
Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer SMZ3 Saturday Shindig - Casual race, streaming not required Normal 7/7/4 - Starts at 6pm Est, Seed rolled at 5:50pm - Come have fun and complain about the seed! shindigpig/saturday - https://samus.link/seed/Tu6k_9mcSUSjDQ8ySd_tGg - (SCISER ALCOON COVERN RIPPER)
Opened by
ShinDigPig #3475
Race monitors
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  1. 1st sk00pula #7804 he / him more 72/81 211 hover seed, with pesticides Finished
  2. 2nd SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him Finished
  3. 3rd Blandation #9472 he / him Finished
  4. 4th ShinDigPig #3475 he / him more If a Firerod is in Skull Woods I'm fucked everytime. I'll die on that hill. Finished
  5. 5th coconutED #6345 Finished
  6. 1DJSlime #3591 DNF DNF
  7. WolfyDragon #1217 he / him DNF DNF
  8. YeOldFartGamer #0197 he / him DNF DNF
8 entrants (3 inactive)