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- 13:42 Rom-Steïn#5947 joins the race.
- 13:42 Rom-Steïn#5947 invites Gabrieljcampos#3904 to join the race.
- 13:43 Civel: hello
- 13:43 Civel#6377 requests to join the race.
- 13:43 Rom-Steïn#5947 promoted Civel#6377 to race monitor.
- 13:43 Rom-Steïn#5947 removes Civel#6377 from the race.
- 13:44 Gabrieljcampos#3904 accepts an invitation to join.
- 13:45 mobby45: Hi just here to tell to you 2, good luck and the best win !
- 13:46 Rom-Steïn: we'll be starting late$
- 13:46 Rom-Steïn: I need to teach civel how to gen a seed
- 13:46 FrancoiseHarpie: Je gen au pire
- 13:46 Gabrieljcampos: no problem
- 13:47 Gabrieljcampos: thanks mobby
- 13:47 mobby45: i can give the preset else
- 13:47 mobby45: that i made
- 13:47 mobby45: it would be easier for him
- 13:47 mobby45: np gab !
- 13:47 Rom-Steïn: bah maintenant ça a l'air d'être bon FH ça devrait pas prendre plus longtemps
- 13:51 Rom-Steïn: FH and civel can see that together now, it will be more fair if I'm not involved
- 13:52 mobby45: yup
- 13:54 Rom-Steïn: cosmetics for me : FF5 music, blue hearts, yellow outline, gold tunic and purple magic, thanks
- 13:55 FrancoiseHarpie: I'll end up genning, any prefs for cosmetics ?
- 13:56 Gabrieljcampos: emerald music and random colors
- 14:01 FrancoiseHarpie: mets-moi monitor, civel s'occupe de setup, j'ai la seed
- 14:02 FrancoiseHarpie#3313 requests to join the race.
- 14:02 Rom-Steïn: faut que tu join request pour que j'aie l'option
- 14:02 Rom-Steïn#5947 promoted FrancoiseHarpie#3313 to race monitor.
- 14:02 Rom-Steïn#5947 removes FrancoiseHarpie#3313 from the race.
- 14:02 Rom-Steïn: voilà
- 14:03 FrancoiseHarpie#3313 updated the race information.
- 14:03 FrancoiseHarpie:
- 14:06 Rom-Steïn: hash is correct
- 14:06 Rom-Steïn: du coup y'a aussi la fanfare pour le get_item je crois ?
- 14:07 Rom-Steïn#5947 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 14:07 FrancoiseHarpie: j'ai le truc de base
- 14:07 Gabrieljcampos#3904 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 14:07 Rom-Steïn: ouais en gros c'est une ligne à comment dans le song.event mais bon osef à ce niveau là
- 14:08 Rom-Steïn: y'a un restream du coup ? chez civel ?
- 14:08 FrancoiseHarpie: ouais, je suis pas sur mon PC de stream
- 14:12 Rom-Steïn: ads should have been disabled now, except from prerolls
- 14:12 Rom-Steïn: thx twitch for re-enabling them since the alst time I disabled them
- 14:12 Gabrieljcampos: I don't have ads xD
- 14:14 Rom-Steïn: is everything alright on the restream's end ?
- 14:15 FrancoiseHarpie: getting there
- 14:24 Gabrieljcampos: my internet just dropped here
- 14:24 Gabrieljcampos: D:
- 14:25 Rom-Steïn: it's okay, we have time for it to come back
- 14:26 FrancoiseHarpie: all set here, restream is started with a brand new homemade setup, let's see how it goes
- 14:27 Rom-Steïn: still ready
- 14:27 Rom-Steïn: everything is good gabriel ?
- 14:27 FrancoiseHarpie: on y va
- 14:27 FrancoiseHarpie: glhf
- 14:28 Gabrieljcampos: yeah
- 14:28 Gabrieljcampos: GLHF
- 14:28 FrancoiseHarpie#3313 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 14:28 Rom-Steïn: GL HF
- 14:28 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 14:59 mobby45: GLHF late
- 16:44 Gabrieljcampos#3904 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:16:29!
- 16:45 Rom-Steïn: gg
- 16:45 Gabrieljcampos: gg
- 16:45 FrancoiseHarpie: GG
- 16:46 Rom-Steïn#5947 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:18:17!
- 16:46 Race finished in 2:18:17.3
- 16:46 Rom-Steïn: seed casino de mes deux
- 16:46 Gabrieljcampos: yeah
- 16:47 Gabrieljcampos: it was very jet if you just believed in graveyard xD
- 16:48 Rom-Steïn: no one in their sane mind would have rushed royal valley without the key with EVERYTHING OPEN
- 16:48 Rom-Steïn: it was casino for me
- 16:49 Civel: gabriel do you want to go in vocal for interview?
- 16:49 Gabrieljcampos: I'll pass
- 16:50 Gabrieljcampos: thanks for the reestream :)
- 16:50 Civel: okay
- 16:50 FrancoiseHarpie: that's fine, take care