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- 22:11 Skinnydee17#6028 joins the race.
- 22:12 isaac: o/
- 22:14 Skinnydee17: o/
- 22:15 isaac: Starts in 15 minutes
- 22:16 Phantom5800#8287 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 22:17 isaac: Reminder that LLC is excluded
- 22:18 Skinnydee17: Wait so Grottos are back and the 5 checks in Lake Hylia
- 22:18 Skinnydee17: what are those again?
- 22:18 Iceghost97: Monthly armos lol love the name
- 22:18 isaac: Grottos and Lake Hylia are back
- 22:18 Skinnydee17: Lake Hylia i mean
- 22:18 isaac: LLC is hype cave
- 22:18 isaac: Lake Lantern Cave
- 22:19 Tubamann: Oh, Flight is back as well?
- 22:19 Tubamann: Good to know
- 22:19 Skinnydee17: oh those okay
- 22:19 kariossa#1113 joins the race.
- 22:19 isaac: The only exclusion different from the original rules is LLC. Also Agitha is at 6 instead of 8
- 22:19 isaac: o/
- 22:19 kariossa: o/
- 22:19 Skinnydee17: o/
- 22:20 isaac: I'm getting 5th if I am not careful in here lol
- 22:20 Iceghost97#3355 joins the race.
- 22:20 isaac: o/
- 22:20 Skinnydee17: o/
- 22:20 Iceghost97: o/
- 22:20 isaac: Starts in 10 min
- 22:23 Skystorm44#0319 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 22:24 UnknownPigeon: my wii do not start...
- 22:24 Tubamann#5428 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 22:24 Tubamann: monkaW
- 22:24 UnknownPigeon: ok unplugged replugged and it work monkaS
- 22:25 isaac: Starts in 5 min
- 22:27 Iceghost97#3355 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 22:28 Valky#0547 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 22:28 kariossa#1113 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:28 Skinnydee17#6028 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:29 isaac: Starts in 1 min
- 22:30 isaac: Ready? @UnknownPigeon
- 22:30 UnknownPigeon: 5 sec
- 22:30 UnknownPigeon: rdy
- 22:30 Tubamann: I'm down to wait since they were having tech issues
- 22:30 UnknownPigeon: sry
- 22:30 UnknownPigeon#0452 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:30 isaac: Okay, starting shortly. GLHF!
- 22:30 Tubamann: JK
- 22:30 Valky: gl hf !
- 22:30 Skinnydee17: nice glhf
- 22:30 Skystorm44: GL HF !
- 22:30 isaac#6654 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:30 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:30 Iceghost97: g;=lhf'
- 22:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:38 isaac#6654 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:41 isaac#6654 added a comment.
- 00:18 kariossa#1113 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:47:22!
- 00:18 isaac: gg
- 00:18 UnknownPigeon#0452 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:19 Valky: gg
- 00:20 kariossa: gg
- 00:33 Tubamann#5428 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:02:23!
- 00:33 isaac: gg
- 00:33 Tubamann: gg
- 00:34 Tubamann#5428 added a comment.
- 00:34 peachedpocky: gg
- 00:34 Valky#0547 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:03:43!
- 00:34 isaac: gg
- 00:35 Valky: gg
- 00:35 peachedpocky: gg
- 00:35 Tubamann: gg
- 00:39 Valky: lost 20min early for a miss save&quit but.. without saving xD
- 00:42 isaac: RIP
- 00:59 Skystorm44#0319 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:27:57!
- 00:59 isaac: gg
- 00:59 Skystorm44: gg
- 00:59 peachedpocky: gg
- 01:00 NindyBK: not part of the race but gg
- 01:00 Skystorm44#0319 added a comment.
- 01:04 Phantom5800#8287 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:33:25!
- 01:05 peachedpocky: GG phantom!!
- 01:06 Phantom5800#8287 added a comment.
- 01:06 isaac: gg
- 01:46 Iceghost97#3355 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:14:56!
- 01:46 Iceghost97: gg
- 01:46 peachedpocky: GG
- 01:46 peachedpocky: PIE TIME
- 01:46 Iceghost97: ayyyyyyy
- 01:46 Iceghost97: lol
- 02:17 Skinnydee17#6028 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:45:59!
- 02:17 Race finished in 3:45:59.3
- 02:17 Skystorm44: gg
- 02:17 isaac: gg
- 02:17 Race set to not recorded by isaac#6654
- 02:17 Skinnydee17: gg