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- 06:27 HisBeardNis: I was shaking after haha
- 06:27 Nevdi: i think there'll be another tourney, or at least a league, soon after this one
- 06:27 Gameaholic#9214 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 06:27 mrockstar#7363 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 06:27 Nevdi: so keep practicing
- 06:27 SpiffyThomas: yo, is this where we go to get points?
- 06:27 HisBeardNis: I want a league
- 06:27 SpiffyThomas#2303 joins the race.
- 06:28 HisBeardNis: OH FUCK Spiffy
- 06:28 mrockstar: no points:)
- 06:28 HisBeardNis: HAHAHa
- 06:28 Gameaholic: LOLOLOL
- 06:28 mrockstar: hahah
- 06:28 mrockstar: but yes welcome
- 06:28 Nevdi: yeah league would be sick
- 06:28 Tinnie: gimme like 2-3 min yall
- 06:28 mrockstar: okay tanne
- 06:28 HisBeardNis: Quick Spiffy
- 06:28 HisBeardNis: Catch up LOL
- 06:28 HisBeardNis: im 1 long island deep
- 06:28 analog56x#7073 joins the race.
- 06:28 mrockstar: omg
- 06:28 mrockstar: hi welcome good players
- 06:28 mrockstar: ol
- 06:28 mrockstar: lol:D
- 06:29 Nevdi: everyone enjoying the late night mediums
- 06:29 mrockstar: heh they're p great
- 06:29 SpiffyThomas: beetom fune sciser yard
- 06:29 SpiffyThomas: GLHF
- 06:29 mrockstar: ye!
- 06:29 Gameaholic: Analog wants the salty run back from that 1 second snipe
- 06:29 mrockstar: yeah we are watiting for tanne
- 06:29 SpiffyThomas#2303 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 06:30 mrockstar: tanniel
- 06:30 Tinnie#5180 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 06:30 Tinnie: ok im good
- 06:30 mrockstar: yay!
- 06:30 mrockstar: okay
- 06:30 mrockstar: now just analog
- 06:31 Tinnie: wait i gotta feed the cat xd
- 06:31 Tinnie#5180 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 06:31 mrockstar: uh oh
- 06:31 mrockstar: hurry tanniel
- 06:31 analog56x#7073 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 06:31 Tinnie#5180 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 06:31 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 06:32 mrockstar: glhf
- 06:32 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 06:32 Tinnie: glhf
- 06:32 SpiffyThomas: glhf
- 06:38 Tinnie: lmao tell me how im already lost xd
- 06:39 Tinnie: nvm i am einstein
- 06:49 Tinnie: omg im a dumbass
- 06:49 Tinnie: i lost 30 in 15 in xd
- 06:50 Tinnie: min*
- 06:50 SpiffyThomas: its all good, remember its for fun :)
- 06:50 Tinnie: yup
- 06:50 Nevdi: theres too much heat to have fun
- 06:51 SpiffyThomas: you're not wrong
- 06:52 Tinnie: i keep softlocking xd
- 06:54 SpiffyThomas: oh no lol
- 06:59 Tinnie: ugh i think i gtg
- 06:59 Tinnie: its too late xd
- 06:59 Tinnie#5180 has forfeited from the race.
- 07:00 SpiffyThomas: nice try tho!
- 07:00 Tinnie: glhf
- 07:00 SpiffyThomas: def not easy
- 07:00 Nevdi: sorry Tanne
- 07:03 analog56x: GG's Tinnie
- 07:20 Nevdi#6861 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:47:57!
- 07:20 SpiffyThomas: ggs
- 07:20 SpiffyThomas: never turned around did you?
- 07:21 Nevdi: not sure i know what u mean without giving away too much lol
- 07:21 SpiffyThomas: just general routing
- 07:27 SpiffyThomas#2303 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:54:54!
- 07:27 SpiffyThomas: ggs
- 07:27 SpiffyThomas: i just kinda made a bad decision that cost me a few minutes. looks like you pretty much god routed though
- 07:34 Nevdi: yeah im not quite sure, i didnt feel like there was another path to take
- 07:34 Nevdi: i did do one bad backtrack but movement and bosses felt good
- 07:43 SpiffyThomas#2303 added a comment.
- 07:44 HisBeardNis#0315 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:12:18!
- 07:45 HisBeardNis: GG
- 07:45 Gameaholic#9214 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:13:33!
- 07:45 Gameaholic: GG
- 07:46 SpiffyThomas: ggs
- 07:46 analog56x: GG's
- 07:48 analog56x#7073 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:15:50!
- 07:48 analog56x: GG's
- 07:48 analog56x: died to ketchup and had to redo a fight and mb all over
- 07:54 HisBeardNis#0315 is no longer done.
- 08:09 HisBeardNis#0315 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:37:46!
- 08:46 mrockstar#7363 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:14:07!
- 08:46 Race finished in 2:14:07.2