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- 19:25 Shalashalska: Hey, it could be me
- 19:25 workrobot: The race will start in 5 minutes.
- 19:25 Kjata89: ^
- 19:25 Kjata89: XD
- 19:25 crazdgamer#4360 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 19:25 diggidiggidang#2479 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 19:26 V2Nitro#8639 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 19:26 Kjata89#1649 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 19:26 bizn#0510 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 19:27 Kyzentun: Yeah, let's do a backwards race while nobody is looking. Everyubody compete for last place.
- 19:27 crazdgamer: sick
- 19:27 gamerX459#2857 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 19:27 notnowGwen#7410 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:28 Kjata89: i have to ask
- 19:28 Kjata89: who is gwen?
- 19:28 notnowGwen: that's me
- 19:28 notnowGwen: i know it's confusing
- 19:28 farfelu#1098 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:28 Kjata89: oh
- 19:28 Kjata89: hi gwen
- 19:29 workrobot: The race will start in 1 minute.
- 19:29 Kyzentun: As a child, notnotGwen bothered father too often.
- 19:29 Chrono: 1 minnnnnnnnnnnute
- 19:29 Kyzentun: thus thinking "notnow" was part of their name
- 19:29 SunWuFarmer: one min my bad
- 19:29 crazdgamer: glhf gamers
- 19:29 Kjata89: fhlg
- 19:29 Shalashalska: glhf
- 19:29 Chrono: glhf
- 19:29 Kjata89: rando start right?
- 19:29 Kjata89: chozo?
- 19:30 workrobot: @unready please ready
- 19:30 workrobot: The race will start in 5 minutes. Entrants who are not ready will be removed.
- 19:30 diggidiggidang: hfgl
- 19:30 Chrono: rando start, chozo items
- 19:30 notnowGwen: glhf
- 19:30 gamerX459: glhf all
- 19:30 bizn: glgl
- 19:30 SunFarmer343#8138 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:30 Nasarius: glhf
- 19:30 SunWuFarmer: glhf
- 19:30 Nasarius#3292 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:30 Chrono: glglglgl
- 19:30 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:31 Kjata89: interesting...
- 20:20 farfelu#1098 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:49:35!
- 20:20 Kjata89: gg
- 20:22 Chrono: gg
- 20:22 Kyzentun: GG
- 20:22 SunWuFarmer: gg
- 20:24 Shalashalska: gg
- 20:26 Chrono#4796 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:55:28!
- 20:26 Kyzentun#5103 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:55:44!
- 20:26 SunWuFarmer: GG
- 20:26 Chrono: GG
- 20:26 Kyzentun: I was in parlor after waving the animals when Chrono finished.
- 20:27 Kyzentun: *saving
- 20:27 SunWuFarmer: ohno
- 20:27 Chrono: Yeah... I left the animals behind :(
- 20:27 Kyzentun: Therefore Chrono is in 3rd. ;)
- 20:29 farfelu: ggs
- 20:29 Shalashalska: You won the moral victory
- 20:29 farfelu: well deserved :P
- 20:29 farfelu: they can save themselves
- 20:30 Kjata89: chrono sacrificing the animals just to get the silver
- 20:30 Chrono: worth it
- 20:30 Kjata89: gg
- 20:30 SunFarmer343#8138 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:59:31!
- 20:30 Chrono: gg
- 20:30 SunWuFarmer: ty
- 20:30 Kyzentun: GG
- 20:31 notnowGwen#7410 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:00:22!
- 20:34 Kjata89#1649 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:03:23!
- 20:37 bizn#0510 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:06:56!
- 20:41 V2Nitro#8639 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:11:05!
- 20:42 Shalashalska#6716 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:11:11!
- 20:42 Shalashalska: V2Nitro, did you save the animals
- 20:42 Shalashalska: if not, then 2 people this race lost a spot to animals
- 20:42 Kyzentun: this late, I assume nitro died at least once.
- 20:43 V2Nitro: no animals
- 20:43 V2Nitro: yeah a bit more than once...
- 20:43 V2Nitro: reset tourian 9 times
- 20:43 V2Nitro: no missile leeway
- 20:44 Shalashalska: oof
- 20:44 Kyzentun: yeah, I went in with no save the entire run, but had a 13 super leeway
- 20:44 Shalashalska: I should have just committed to getting charge, I was 55/55 when I found it but could have saved a lot of time by not looking for minors
- 20:44 Shalashalska: Or committed to not getting it
- 20:45 V2Nitro: yeah would have saved 20 minutes if I just found 1 more missile pack, oh well tho, good practice
- 20:50 crazdgamer#4360 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:19:50!
- 20:53 diggidiggidang#2479 has finished in 11th place with a time of 1:22:57!
- 21:29 gamerX459#2857 has finished in 12th place with a time of 1:58:18!
- 21:29 Race finished in 1:58:18.9
- 21:29 gamerX459: i need to memorize where all the important items are XD
- 00:27 Race result recorded by Nasarius#3292