
Super Metroid Randomizer SMR Beat the game SM Rando League 2023 - Nevdi, crazdgamer, ProfessorSchool, incompetentperfectionist - V.I.L.E.P.L.U.M.E._Paper Trackers_Week 7 Coop:_Full Everything - Restream(s) at SpeedGaming5 - 51200 https://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/ee56e6ac-4989-4571-8c81-07e5cfde1619
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  1. 1st ProfessorSchool #5861 he / him more Really need to learn low speed strats. That's 2 in a row! Finished 2,614
  2. Vileplume
  3. 2nd Nevdi #6861 Finished 1
  4. Vileplume
  5. crazdgamer #4360 he / him DNF DNF 1
  6. Paper Trackers
  7. incompetentperfectionst #5166 he / him DNF DNF 1
  8. Paper Trackers
4 entrants (2 inactive)