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- 23:11 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:11 nintendofanboy08: gl
- 23:11 Pogonateur: this never started that early
- 23:11 Noki Doki: glhf
- 23:11 DarkMan_: gl
- 23:11 Pogonateur: racetime is the future
- 23:11 Jer: gl gamers
- 23:11 Noki Doki: 11 minutes race setup WR!
- 23:12 FalconrySR: GLHF
- 23:12 Noki Doki: rip Derp
- 23:13 Jer: :(
- 23:14 Noki Doki: .time
- 23:15 Noki Doki: .pb
- 23:15 torcnein: .setstream
- 23:21 1Ups: .pb :pensive:
- 23:24 FalconrySR#1829 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:24 nintendofanboy08: Got Travel SKip :o
- 23:25 FalconrySR: i literally havent eaten all day i need to eat
- 23:42 torcnein: got 2:14 pianta 6 and golded by a sec and a half lol
- 23:46 nintendofanboy08: Failed Second CutScene Skip :C
- 23:49 Jukatox: I missed honey skip. Reason: My setup wasn't good.
- 23:50 nintendofanboy08: Golded pinna 2 :)
- 23:51 nintendofanboy08: Golded Pinna 3 :o
- 23:58 nintendofanboy08: Died on Pinna 6 :c
- 00:14 1Ups: only 1 forfeit so far :eyes:
- 00:16 nintendofanboy08: Got Bad Manta RNG
- 00:17 1Ups: :raised_eyebrow:
- 00:20 torcnein: pogo mentally forfeited
- 00:21 Noki Doki: same
- 00:26 nintendofanboy08: Got 3 extra cycle king boo
- 00:28 torcnein#9909 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:17:42!
- 00:29 Noki Doki: gg
- 00:29 Vipa_51: gg
- 00:30 1UpsForLife#3877 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:19:20!
- 00:30 1Ups: whaaaaat
- 00:30 nintendofanboy08: gg
- 00:30 1Ups: had timer hid the whole time, was expecting high 1:20
- 00:31 torcnein: gg
- 00:31 Jer#2504 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:20:39!
- 00:31 1Ups: gg!
- 00:32 Jer: gg
- 00:32 Jer: I golded 3 shadow mario shines lol
- 00:33 Pogonateur#3752 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:34 Pogonateur#3752 added a comment.
- 00:34 Noki Doki#4071 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:23:15!
- 00:34 1Ups: :;(
- 00:34 1Ups: :,( sry pogo
- 00:34 1Ups: gg noki!
- 00:34 Noki Doki: thanks!
- 00:34 1Ups: you beat my race time from yesterday lol
- 00:34 Pogonateur#3752 changed their comment.
- 00:34 1Ups: i got a 1:24 :skull:
- 00:35 Vipa_51#3205 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:24:11!
- 00:35 Noki Doki#4071 added a comment.
- 00:36 1UpsForLife#3877 added a comment.
- 00:36 Vipa_51: lost 3:30 to bianco 2 and eyg
- 00:36 Ringo6575: Oof
- 00:36 Vipa_51#3205 added a comment.
- 00:36 Noki Doki: damn 1Ups, it really do be like that sometimes ^^'
- 00:37 Noki Doki: 1:13 SoB btw \o/
- 00:37 Vipa_51: nice noki doki
- 00:37 1Ups: insane
- 00:37 1Ups: im nowhere near that lol
- 00:38 Noki Doki: I'm a bit carried by King Boo tbf
- 00:38 1Ups: ohh yeah lmao
- 00:38 torcnein: other than 35sec to bianco 4 I didn't have soul crushing mistakes
- 00:38 Jukatox#5555 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:27:29!
- 00:38 Jukatox#5555 added a comment.
- 00:38 Noki Doki: gg
- 00:38 Vipa_51: gg juka
- 00:39 lilGreenYoshi#4352 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:28:32!
- 00:41 lilGreenYoshi#4352 added a comment.
- 00:42 nintendofanboy08: 2 deaths on Noki 6 :D
- 00:43 1Ups: (o:
- 00:46 nintendofanboy08#4640 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:35:08!
- 00:46 nintendofanboy08: gg
- 00:48 1Ups: gg!
- 00:48 DarkMan_#8887 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:37:00!
- 00:48 1Ups: gg!!
- 00:48 nintendofanboy08: gg
- 00:48 torcnein: gg
- 00:48 lilGreenYoshi: GG
- 00:48 DarkMan_: thanks! pb by almost 2min
- 00:48 1Ups: PogU
- 00:49 lilGreenYoshi: Pogey
- 00:49 Jer: PogChamp
- 00:49 DarkMan_: gg all of you also
- 00:50 1Ups: lego in bowser :eyes:
- 00:50 Lego#3077 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:39:36!
- 00:50 Race finished in 1:39:37.1
- 00:50 1Ups: gg!!
- 00:50 nintendofanboy08: gg!!
- 00:50 torcnein: GGs !
- 00:51 DarkMan_#8887 added a comment.
- 00:51 DarkMan_: gg lego
- 00:51 Lego#3077 added a comment.
- 00:52 nintendofanboy08: i now need to go to Sleep. Bye
- 00:53 DarkMan_: good night all gonna sleep as well
- 01:52 Race result recorded by 1UpsForLife#3877