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- 01:00 MarkyMark679: KZAy230.uwnMCAVN.0
- 01:01 Jokubotti: teuvo kärrymies
- 01:01 I Make Gamma Cry: Good luck everyone!
- 01:01 Dr Torstol#8278 is not ready. (4 remaining)
- 01:01 Jon-Dat Flindo: hlfg
- 01:01 DannyPSpeed: ^
- 01:01 Dr Torstol:
- 01:01 Dr Torstol#8278 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:01 Jokubotti: gflh
- 01:02 Dr Torstol: gl
- 01:02 MarkyMark679: glhf
- 01:02 stewie_cartman: hash matches
- 01:02 stewie_cartman: glhf everyone
- 01:02 Jokubotti: lets go stew
- 01:02 stewie_cartman#9117 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:02 DannyPSpeed#8044 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:02 MarkyMark679: ok gonna release in 10 seconds
- 01:02 MarkyMark679#2732 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:30 DannyPSpeed#8044 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:27:08!
- 01:33 stewie_cartman#9117 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:30:01!
- 01:33 HealzGreatMan#2486 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:30:07!
- 01:33 HealzGreatMan: oh nice GG gents
- 01:33 Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:30:22!
- 01:33 Jon-Dat Flindo: absoluyte garbage play from me :(
- 01:33 stewie_cartman: danny im gonna dm ya so i dont say anything here
- 01:33 DannyPSpeed: ok
- 01:34 Tannhaus#8699 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:31:30!
- 01:35 Dr Torstol#8278 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:31:59!
- 01:35 Dr Torstol: had a few things i shoulda used
- 01:35 HealzGreatMan: I ended with 1 extra hammer but used all 3 clouds in 8
- 01:36 Dr Torstol: i got to the pipe with 0
- 01:36 MarkyMark679#2732 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:33:15!
- 01:36 Dr Torstol: only used 1 in valley
- 01:36 Tannhaus: 3 clouds? w8 was pretty straight
- 01:36 Tannhaus: yep only one
- 01:36 Dr Torstol: yea w8 had 0 required levels
- 01:36 HealzGreatMan: i misrouted hand bridge
- 01:37 Tannhaus: 1 cloud and 1 hammer
- 01:37 HealzGreatMan: ended up having to go back
- 01:37 HealzGreatMan: played an extra level
- 01:37 Dr Torstol: i had a cloud and hammer leftover as well
- 01:37 Jokubotti#3351 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:34:16!
- 01:37 HealzGreatMan: gg gents, gonna go to fall guys with the Mrs
- 01:37 Jokubotti: first i gave you some siima but in next race i pull the matto alta
- 01:38 Dr Torstol: did anyone hammer in w7 or w4?
- 01:38 stewie_cartman: i did in 7
- 01:38 MarkyMark679: i did in 7
- 01:38 Jon-Dat Flindo: 7
- 01:38 Tannhaus: yeah 7 as well
- 01:38 DannyPSpeed: 7 and 8
- 01:38 stewie_cartman: but i have no idea where my 2nd one came from
- 01:38 Dr Torstol: cause i found the fort in 2 pipes and didn't
- 01:38 Jon-Dat Flindo: and 8 yeah
- 01:38 Dr Torstol: hammer came from a letter entering w1
- 01:38 MarkyMark679: i didn't have 1 in w8 but found the correct fort quick
- 01:38 stewie_cartman: fuck my life
- 01:39 DannyPSpeed: heres a tip, still dont saver your clouds for w8 lol
- 01:39 Dr Torstol: i found fort in 2 pipe transitions in w7 and was like i'm a moron with a hammer
- 01:39 Dr Torstol: and i hope its useful
- 01:39 VixRyder#1476 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:36:14!
- 01:39 Race finished in 0:36:14.4
- 01:39 AngelicJade: GEEEEGEEEEEZ
- 01:39 Dr Torstol: gg
- 01:39 Tannhaus: GG
- 01:39 stewie_cartman: i think i ended with one extra cloud for w8
- 01:39 DannyPSpeed: its still risky
- 01:39 MarkyMark679: gg's all
- 01:39 DannyPSpeed: anchor was hammersuit
- 01:39 MarkyMark679: same stewie
- 01:39 VixRyder: GGs all
- 01:39 Jon-Dat Flindo: dagnabit
- 01:39 DannyPSpeed: that 2-3 was disgusting btw
- 01:39 Jon-Dat Flindo: of course it was
- 01:39 Dr Torstol: yea i said to myself i should waste this cloud somewhere
- 01:39 stewie_cartman: i never saw 2-3
- 01:39 MarkyMark679: never saw 2-3
- 01:39 Dr Torstol: what was 2-3?
- 01:39 DannyPSpeed: i burned it way early lol
- 01:39 Dr Torstol: where was it
- 01:39 Jon-Dat Flindo: yeah 2-3 was a nightmare
- 01:40 VixRyder: I had a really bad death spiral in the early game that set me back
- 01:40 VixRyder: Partly because of 2-3
- 01:40 DannyPSpeed: im pretty sure 2-3 was required lol
- 01:40 Jon-Dat Flindo: no it was a fork
- 01:40 MarkyMark679: must have blind clouded then
- 01:40 stewie_cartman: i dont remember 2-3 at all
- 01:40 Tannhaus: yeah full of nippers
- 01:40 Dr Torstol:
- 01:40 VixRyder: 2-3 was in the first world
- 01:40 DannyPSpeed: ohhh, hm why did i go back into it then LUL
- 01:40 stewie_cartman: yea i defly never saw 2-3
- 01:41 DannyPSpeed: to the new room