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- 18:13 chonny24#9440 joins the race.
- 18:14 ChrisS97#4483 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:15 killingpepsi#2403 joins the race.
- 18:15 Crucrux#4287 joins the race.
- 18:15 killingpepsi#2403 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 18:15 Bree12am: i think we might be in the wrong race?
- 18:16 Bree12am: i thought jank was admining them
- 18:16 Jankmo: no it's this one
- 18:16 Bree12am: oh ur just not in
- 18:16 Jankmo#0617 joins the race.
- 18:16 Bree12am: got it :d
- 18:16 Jankmo: yeah oops
- 18:16 jay#8302 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 18:16 Jankmo: I got things to manage so taking my time a bit
- 18:16 chonny24#9440 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:17 jay#8302 is not ready. (5 remaining)
- 18:18 Crucrux#4287 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:18 jay#8302 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:18 Bree12am#6387 joins the race.
- 18:18 Bree12am: oops
- 18:18 Bree12am#6387 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:19 Crucrux: gl
- 18:19 Quentin KREIS: gl
- 18:19 chonny24: glhf
- 18:19 Jankmo: still waiting for squees
- 18:19 Bree12am: glglgl!
- 18:19 Squees#4458 joins the race.
- 18:19 Squees: hey sorry
- 18:19 Jankmo: ty
- 18:19 Jankmo: all good :)
- 18:19 Squees#4458 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:19 SilverSnake#9370 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:19 OwningDeath#5793 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:20 Jankmo#0617 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:20 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:20 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:38 Jankmo#0617 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:18:17!
- 18:38 Jankmo: woulda been a 17:59 with a 4 cycle
- 18:39 Jankmo: also rickets pog
- 18:39 Jankmo#0617 added a comment.
- 18:39 SilverSnake#9370 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:19:13!
- 18:39 killingpepsi#2403 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:19:17!
- 18:39 Bree12am: pepsi!!
- 18:39 Jankmo: 2-3 deaths, 2 in forest lmao
- 18:40 chonny24#9440 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:19:42!
- 18:40 chonny24: lets gooo
- 18:40 chonny24: 1s off pb
- 18:40 killingpepsi#2403 added a comment.
- 18:40 Jankmo: nice chonny
- 18:40 killingpepsi: SWEATING
- 18:40 Bree12am#6387 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:20:01!
- 18:40 chonny24: gold end, gold salt
- 18:40 Squees#4458 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:20:06!
- 18:40 OwningDeath#5793 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:20:10!
- 18:40 Bree12am: lets goo pepsi
- 18:40 Jankmo: gg pepsi
- 18:40 Squees: wew lads
- 18:40 Bree12am: i was -11 into larry
- 18:40 Squees: i safety omegad again LUL
- 18:40 ChrisS97#4483 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:20:32!
- 18:40 Squees: 7 cycle larry
- 18:41 Bree12am: gold forest :D
- 18:41 killingpepsi: c:
- 18:41 Squees: gold pog
- 18:41 Squees: chonny with the sub 20 poggers
- 18:41 Crucrux#4287 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:21:02!
- 18:41 jay#8302 has finished in 10th place with a time of 0:21:03!
- 18:41 jay: whaaaaa
- 18:41 Squees: wow one second!
- 18:41 Jankmo: gg jay
- 18:41 jay: gg crux
- 18:41 Crucrux: phew
- 18:41 Jankmo: oh damn
- 18:41 Jankmo: retime?
- 18:41 Crucrux: ggs
- 18:41 Bree12am#6387 added a comment.
- 18:42 killingpepsi: gg
- 18:42 Bree12am: omg! gg
- 18:42 ChrisS97#4483 added a comment.
- 18:42 Jankmo: oof chris
- 18:42 ChrisS97: 17 cycle larry for me :P
- 18:42 jay: i was pb pace going into larry
- 18:42 ChrisS97: woulda been a PB
- 18:42 Bree12am: geez lol
- 18:42 Jankmo: pb with 2 cycle for me
- 18:42 Jankmo: probably 17:52 or another 17:53
- 18:43 Jankmo: well my time has a 17 in it :p
- 18:43 Jankmo: it's gonna happen lmao
- 18:44 Quentin KREIS#0520 has finished in 11th place with a time of 0:24:22!
- 18:44 Race finished in 0:24:22.2
- 18:44 Jankmo: ggs
- 18:44 Quentin KREIS: gg
- 18:44 chonny24: gg
- 18:44 Race result recorded by Jankmo#0617