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- 18:44 Smash_Haze: guess we'll have to manual our dones
- 18:44 AeroRaiser: that might be the issue then
- 18:44 hayFIIISSHH: Probably
- 18:45 OcNi#6308 updated the race information.
- 18:45 AeroRaiser: Im on the update right before the Twitch API changes, though idk why that could cause an issue
- 18:46 BlueZy: The thing is this has always been an issue for me lol
- 18:47 hayFIIISSHH: GLHF in advance friendos
- 18:48 Smash_Haze: alright. and ill give you an advanced GLHF. G𝓛𝓗𝓕
- 18:49 hayFIIISSHH: Also just to confrim it's Boots Book Green pearl Key Boomerang right?
- 18:49 Smash_Haze: thats what i got
- 18:50 OcNi: yup
- 18:50 hayFIIISSHH: Okay cool cool
- 18:54 hayFIIISSHH#2933 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:54 BlueZy#0141 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:55 Smash_Haze#9451 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:56 Smash_Haze: wait ok i said ready but actually i did forget what to set on my auto tracker visually
- 18:56 Smash_Haze: i can fix that in a minute, i know rupeemania and the obscure pot
- 18:56 Smash_Haze: was there anything else
- 18:56 OcNi: damaging items
- 18:56 BlueZy: damaging items
- 18:57 OcNi: it's unlikely to happen, but it's possible
- 18:57 Smash_Haze: dhc closed right
- 18:57 BlueZy: yea
- 18:57 BlueZy: when do we get golden enemies
- 18:58 Smash_Haze: i dont see damaging items as an option on emotracker
- 18:58 BlueZy: it's a sword with a greyed out bow and bomb
- 18:58 BlueZy: i think
- 18:58 BlueZy: something similar to that
- 18:58 Smash_Haze: yeah that aint here lol
- 18:58 Smash_Haze: ill manage
- 18:58 BlueZy: brb
- 18:58 BlueZy#0141 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 18:59 OcNi: Then the pack you use doesn't support that I guess?
- 18:59 OcNi: Don't worry, it's not that likely
- 18:59 OcNi: just keep in mind, killing something with bow or bombs can be logically required
- 18:59 BlueZy: back
- 18:59 BlueZy#0141 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:59 Smash_Haze: aye
- 18:59 OcNi: Like Mulldozers in DWS or Fountain
- 19:00 Smash_Haze: im mad enough to go in droplets without a sword anyway
- 19:00 OcNi: :D
- 19:00 BlueZy: mad-derpillar
- 19:00 OcNi: That'S the spirit
- 19:00 hayFIIISSHH: lol
- 19:00 Smash_Haze: i think i did do that a couple runs ago
- 19:00 AeroRaiser: Swordless Droplets isnt the worst
- 19:00 Smash_Haze: swordless low health
- 19:00 hayFIIISSHH: true
- 19:00 TreZc0_: ready when you are
- 19:00 AeroRaiser#6469 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:00 BlueZy: ohko swordless ligma
- 19:01 TreZc0_ has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:01 AeroRaiser: I wasnt sure it was gonna autostart or not
- 19:01 AeroRaiser: lol
- 19:01 TreZc0_: GLHF
- 19:01 OcNi: GLHF
- 19:01 BlueZy: gl hf
- 19:01 Smash_Haze: Glhf
- 19:01 AeroRaiser: Good fun have luck
- 19:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:24 BlueZy#0141 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:23:04!
- 21:25 OcNi: ggs
- 21:25 BlueZy#0141 added a comment.
- 21:25 BlueZy: ggs
- 21:25 Rom-Steïn: GG bluezy
- 21:25 Rom-Steïn: do you wanna join in for an interview ?
- 21:25 BlueZy: sure
- 21:25 AeroRaiser: GGs
- 21:42 AeroRaiser#6469 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:41:31!
- 21:43 hayFIIISSHH: gg
- 21:43 Rom-Steïn: GG aero !
- 21:43 hayFIIISSHH#2933 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:44 hayFIIISSHH: My brain hurt now lol
- 21:44 AeroRaiser#6469 added a comment.
- 21:45 Smash_Haze#9451 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:43:59!
- 21:45 Race finished in 2:43:59.8
- 21:45 hayFIIISSHH: GG
- 21:45 Smash_Haze: gg
- 21:45 OcNi: ggs
- 21:45 AeroRaiser: I got trolled hard by red sword
- 21:45 Smash_Haze#9451 added a comment.
- 21:45 Smash_Haze: thats your fault
- 21:45 Rom-Steïn: GG smash !
- 21:46 AeroRaiser: lol
- 21:46 Rom-Steïn: do you want to join for an interview as well ?
- 21:46 hayFIIISSHH: Where was bow lol
- 21:46 Smash_Haze: i got trolled by obscures
- 21:46 Smash_Haze: bow is in cloud tops
- 21:46 TreZc0_: gg friends
- 21:46 Smash_Haze: sure
- 21:46 TreZc0_: interview?
- 21:46 hayFIIISSHH: Well still a nice seed thx for the race y'all it was fun
- 21:47 BlueZy: ggs
- 10:40 Race result recorded by Hendrus#5799