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- 02:54 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated and should now be in the race info.
- 02:54 chessjerk: shouldn't that command be !letsroll
- 02:54 adirondackrick: We'll have to talk to Synack about that.
- 02:54 fcoughlin: nah, that command should've been !rickroll when rick's here
- 02:54 chessjerk: LOL
- 02:54 adirondackrick: This is the 3rd seed I've rolled today. :P
- 02:54 Synack: I can add that :O
- 02:55 chessjerk: please do
- 02:55 fcoughlin: So you're saying you're never gonna give (you) up rolling seeds?
- 02:55 chessjerk: fred i have book anykey mags rupee
- 02:55 chessjerk: the seeds will never let him down
- 02:56 fcoughlin: I'll have a code in a minute. Slower process with my flash cart :(
- 02:56 chessjerk: understood
- 02:56 chessjerk: the glory of emulator i suppose, fast code turnaround
- 02:58 fcoughlin: book any diagonal-sword money
- 02:58 fcoughlin: Confirmed!
- 02:58 chessjerk: ...close enough :)
- 02:59 fcoughlin: Best of luck, sir! :)
- 02:59 fcoughlin#7691 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:59 chessjerk: and you too!
- 02:59 chessjerk#2898 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:59 fcoughlin: Let's make this one fun and close!
- 02:59 adirondackrick: Fun?
- 02:59 chessjerk: ...let's just go for close LOL
- 03:00 adirondackrick: I will drop out in a couple minutes, offer extra buffer room for the LTTPR CC to drop out.
- 03:00 fcoughlin: No worries.
- 03:00 chessjerk: sounds good
- 03:01 adirondackrick: Okay.
- 03:02 adirondackrick: I will quit this in 15 seconds.
- 03:02 chessjerk#2898 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 03:02 chessjerk: hang on
- 03:02 adirondackrick: Or not... xD
- 03:02 fcoughlin: /me grabs the desk
- 03:02 chessjerk: emu is doing something weird
- 03:02 fcoughlin: lol it's ok, I just had to off/on the console due to lines, but I'm still good
- 03:02 adirondackrick: Uh oh.
- 03:02 chessjerk: i was getting a weird audio blip
- 03:02 fcoughlin: Oh that's weird
- 03:03 fcoughlin: Hope it's not something on the rando side
- 03:03 chessjerk: no i've heard it before
- 03:03 chessjerk: not just in rando
- 03:03 chessjerk: seems ok now
- 03:03 chessjerk#2898 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:04 chessjerk: fred you can release the desk now
- 03:04 adirondackrick: Okay.
- 03:04 fcoughlin: Desk released
- 03:04 adirondackrick: Can I release the hounds?
- 03:04 chessjerk: good
- 03:04 fcoughlin: good; hands were starting to cramp
- 03:04 fcoughlin: Gladiators ready
- 03:04 adirondackrick: Contenders ready?!!
- 03:04 chessjerk: contestants ready
- 03:04 adirondackrick: Quitting in 10 seconds.
- 03:04 chessjerk: *contenders rather
- 03:04 adirondackrick: Good luck!
- 03:04 chessjerk: i should've known that, i'm sad
- 03:04 chessjerk: ty
- 03:04 fcoughlin: Close enough :)
- 03:04 adirondackrick#4468 quits the race.
- 03:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:04 fcoughlin: Kick tookus :)
- 03:04 fcoughlin: Good luck :)
- 03:05 chessjerk: gl
- 03:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:05 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 04:22 fcoughlin#7691 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:17:24!
- 04:38 adirondackrick: GG Fred. Interview link:
- 04:45 chessjerk#2898 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:40:03!
- 04:45 Race finished in 1:40:03.5
- 04:45 chessjerk: gg fred
- 04:45 adirondackrick: GG Chessjerk, unfortunately we're moving away from this into the 11:50pm LTTPR so no chance for interview.
- 04:45 chessjerk: no worries, i have nothing nice to say about the seed anyway :)
- 04:46 adirondackrick: I figured.
- 04:46 fcoughlin: gg cj!
- 04:46 fcoughlin: Sorry about that evil
- 04:46 chessjerk: if you need to know where anything is, i can tell you
- 04:46 fcoughlin: lol
- 04:46 chessjerk: i found literally everything
- 04:46 fcoughlin: Yea any key and maybe boomerangs were the only things I think I didn't find
- 04:47 fcoughlin: If silvers had been in 8, you probably would've had me
- 04:47 chessjerk: i was banking on gohma blocking something
- 04:47 chessjerk: it was the red candle lol
- 04:48 chessjerk: i have 2 OW spots left and 2 rooms unchecked in 9
- 04:48 chessjerk: so i guess that's 99.9%
- 04:48 fcoughlin: Oh dang.
- 04:48 fcoughlin: Yea I did the same thing with Gohma
- 04:49 fcoughlin: 99.94% right? :)
- 04:49 chessjerk: something like that, i can't math on sunday nights :)
- 04:51 chessjerk: just looked at the restream, i didn't even get to 9 before they cut away
- 04:51 chessjerk: oh well
- 04:51 chessjerk: i guess i should've figured i was due for silvers in 9, haven't seen that in a while
- 04:52 chessjerk#2898 added a comment: "seed 99.94% complete, please wait..."
- 04:53 chessjerk: good night fred, good luck in the rest of the tournament
- 02:25 Race result recorded by Synack#9689