The Minish Cap Randomizer
Race Settings
TMCR Weekly | Starts 17:00 UTC | | Hash: BRupee, Remotes, Croissant, Earth Element, Magic boomerang _ YKinstone, BEgg
- 1st KrashBoomBang #1583 he / him more Nearly last locationed cane, but managed to restrain myself from full clearing droplets and never entered CoF at all. 45 minutes for a sword, 1 hour for cane :( Finished 625
- 2nd Fenris #3271 he / him more This cane location lmoa Finished 101
- 3rd GrayLucaFox #3819 he / him more First sword and fake Pegasus Boots -.- Finished 116
3 entrants
(0 inactive)