Race Rules (last updated January 30, 2024)
Streaming is required for all recorded races. Currently, we allow a race monitor (person who created the room) to disable streaming enforcement. This should only be done for tournament races on a stream delay or other scenarios where streaming shouldn't be enforced. Failure to provide a VOD with proof of your finish time will likely result in a disqualification. Stream archival MUST be enabled in Twitch.
For alttpr: Only glitches allowed under the Competitive section of the ALTTP glitch rules found here are allowed in recordable races. Any race that allows major glitches must state it prominently in the goal or race info.
For smr: Any form of out of bounds is banned, as is ammo underflow, wrong warps, memory corruption and fake items. Save the critters at your own discretion.
Voice calls are not allowed unless specifically determined in the race description and agreed upon beforehand.
Autotracking is allowed, for tournaments refer to that tournament's rules as they typically differ.
Emulator-specific functionality is banned (fast forward, save states, disabling layer rendering, disabling damage, etc).
ZSNES and Snes9x 1.4x are BANNED.
The following are banned for controllers: Turbo, simultaneous opposite directions on the D-pad and macros. Additionally, only one action may be mapped to any given button and only one button may be mapped to any given action.
Do not get help from another human during the race. Stream sniping is strictly forbidden. This includes watching/being in chat for restreams or for other runners.
Do not post anything in chat, or put in a comment, that contains spoilers (unless you are sure that comments cannot be seen until race completion). When in doubt, wait until the race has concluded before adding a comment to your race.
ROM and RAM inspection (except for auto-tracking) are BANNED.
Looking at another player's stream is allowed for spoiler log races (and only spoiler log races).
Suspected rule violations or cheating should be raised to the smz3 racetime mod team. Any violations in smz3 will be reported to both the The ALTTP Racing Community (TARC) admins and to the smr mod team. This means rules violators in smz3 risk bans not only for smz3 but for smr and alttpr as well.