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- 01:48 HUmanMustard: its been awhile this should be intersting
- 01:49 MidiGuyDP: So this 17BCWYIUA4 ?
- 01:49 Dustminion: that's what the randomizer program is telling me, ya
- 01:50 MidiGuyDP: Stopped and restarted stream
- 01:51 madewokherd: do we just have midiguy and lesleypro on restream?
- 01:51 HUmanMustard: ill take a spot if I have to but my wifi is hit or miss sometimes
- 01:52 HUmanMustard: running fine ATM but I never know
- 01:52 Grauwulf: Stewie, do you want a spot?
- 01:52 stewie_cartman: being shown on sg2? or...............
- 01:52 Grauwulf: Yeah
- 01:52 stewie_cartman: sure
- 01:53 Grauwulf: MidiGuy, LesleyPro, HumanMustard and Stewie_cartman are the restreams
- 01:53 stewie_cartman: made sure my mic is muted so i should be good to go
- 01:53 Grauwulf#6557 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 01:53 HUmanMustard: I wont have usable audio
- 01:54 MidiGuyDP: I should
- 01:54 stewie_cartman: whats the seed?
- 01:54 Dustminion: rolling it now
- 01:54 stewie_cartman: sounds good
- 01:54 Dustminion: !flags 17BCWYIUA4
- 01:54 SMB3 Seed Generator updated the race information.
- 01:54 SMB3 Seed Generator: Seed: 210484848664 - Flags: 17BCWYIUA4
- 01:54 SMB3 Seed Generator: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:54 HUmanMustard: I will have usable audio actually
- 01:54 HUmanMustard: probablyt shouldnt run anything extra anyways just incase
- 01:55 clarisdatcom: shroom flower note note note shell?
- 01:55 HUmanMustard: MFNNNSh
- 01:55 Grauwulf: M, F, N, N, N, Sh
- 01:55 clarisdatcom: good.
- 01:55 nissault#4195 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 01:55 stewie_cartman: mushroom, flower, note, note, note, shell
- 01:56 MidiGuyDP: Hash matches
- 01:56 stewie_cartman#9117 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 01:56 stewie_cartman: i have spotify going but i dont have desktop audio on. just game
- 01:57 LesleyPro_04: We good on the hash on my end.
- 01:57 HUmanMustard#0772 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:57 MidiGuyDP: Still on phone, will be ready real soon
- 01:58 clarisdatcom#1810 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 02:00 MidiGuyDP#7181 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:00 LesleyPro_04: wow, way to eat my ready click, system :P
- 02:00 LesleyPro_04#2687 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:00 stewie_cartman: good luck everyone
- 02:00 MidiGuyDP: glhf
- 02:00 Grauwulf: Likewise
- 02:00 Dustminion: we're not quite ready yet
- 02:01 LesleyPro_04: glhf watch out for Boss Bass and let's hope a 7F2 didn't roll as the first stage like last week
- 02:01 MidiGuyDP: O.o
- 02:01 stewie_cartman: .............................
- 02:01 Grauwulf: I roll great seeds, what can I say?
- 02:02 MidiGuyDP: Grrrrrea-gulp ^^
- 02:02 LesleyPro_04: Get some more toilet paper!
- 02:02 MidiGuyDP: Ding
- 02:02 stewie_cartman: uh-oh
- 02:02 stewie_cartman: im already scared
- 02:02 Grauwulf: Don't be. I didn't roll this one
- 02:03 LesleyPro_04: And I didn't either
- 02:03 MidiGuyDP: K, 90% less sacared XD
- 02:03 stewie_cartman: lol
- 02:03 MidiGuyDP: 100% more typos though lol
- 02:03 LesleyPro_04: Only thing I really roll nowadays is SMZ3 Normal logic seeds to keep certain folks from rolling
- 02:04 Dustminion: alright, we're ready
- 02:04 Dustminion: good luck everyone!
- 02:04 Grauwulf: WOOHOO
- 02:04 LesleyPro_04: Folks that roll some real bad seeds I might add
- 02:04 Dustminion#8952 quits the race.
- 02:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:04 LesleyPro_04: GLHF
- 02:04 nissault: gl
- 02:04 stewie_cartman: gl
- 02:04 MidiGuyDP: gl
- 02:04 clarisdatcom: glhf all
- 02:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:25 HUmanMustard: am I lagging like crazy?
- 02:37 HUmanMustard#0772 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:32:46!
- 02:37 HUmanMustard: sorry about the signal
- 02:38 stewie_cartman#9117 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:33:38!
- 02:38 stewie_cartman: mustard did you have a powerup for bowser?
- 02:39 HUmanMustard: fire yeah
- 02:39 stewie_cartman: damn it
- 02:39 stewie_cartman: gg though
- 02:39 HUmanMustard: almost lost it
- 02:39 HUmanMustard: my controller is SO fucked
- 02:39 HUmanMustard: t keeps doing like shit by itsself
- 02:40 HUmanMustard: not even like 1 button inputs its doing like crazy stuff lol never seen anything like it before
- 02:40 MidiGuyDP#7181 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:36:12!
- 02:41 MidiGuyDP#7181 added a comment: "Not bad for over a month of not playing XD"
- 02:41 LesleyPro_04#2687 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:37:06!
- 02:42 clarisdatcom#1810 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:37:51!
- 02:42 nissault#4195 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:38:10!
- 02:46 clarisdatcom#1810 added a comment: "hooray for good weekly flagsets, gg's"
- 02:47 Grauwulf#6557 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:42:55!
- 02:47 Race finished in 0:42:55.4
- 02:55 LesleyPro_04#2687 added a comment: "Heck of a race to close out the 2020 Weeklies! Looking forward to 2021!"
- 04:37 Race result recorded by HUmanMustard#0772