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- 18:36 R Dragon: o/
- 18:41 norinatto updated the race information.
- 18:41 BlueZy: zsr pog
- 18:42 mashy: i'd prefer not having clean but can if needed
- 18:43 norinatto: I can use Nesman's and
- 18:43 norinatto: and BlueZy's audio for the restream
- 18:43 BlueZy: sure
- 18:43 BlueZy: by the way who rolled?
- 18:44 SDGShawn: OK, if you need to switch to me at any point let me know and I will turn my mic off :)
- 18:45 NesmaN88: am going to take some pain killers. my knuckle still really hurts
- 18:45 SDGShawn: What did you do to it?
- 18:45 norinatto: Good luck, everyone!
- 18:45 NesmaN88: cracked it
- 18:46 BlueZy: where seed
- 18:46 NesmaN88: cracked the knuckle on my little finger. cant wrap it or anything
- 18:46 Hendrus#5799 updated the race information.
- 18:46 SDGShawn: ouch Nesman
- 18:46 norinatto updated the race information.
- 18:47 NesmaN88: hash is all good
- 18:50 NesmaN88#0831 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 18:51 R Dragon#3942 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:52 BlueZy#0141 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:53 norinatto: BlueZy, is your game audio working rn?
- 18:53 norinatto: Same question for Nesman
- 18:53 BlueZy: Yes
- 18:54 BlueZy: uhhh
- 18:54 BlueZy: no what
- 18:54 BlueZy: it's not
- 18:54 BlueZy: fixed it
- 18:54 NesmaN88: yeh, my audio is working
- 18:54 NesmaN88: its just a little quiet
- 18:54 SDGShawn#8194 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:54 cochiof#4849 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:55 BlueZy: Yeah mine should be working now
- 18:55 BlueZy: Something was off with my audio settings for some reason
- 18:55 cochiof#4849 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 18:55 mashy#9949 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:56 cochiof#4849 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:56 NesmaN88: can mine be heard?
- 18:58 norinatto: it was really low
- 18:58 NesmaN88: GLHF everyone
- 18:59 BlueZy: hopefully mine stays working
- 18:59 cochiof: GL everyone
- 18:59 SDGShawn: GLHF
- 18:59 BlueZy: all my audio was off this morning
- 18:59 NesmaN88: i'll turn it up abit
- 18:59 BlueZy: GL HF all
- 18:59 mashy: glhf
- 18:59 norinatto: GLHF!
- 18:59 BlueZy: also did anyone answer who rolled the seed
- 18:59 NesmaN88: mystery
- 18:59 norinatto: Hendrus did :eyes:
- 18:59 BlueZy: FUCK
- 18:59 cochiof: Im guessing Hendrus from what Ive seen
- 18:59 SDGShawn: AH SHIT
- 18:59 NesmaN88: fuck...
- 18:59 mashy: welp
- 19:00 BlueZy: starting the new year with pain i see
- 19:00 BlueZy: the mcr way
- 19:00 SDGShawn: Time to rush AD
- 19:00 SDGShawn: :)
- 19:00 NesmaN88: \m/
- 19:00 Hendrus#5799 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:42 NesmaN88#0831 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:41:52!
- 20:43 SDGShawn: jesus gg
- 20:43 BlueZy: gg!
- 20:43 norinatto: GG, NesmaN! Interview?
- 20:43 NesmaN88: yes sure
- 20:47 mashy#9949 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:46:08!
- 20:47 norinatto: GG, mashy
- 20:47 mashy: gg
- 20:47 norinatto: Interview, mashy?
- 20:47 mashy: sure
- 20:47 NesmaN88: GG
- 20:51 mashy#9949 added a comment.
- 20:57 BlueZy#0141 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:56:39!
- 20:58 norinatto: GG, BlueZy! Interview?
- 20:58 BlueZy: Gonna feed my cat and then hop in for an interview
- 20:58 mashy: gg
- 21:07 SDGShawn#8194 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:07:01!
- 21:08 SDGShawn: gg
- 21:08 norinatto: GG, Shawn! Interview?
- 21:08 SDGShawn: I'll pass thanks, Havent had dinner yet so should go do that
- 21:08 norinatto: Enjoy your dinner!
- 21:09 norinatto: I had a super late lunch
- 21:11 SDGShawn: I havent eaten all day. Not a good idea D:
- 21:38 BlueZy#0141 added a comment.
- 21:57 cochiof#4849 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:56:53!
- 22:00 R Dragon#3942 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:59:38!
- 22:00 Race finished in 2:59:38.5
- 22:01 R Dragon: gg
- 22:04 cochiof#4849 added a comment: "First good Hendrus seed Ive plaed and I manage to fuck it up by skipping castor minish checks"
- 17:28 Race result recorded by Hendrus#5799