
Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer

mm2nescartridge msmetroid #8807 Solski #8295 TracieM #6711
apathyduck #3636

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. comic-peach-6005 Beat the games Finished recorded 14 entrants SGLive in person qualifier race https://beta.samus.link/seed/gqEqny_wSQOvRzhU22CTSQ
  2. fearless-waluigi-2173 Beat the games Finished recorded 6 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (0/0/0, Fast Ganon) at 3:00 PM Eastern - 63237 blitz - https://samus.link/seed/kwi_DJMaS6O7vUPF4iV_bg - (ROPA ZEBBO GIBO RIBA)
  3. zany-terry-8070 Saturday Shindig - Casual race, streaming not required Finished not recorded 6 entrants Normal 7/7/4 w/ MSU support - Starts at 6pm Est, Seed rolled at 5:50pm - Come have fun and complain about the seed! shindigpig/saturday - https://beta.samus.link/seed/UDBxXEwASByXEpogmRWHoA - (OWTCH MEDUSA KAGO SCISER)
  4. skyward-brock-6599 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard (7/7/4) at 8:00 PM Eastern - 63236 hard - https://samus.link/seed/ij2bok_JQZK9dEqoJBqFhA - (GERUDO TOPPO HOLTZ HYU)
  5. reliable-shantotto-9016 Beat the games Finished recorded 6 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (Random, Fast Ganon) at 9:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming3 - 63238 fastrandom - https://samus.link/seed/mwZrSocWRhmDQUG6APjTMQ - (MEDUSA ZEBBO GAPURA TOPPO)
  6. sunken-luma-6042 Beat the games Finished recorded 5 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard (7/5/3, Fast Ganon) at 3:00 PM Eastern - 63235 tarthoron/Hard753 - https://samus.link/seed/A3bgM-bnRN2W7xwaTTFF7w - (GERUTA ALCOON SKREE GERUTA)
  7. crafty-roy-5215 Saturday Shindig - Casual race, streaming not required Finished not recorded 4 entrants Normal 7/7/4 w/ MSU support - Starts at 6pm Est, Seed rolled at 5:50pm - Come have fun and complain about the seed! shindigpig/saturday - https://beta.samus.link/seed/n7DkP40KRKiaoLsZTNxrOg - (FANGIN TOZOKU KISU HEISHI)
  8. superb-frankerz-5031 Beat the games Finished recorded 5 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (7/7/4, Boots Start) at 8:00 PM Eastern - 63234 tarthoron/normalboots - https://beta.samus.link/seed/2W1LXRZ7QAWoPgG5HnLQCA - (KAGO OUM ZORA SOVA)
  9. witty-shadow-0838 Beat the games Finished recorded 8 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (7/7/4, Boots Start) at 9:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming6 - 63078 tarthoron/normalboots - https://beta.samus.link/seed/xnhgPd9CToaY0KYEZYEFtg - (BORU KAGO KAGO GIBO)
  10. eager-link-8972 Beat the games Finished recorded 6 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (7/5/3, Fast Ganon, Boots Start) at 3:00 PM Eastern - 63077 | https://beta.samus.link/seed/5px39eDMSsq8YNZKKzT4Tg