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Race results

  1. disco-marathon-7095 SMB3 Warpless Finished awaiting record 14 entrants
    1. 1st neoshazam #3177 more hands1+3,allbro w5,3rd try 7-1 (bad jumps), good run, Finished 2,210
    2. 2nd stewie_cartman #9117 more dombox, sky bro, 2nd try 7-1, 1st try 7-6, hands 1 and 2 Finished 2,291
    3. 3rd TEEX88 #4981 more death in 2-4, 12 tries 7-1, 3 hands, early game jank Finished 3,063
    4. 4th Brocis420 #3006 more First hand billion tries 7-1 Finished 2,364
    5. 5th highflyer28 #7832 he / him Finished 1,922
    6. 6th mmondii #7036 more no waffle jump Finished 2,106
    7. 7th WhenChukAttacks #4483 more superbad Finished 1,657
    8. 8th Jepsii_ #4425 she / her Finished 1,411
    9. 9th PapaTate7 #2346 Finished 1,422
    10. 10th Kettupaini #4510 he / him Finished n/a
    11. 11th Finnish2005 #5087 he / him Finished 1,410
    12. nissault #4195 DNF 2,127
    13. DisasterKatti #1175 he / him DNF 2,084
    14. Matepe #0682 he / him DNF 1,405
  2. good-rng-6746 SMB3 Warpless Finished awaiting record 11 entrants
    1. 1st Sakaali #9007 more 2 hands, extra bro in w6, damage boosted 1-5 Finished 2,421
    2. 2nd WhenChukAttacks #4483 more not bad Finished 1,657
    3. 3rd neoshazam #3177 more hand2,w6star,boxlessw4,bad=2-2/3-2/3-9/6-4/7-1,blown iggy firekill. Finished 2,200
    4. 4th Track #2646 he / him more Didnt forfeit Finished 2,353
    5. 5th nissault #4195 Finished 2,127
    6. 6th DisasterKatti #1175 he / him more died in 1-1 Finished 2,086
    7. 7th Kettu82 #3476 Finished 1,528
    8. 8th Finnish2005 #5087 he / him Finished 1,385
    9. Matepe #0682 he / him more coinship DNF 1,405
    10. Naksu #1605 DNF 969
    11. Kettupaini #4510 he / him DNF n/a
  3. jolly-star-4535 SMB3 Warpless Finished awaiting record 14 entrants
    1. 1st Sakaali #9007 more Died in 1-1 Finished 2,421
    2. 2nd AliceHK8 #6141 more runaway and 3 hands again alice's points in the bin <bagler> Finished 2,502
    3. 3rd TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 1,930
    4. 4th budzyRNG #1142 Finished 2,218
    5. 5th SammyD #3138 Finished n/a
    6. 6th PapaTate7 #2346 Finished 1,422
    7. 7th Matepe #0682 he / him more played 1-2 Finished 1,424
    8. 8th Finnish2005 #5087 he / him Finished 1,386
    9. 9th nissault #4195 Finished 2,127
    10. 10th DisasterKatti #1175 he / him Finished 2,086
    11. GungeonLover #2208 he / him DNF 2,438
    12. Yatokami9 #1063 DNF 2,338
    13. Cookiewise #9255 DNF 1,229
    14. Naksu #1605 DNF 969
  4. magic-morton-6519 SMB3 Warpless Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st Jokubotti #3351 he / him Finished 42
    2. 2nd Yatokami9 #1063 more 1-6 death, smelly world 3, couple missed clpis in 7-1 and 7-6, lost hammersuit in 7F2, 1 Hand Finished 10
    3. 3rd MarstoS #9685 he / him Finished 39
    4. 4th AliceHK8 #6141 more this is bagler and i smelled it up and got 3 hands and died Finished 1
    5. 5th Track #2646 he / him more Died in fortress Finished 1
    6. 6th Brocis420 #3006 Finished 10
    7. 7th TrueHyperMario #8049 he / him Finished 2
    8. 8th nissault #4195 Finished 7
    9. 9th PapaTate7 #2346 Finished 34
    10. 10th Kettu82 #3476 Finished 12
    11. 11th Finnish2005 #5087 he / him Finished 9
    12. stewie_cartman #9117 DNF 31
  5. chaotic-roy-3479 SMB3 Warpless Finished recorded 14 entrants
    1. 1st AliceHK8 #6141 Finished 21
    2. 2nd Lui #1410 he / him Finished 3,137
    3. 3rd neoshazam #3177 more hand1,cutoffrunaway,8-1death,18try 7-1clip, slow 1f/pyramid/5-1dmg/6f2/6-8. Finished 20
    4. 4th thebagler5 #5746 he / him Finished 6
    5. 5th DisasterKatti #1175 he / him more died to 7F2 after cloud, 2.5 hands Finished 12
    6. 6th nissault #4195 Finished 6
    7. 7th Yatokami9 #1063 Finished 3
    8. 8th stewie_cartman #9117 more worst run ever. local recording stopped in w2. :) Finished 7
    9. 9th jtknott05 #2225 more wow just wow Finished 28
    10. 10th PapaTate7 #2346 Finished 130
    11. 11th Finnish2005 #5087 he / him Finished 1
    12. Jokubotti #3351 he / him DNF 21
    13. Matepe #0682 he / him more got softlocked by larry :) DNF 10
    14. Naksu #1605 DNF 25
  6. odd-bowser-4007 SMB3 Warpless Finished recorded 21 entrants
    1. 1st AliceHK8 #6141 Finished 24
    2. 2nd Lui #1410 he / him Finished 4
    3. 3rd neoshazam #3177 more 2hands(1+3),all bro w5,1st try 7-1, 5f2 death(forgot jump),delayed start,1-1dmg Finished 25
    4. 4th thebagler5 #5746 he / him Finished 2
    5. 5th stewie_cartman #9117 Finished 11
    6. 6th Brocis420 #3006 more 7-1 first try No Hands Finished 5
    7. 7th nissault #4195 Finished 8
    8. 8th Kettu82 #3476 Finished 127
    9. 9th Hocus_thePocus #6029 she / her Finished 16
    10. 10th Finnish2005 #5087 he / him more YODA :D Finished 64
    11. 11th mmondii #7036 more 7-2 cloud Finished 4
    12. 12th budzyRNG #1142 Finished 9
    13. 13th PapaTate7 #2346 Finished 346
    14. 14th DisasterKatti #1175 he / him more took the star in 1-2 Finished 14
    15. 15th Matepe #0682 he / him more played 1-1 Finished 1,421
    16. 16th Jepsii_ #4425 she / her more simpura Finished 5
    17. 17th BigOtassss #7093 Finished 93
    18. Track #2646 he / him more Me pc crash DNF 34
    19. Cookiewise #9255 DNF 122
    20. EpY94 #4506 he / him DNF 202
    21. Kuto1k #2056 DNF 203
  7. lawful-coinship-7844 SMB3 Warpless Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st neoshazam #3177 more hand1, 1st try 7-1, w4w6starbros,dmg 4-4, slow 7f2 Finished 15
    2. 2nd DisasterKatti #1175 he / him Finished 8
    3. 3rd Matepe #0682 he / him more got p-speed in 1-2 Finished 39
    4. 4th Kettu82 #3476 Finished 99
    5. 5th nissault #4195 Finished 9
    6. 6th Finnish2005 #5087 he / him Finished 26
    7. Brocis420 #3006 DNF 41
    8. Hocus_thePocus #6029 she / her DNF 25
    9. Naksu #1605 DNF 196
  8. salty-hand-0788 SMB3 Warpless Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st neoshazam #3177 more 0 hands, 2nd try 7-1, all bro w4, slow larry 2-3, Finished 17
    2. 2nd Matepe #0682 he / him more did a turnback in 2-1 Finished 63
    3. 3rd DisasterKatti #1175 he / him more failed leaf grab so damage boosted to boom boom Finished 6
    4. 4th highflyer28 #7832 he / him Finished 5
    5. 5th Cookiewise #9255 Finished 208
    6. 6th Kettu82 #3476 Finished 138
    7. 7th mmondii #7036 Finished 11
    8. 8th Jepsii_ #4425 she / her Finished 3
    9. 9th Finnish2005 #5087 he / him Finished 1,286
    10. nissault #4195 DNF 26
    11. Jokubotti #3351 he / him DNF 24
    12. Naksu #1605 DNF 85
  9. wonderful-ludwig-1513 SMB3 Warpless Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st DisasterKatti #1175 he / him Finished 15
    2. 2nd mmondii #7036 more cloud 7-6 Finished 5
    3. 3rd nissault #4195 Finished 1
    4. 4th Matepe #0682 he / him more got p-speed in 1-2 Finished 25
    5. 5th Kettu82 #3476 Finished 54
    6. 6th Finnish2005 #5087 he / him Finished 7
    7. neoshazam #3177 more p2-3 eh w/box,runawaybro and comeback (2deaths), 4f2 death,w4backdoorbro,w6starbro,7-8sniped,7f2 death DNF 25
    8. PapaTate7 #2346 DNF 102
  10. obedient-morton-7212 SMB3 Warpless Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
    1. 1st Brocis420 #3006 Finished 2,500
    2. 2nd nissault #4195 Finished 2,156