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- 21:44 adirondackrick: Do not crop until I say crop, okay?
- 21:45 Kirito: ok
- 21:45 Kirito: how things goin rick
- 21:46 adirondackrick: Busy
- 21:46 Nolinto#3254 joins the race.
- 21:46 Nolinto: sup guys
- 21:46 Mageius: good luck all
- 21:46 Mageius: just popping into wish you all luck
- 21:47 Nolinto: Thanks Mageius, gonna be awesome
- 21:47 Ziphreeon: I am trying to warm up, I just got home, so I have to try to get warm quicky
- 21:47 proa007: question for our fine competitors: I looked at your brackets: who plays whom if you win?
- 21:47 adirondackrick: 1 sec proa
- 21:47 feasel: nolinto can you put a timer on stream
- 21:47 Mageius: I believe it's the order they finish
- 21:48 Nolinto: yep, I will
- 21:48 Mageius: so last faces posion I believe
- 21:48 feasel: thank you!
- 21:48 Nolinto: It just that when I do and click enter, it started it, lol, need to arrange that on my settings
- 21:49 adirondackrick: We may need to swap khanster for delcaMX on the stream, Feasel.
- 21:49 adirondackrick: Runners were pinged in the channel, they have 10 minutes to get here.
- 21:49 Kirito: hey feasel how things goin
- 21:49 Nolinto: don't forget to all fix your dash button if you switching it (the kind of stuff you can forget setting up for a race)
- 21:50 Nolinto: hey kirito, on which channel will it be restreamed ? SGL 1 or 2?
- 21:50 Ziphreeon: I am here
- 21:50 adirondackrick: SG1.
- 21:50 feasel: is khanster still in this race?
- 21:51 adirondackrick: He was pinged with an invite to the race but has not joined yet.
- 21:51 Nolinto: The one that currently has Catlevania?
- 21:51 Buster Only Queen#8856 joins the race.
- 21:51 adirondackrick: We may need to sub delca in Khanster's place.
- 21:52 Mageius: it's just switched over
- 21:52 adirondackrick#4468 updated the race information.
- 21:54 adirondackrick: Feasel: Don't forget to put the SG1 voice bot back in SG1's server.
- 21:54 Buster Only Queen: Gl guys...
- 21:55 Ziphreeon: ty dmq
- 21:55 Nolinto: Gl, I'm all excited about this, gonna be nice
- 21:55 adirondackrick: So for clarity.
- 21:55 feasel: restream is all ready
- 21:55 adirondackrick: Not yet Feasel
- 21:55 feasel: ok!
- 21:55 adirondackrick: We need voice bot
- 21:56 adirondackrick: There we og
- 21:56 adirondackrick: - go
- 21:56 feasel: you're right. i had moved it for the cv1 simulcast
- 21:56 Buster Only Queen: some of the text in stream looks blocked
- 21:56 feasel: yeah i need to fix that
- 21:57 feasel: it's just the pregame screen fortunately so it'll be fine in a moment
- 21:57 adirondackrick: SO FOR CLARITY: Top 4 qualify for brackets. First finisher gets the #13 seed, 2nd finisher gets the 14th seed. 3rd finisher gets 15th seed. 4th finisher gets 16th seed.
- 21:57 delcaMX: are you going to use cams for this race?
- 21:57 Ziphreeon: I have my cam on, you can use my chonky face if you wanna
- 21:57 feasel: no cams on layout this time
- 21:57 feasel: t enough space
- 21:57 feasel: *not enough
- 21:57 delcaMX: ok
- 21:58 feasel: you can haveit or not. it wont be used
- 21:58 Nolinto: ok, so we are starting this at 5 sharp?
- 21:58 Buster Only Queen: I should have gave myself a {She/Her} thing....
- 21:59 adirondackrick: Getting ready to send commentary for restream.
- 21:59 feasel: i'm going to send in commentators now
- 21:59 feasel: you all can start it shortly
- 21:59 Kirito: ok feasel
- 21:59 adirondackrick: Ready up when you're good to go.
- 21:59 feasel: ok coms are on
- 21:59 feasel: good luck all!
- 21:59 Nolinto#3254 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:59 Yondolash: GL
- 22:00 Yondolash#8440 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 22:00 delcaMX: GL :D
- 22:00 delcaMX#9747 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:01 Ziphreeon#7797 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:01 adirondackrick: Buster Only Queen
- 22:01 Buster Only Queen#8856 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:01 adirondackrick: Kirito, release the hounds!
- 22:01 Kirito: glhf guys
- 22:01 Kirito#7015 quits the race.
- 22:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:01 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 22:40 Yondolash#8440 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:38:26!
- 22:41 Buster Only Queen#8856 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:39:45!
- 22:41 delcaMX#9747 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:40:01!
- 22:42 Nolinto#3254 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:40:23!
- 22:43 Ziphreeon#7797 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:41:11!
- 22:43 Race finished in 0:41:11.8
- 22:43 Yondolash: GGs
- 22:43 Ziphreeon: I am glad to get last, I am so rusty, and I can't stand to do this again.
- 22:44 Buster Only Queen: GG
- 22:44 proa007: gg
- 22:47 proa007: interview room link:
- 22:49 Nolinto: My mic doesn't connrect, so I won't interview I guess
- 22:53 Mageius:
- 22:53 Mageius: link for anybody that wants to come in for an interview
- 22:58 Buster Only Queen: I treid but I guess to much backround noise
- 17:18 Race result recorded by Kuchiri#0806