39:04!
- 15:47 Mageius: ggs
- 15:47 Mageius: I just got to the sigma stages
- 15:47 Mageius: lots of stupid mistakes
- 15:49 Yondolash: gg
- 15:50 proa007: gg
- 16:25 Mageius#9552 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:17:52!
- 16:25 Race finished in 1:17:52.9
- 17:18 Race result recorded by Synack#9689